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Səhra Çiçəyi

Finding relatives in the city,she lived with them for a while,before another relative,the Somalian ambassador,took her to London,as a servant.

Səhra çiçəyi

İnsan həyat yolu ilə addımlayarkən tufanlardan keçəndə də, günəşin şəfəqlərindən həzz alanda da, burulğanın düz ortasında dayananda da onun nicatı məhz iradəsindən asılıdır.

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Nəyinsə olmayanda onun əsl dəyərini bilirsən və bizim heç nəyimiz olmadığından hər şeyə çox önəm verirdik, dəyərləndirirdik.

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Reallıq odur ki, mən bəxti gətirmiş insanam. Bəs aybaşı ağrıları ilə güclə ayaqda qalmağa çalışaraq öz keçilərini sulamaq üçün millərlə yol getməyə məcbur olan səhra qızları necə olsun? Bəs hər doğuşdan sonra vaginası əri üçün dar olsun deyə yenidən paltar kimi tikilən qadınlar? Yaxud doqquzaylıq hamilə ikən evdə acından ölən digər on bir övladı üçün səhrada yemək axtarışına çıxan analar necə? Bəs ilk övladının doğuşuna hazırlaşan vaginası sıx tikilmiş qadının sonrakı vəziyyəti? Anam kimi tək-tənha səhraya çəkilib yanında heç kim olmadan doğan qadınların aqibəti necə?

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Səhra Çiçəyi

Varis Dirie onu dünyalarca məşhur edən bu romanı yazmaq üçün nə təxəyyülünə güc verib, nə də başqalarının həyat hekayələrini soraqlayıb. “Səhra çiçəyi” müəllifin öz başına gələnlərdir: kəlməbəkəlmə, addımbaaddım yaşadıqlarıdır. Allahın sevib yaratdığı insana əta etdiyi gözəlliklərdən necə məhrum edilməsi, həyat eşqinin hələ körpə qızcığazkən balaca köksündə boğulması, dün­yəvi həzlərə həsrət qoyulması barədə olduqca qəmli bir hekayət danışır Varis. Somalinin dodaq çatladan susuz səhralarında boy atan bu çiçək, onu məhv olmağa qoymayan, bu günün Varisi edən sevgidən, insanlara, yaradılışa inamdan rişələnir. İllər sonra məşhur model olan qəhrəmanımız geridə qoyduğu tarixçəsini bölüşməyi özünə borc bilir – beləcə, “Səhra çiçəyi”ni yazmaqla özünü yazıçılıqda da sınayır. Varis Afrikanın dəhşətinə çevrilmiş “qız sünnəti”nin onu necə şikəst etdiyini anladığı andan buna qarşı mübarizə aparmağa çalışıb. “Səhra çiçəyi” həm də bu mübarizənin bir for­masıdır. Tezliklə bestsellerə çevrilən əsəri ilə o, daha da məşhur olmaqla bərabər böyüklərin əlində alətə çevrilən qızcığızlara qurtuluş yolu da göstərmiş olub.

“Səhra çiçəyi” məhz o əsərlərdəndir ki, təsirini xeyli müddət özünüzdən uzaqlaşdıra bilməyəcəksiniz.

344 pages, Paperback

First published August 19, 1998

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About the author

Waris Dirie

17 books 335 followers

Waris Dirie (Somali: Waris Diiriye, Arabic: واريس ديري‎) (born in 1965) is a Somali model, author, actress and human rights activist.

In 1997, Waris abandoned her modeling career to focus on her work against female circumcision. That same year, she was appointed UN Special Ambassador for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation(FGM).

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4 reviews 100 followers

Wow this book left me speechless. It leaves this lump in my throat and is at the same time very inspiring. With her story Waris Dirie brings awareness to the terrible tradition of female genital mutilation in Africa. Makes me feel so blessed to be living in a country where I an live a self-determined life.

9,566 reviews 55.9k followers

Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad, Waris Dirie

Waris Dirie escaped from her native Galkayo, Somalia, fleeing to Mogadishu to escape an arranged marriage. Moving with relatives to London, she worked for a while at a McDonald’s and was discovered by chance by fashion photographer Terence Donovan.

She continued via modelling in film and fashion to a stage where she was considered a supermodel. It was at this point that, with Miller, she wrote this autobiography. Shortly afterwards she became a UN ambassador for the abolition of FGM (Female genital mutilation).

Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad is an autobiographical book written by Waris Dirie and Cathleen Miller, published in 1998 about the life of Somali model, Waris Dirie.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز پانزدهم ماه آگوست سال2005میلادی

عنوان: گل صحرا؛ نویسنده: واریس دیری؛ مترجم شهلا فیلسوغی؛ تهران، نشر چشمه؛ 1383؛ در 292ص؛ چاپهای سوم و چهارم سال1385؛ چاپ پنجم سال1386؛ چاپ دهم سال1388؛ چاپ شانزدهم سال1396؛ شابک9789643621681؛ موضوع یادمانها و سفرنامه از نویسندگان سومالی – سده20م

کتاب «گل صحرا» نوشته «واریس دیری» و «کتلین میلر»، یادمانهای کودکی و نوجوانی «واریس دیری» و چگونگی ناقص سازی جنسی (ختنهٔ زنان) و فرار ایشان از «آفریقا» به‌ سوی «لندن» را شرح می‌دهد

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 29/03/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 06/02/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی

102 reviews 194 followers

Η Waris μίλησε σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο για το απαρχαιωμενο έθιμο, το οποίο εφαρμόζεται σε πολλές χώρες της Αφρικής κι όχι μόνο, τον ακρωτηριασμό των γυναικείων γεννητικών οργάνων, στο οποίο υποβλήθηκε και η ίδια σε ηλικία μόλις 5 ετών.
Γνωρίζατε ότι περίπου 200 εκατομμύρια κορίτσια και γυναίκες στον κόσμο, ζουν έχοντας υποστεί κλειτοριδεκτομή; Περίπου 6.000 κορίτσια υποβάλλονται σε ακρωτηριασμό των γεννητικών τους οργάνων κάθε ημέρα.

Τι είναι ο ακρωτηριασμό των γυναικείων γεννητικών οργάνων;
Είναι ο ακρωτηριασμός μερικός ή ολικός των εξωτερικών γυναικείων γεννητικών οργάνων.

Γιατί εφαρμόζεται;
Ο ακρωτηριασμός αυτού του είδους έχει συνδεθεί με τον έλεγχο της γυναικείας σεξουαλικότητας. Σύμφωνα με τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας, σε διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς, ορισμένοι πιστεύουν ότι η πρακτική αυτή περιορίζει τις σεξουαλικές επιθυμίες των γυναικών κι έτσι αυξάνονται οι πιθανότητες να παραμείνουν παρθένες μέχρι να παντρευτούν.
Οι γυναίκες που δεν έχουν υποβληθεί σε αυτό τερατούργημα θεωρούνται βρώμικες και δεν μπορούν να παντρευτούν.

Τι μπορεί να πάθει μια γυναίκα:
Σοβαρή αιμορραγία, πόνο και σοκ, που μερικές φορές οδηγούν σε θάνατο.
Λοίμωξη που μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε θάνατο.
Παρεμπόδιση των ούρων και της περιόδου.
Ψυχικές ασθένειες.
Σεξουαλικές δυσλειτουργίες.
Επιπλοκές κατά την εγκυμοσύνη και τον τοκετό, που μερικές φορές οδηγούν σε θάνατο.

Η ιστορία αυτή ήταν ακόμα ένας λόγος να δυναμώσει η πεποίθηση μου ότι όλοι πρέπει να υποστηρίζουμε το φεμινιστικό κίνημα. Πώς γίνεται να υποβάλλει κάποιος το ίδιο το παιδί του σε κάτι τέτοιο; Καταλαβαίνω πως όλα αυτά έχουν διαμορφωθεί ανά τους αιώνες, παρ’ όλα αυτά μπορούμε πολύ καλά να ξεχωρίζουμε το σωστό από το λάθος και αυτό είναι απλά αποτρόπαιο.

Γιατί το έθιμο αυτό εφαρμόζεται μόνο στις γυναίκες; Όπως είπε και η Waris στο βιβλίο, αν κάτι παρόμοιο γινόταν και με τους άντρες στη Σομαλία, τότε όλα θα άλλαζαν. Δεν μπορώ παρά να συμφωνήσω.

Οργανισμός Ηνωμένων Εθνών κήρυξε την 6η Φεβρουαρίου «Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά της Κλειτοριδεκτομής»

Με έχει συγκλονίσει απλά το βιβλίο. Διαβάστε το!

1,185 reviews 4 followers

Waris Dirie’s memoir is an extraordinary journey : from desert nomad,to domestic servant,to supermodel,to UN ambassador for the elimination of FGM.

She grew up in the Somali desert where life was tough. At age five,she had to endure an extreme form of FGM,which left her with lifelong damage. She was still luckier than many other girls,some of whom even died as a result of this ritual.

A few years later,her father wanted to marry her off,to a much older man in exchange for five camels. She ran away from home,and on the way to the city,survived a prowling lion,and attempted rape.

Finding relatives in the city,she lived with them for a while,before another relative,the Somalian ambassador,took her to London,as a servant.

She chose to stay on there,alone,after her relatives had left. Some moments are hard to believe. On her very first day alone in London,without any legal staus,she finds a kind stranger,willing to let her stay with her,and help her all the way.

Similarly,when she arrives in the Somalian city from the desert,she doesn’t know her relative’s address or even the neighbourhood,and yet finds herself,in front of that house. Moments like these create some doubts about her credibility.

A photographer’s interest,led to a modeling career,which eventually became successful. Along the way,she staged two fake marriages,to try and obtain a British passport.

She seems to have been willing to do anything,to survive. There are some convenient coincidences,too. Help always seems to have arrived,when she needed it.

Eventually,she started working with the UN to raise awareness,about the damage done to millions of girls,because of FGM. Today,at least,some countries have outlawed the practice.But parents of many girls continue to do it regardless.

An interesting and unusual memoir,noteworthy for putting a cruel cultural practice,under the spotlight.She also wrote a sequel,Desert Dawn,but I didn’t find it interesting.

1,215 reviews 9 followers

brilliant book, I could not put it down once I started reading it.

I read it within 24 hours, and found myself mesmerised by this womans story, and how she overcame obstacles that most of us wouldn’t dream of, to get to where she is today.

Without going into too much detail, she managed to convey the horror and trauma of being subjected to female genital circumcision, a practise that causes more problems, than it prevents, and convinces you, that as a woman, we have a duty, irregardless of where we come from in the world, we should all raise our voices and try have this horrific practise stopped, before more young girls are subjected to it, and potentially die.

The fact that it is growing, not declining is awful, and that the practise is spreading due to those faiths and nationalitys that carry this practise out are emigrating to other lands, is a revolting thought.

I would definatly recommend this book as a great read. Get it asap and read I say.

1,132 reviews 79 followers

The position of women in many African regions where old customs are prevalent is very difficult. Their lives are determined by the wishes of men who wish to control every aspect of their existence, including even their sexuality. Violence, forced marriages, genital mutilation in childhood are the main expressions of this oppression.

A young woman tries to escape all this and after many adventures he succeeds and achieves international recognition in the modelling world, thus gaining independence and respect. But the wounds of the past, and especially the terrible experience of her genital mutilation, follow her in her new life, make her life difficult and prevent her from enjoying some things, though she is surely satisfied with what she has done.

This eventually prompted her to tell her story and eventually write this book. With a simple language, with no unnecessary literary ornaments, which goes comfortably from humor to the most dramatic tones, she narrates in an eloqued and honest way her journey, giving a message of the courage and perseverance that must lead people to the search for a better life. At the same time, she makes a complaint of this inhumane practice, putting her own contribution in the struggle to eradicate this inhuman practice, a struggle that shows the first positive results 20 years after the writing of the book. I especially like the fact that she is doing this without rejecting her culture, for which is proud, something that is very important as many people use this struggle to pass their racist messages.

An important book that manages to pass its message without melodramatics and exaggerations, talking about the difficulties but above all about the joy of life.

Η θέση των γυναικών σε πολλές περιοχές της Αφρικής όπου επικρατούν πολύ παλιά έθιμα είναι πολύ δύσκολη. Η ζωή τους καθορίζεται απόλυτα από τις επιθυμίες των ανδρών οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να ελέγχουν κάθε πτυχή της ύπαρξής τους, συμπεριλαμβανομένης ακόμα και τις σεξουαλικότητας τους. Η βία, οι αναγκαστικοί γάμοι, ο ακρωτηριασμός των γεννητικών οργάνων στην παιδική ηλικία είναι οι κύριες εκφράσεις αυτής της καταπίεσης.

Από όλα αυτά προσπαθεί να ξεφύγει μία νεαρή γυναίκα και μετά από πολλές περιπέτειες τα καταφέρνει, φτάνοντας στην διεθνή καταξίωση στο χώρο του μόντελινγκ, κερδίζοντας έτσι ανεξαρτησία και σεβασμό. Οι πληγές του παρελθόντος, όμως, και κυρίως η φρικτή εμπειρία του ακρωτηριασμού των γενετικών της οργάνων την ακολουθούν στη νέα της ζωή, τη δυσκολεύουν και την εμποδίζουν να χαρεί κάποια πράγματα, αν και σίγουρα είναι ικανοποιημένη από όσα κατάφερε.

Αυτό την ώθησε κάποια στιγμή να πει την ιστορία της και τελικά να γράψει αυτό εδώ το βιβλίο. Με γλώσσα απλή, χωρίς περιττά λογοτεχνικά στολίδια, πού πηγαίνει άνετα από το χιούμορ στους πιο δραματικούς τόνους, αφηγείται με γλαφυρό τρόπο και ειλικρίνεια αυτή την πορεία της δίνοντας έτσι ένα μήνυμα για το θάρρος και την επιμονή που πρέπει να οδηγεί τους ανθρώπους στην αναζήτηση μιας καλύτερης ζωής. Παράλληλα κάνει μία καταγγελία αυτής της απάνθρωπης πρακτικής, βάζοντας το δικό της λιθαράκι στον αγώνα για την εξάλειψη της, ενός αγώνα που 20 χρόνια μετά τη συγγραφή του βιβλίου εμφανίζει το πρώτα θετικά αποτελέσματα. Μου αρέσει ιδιαίτερα πως το κάνει αυτό χωρίς να απορρίπτει την κουλτούρα της, γιατί οποία είναι περήφανη, κάτι πολύ σημαντικό καθώς πολλοί χρησιμοποιούν αυτόν τον αγώνα για να περάσουν τα ρατσιστικά τους μηνύματ��.

Ένα σημαντικό βιβλίο που καταφέρνει να περάσει το μήνυμα του χωρίς μελοδραματισμούς και υπερβολές, που μιλάει για τις δυσκολίες αλλά πάνω από όλα για τη χαρά της ζωής.

668 reviews 788 followers

Waris is an inspiration to all. She overcame so much to grasp a chance at true freedom. She is now a determined spokesperson against female genital mutilation. Very good book.

3 Stars = I liked the book. I’m glad I read it.

81 reviews 43 followers

قبل از سفرم ،،، کتاب را از بوک لند پالادیوم خریدم،،، کتاب سبک با جلد تسخیر کننده ای از یک زن سومالیایی که در شرح پشت جلد از مساله ختنه زنان در سومالی صحبت کرده بود
در طی داستان ختنه و آداب و سنت ان‌با جزییات مطرح نشده بود
تنها به نظرم ختنه مساله ای بود که واریس دیری ( قهرمان داستان) توانسته بود در خبرگزاری ها و کنفرانس ها بابت ش درآمدی داشته باشد
در کل اتو بیوگرافی با سطح ادبیات متوسط و ضعیفی داشت

4,692 reviews 14.1k followers
Thoughts soon.
913 reviews 389 followers

There is a lot to admire about Waris Dirie and her story. Raised in a nomadic Somali family, apparently raped at age four and then mutilated in a female circumcision ritual at age five, Dirie bravely ran away from home at thirteen to avoid being married off to an old man. Dirie endured a great many trials and tribulations — finding her way to Mogadishu and to her long-lost relatives, a string of unsuccessful living arrangements, working as a maid in London and then as kitchen help in McDonalds with minimal English language or literacy. Eventually, in an amazing rags-to-riches trajectory, Dirie embarks on a successful modeling career and then uses her success to speak out against female genital mutilation (FGM).

It’s a shocking story and it reads quickly despite the mediocre writing which detracted some. Unfortunately I just couldn’t warm up to Dirie as a narrator. Some goodreaders perceived her as disingenuous, which is something that occurred to me as well although that may just be general memoir skepticism (thank you James Frey for stealing my innocence). I think the real problem was that I just didn’t like Dirie. She’s not someone I would ever want to meet or hang out with, although I do respect what she’s been through and genuinely admire her triumph over adversity and her activism. Maybe it’s cultural, or part of growing up in a tough world and having tough experiences, but Dirie seemed superficial, self-involved, and Machiavellian to me, using people when it suited her and discarding them when it didn’t, falling out with family members without taking much responsibility for her own behavior, failing to respect people’s wishes at times, etc. Plus I felt that some of her musings sadly lived up to negative stereotypes of models and modeling as superficial and vain. Dirie redeemed herself somewhat in my eyes with her commitment to activism, but I still felt I couldn’t really connect with her.

I thought Infidel, a memoir which covered similar ground, was a far superior book with a much more relatable and admirable narrator.

335 reviews 537 followers
Šokiruojanti istorija. Silpna literatūra.
1 review 3 followers
..και λεγόμαστε “άνθρωποι”
482 reviews 500 followers

Esto ha sido un gran viaje. Aunque muy duro. Nos encontramos ante la biografía de la modelo Waris Dirie. El libro es un recorrido por toda su vida, empezando por su niñez en una familia nómada de Somalia, hasta convertirse en una famosa modelo en Europa y América. Lo mejor del libro sin duda es la forma tan directa en que Waris narra su vida. Si dulcificar nada. Todo honesto. Todo justo y claro.

Tuve todo el tiempo la sensación de estar charlando con una amiga que me estaba contando la historia de su vida. Esa forma tan directa de contar sus vivencias te hace meterte de lleno en la ella. Y por eso, en parte, resulta tan dura leerla.

El punto central de esta historia, y la razón por la que Waris ha querido contarla es la ablación femenina. Una práctica horrible y salvaje que a día de hoy se sigue practicando. Es su manera de denunciarla. Su manera de luchar contra ella. Y los capítulos en los que se habla de esta práctica son horriblemente duros. Imposible no emocionarse. Es sorprendente las cosas tan horribles que el hombre puede hacerle a la mujer. Y todo a causa de lo fragilidad del concpeto de “masculinidad”.

Me ha encantado conocer a Waris. Vaya mujer más poderosa. Leeré sus otros libros sin duda alguna.

453 reviews 291 followers

واریس دیری یک مدل بین الملی و سخنگوی حقوق زنان در آفریقا است که در دوازده سالگی مجبور به فرار از زندگی کوچ نشینی در سومالی شده است.
در این کتاب سرگذشت و حوادث تلخ و شیرین زندگی او از زبان خودش نوشته شده است.
مانند بیشتر دختران آفریقایی واریس دیری در سن پنج سالگی ختنه شده است و خاطره تلخ این اتفاق و پیامدهای آن در زندگی وی باعث شده است که بعد از رسیدن به شهرت و موفقیت برای آگاه سازی جهانیان از این سنت وحشتناک و بیرحمانه اقدام کند.

قسمتی از کتاب:
مشکلاتی که از زمان ختنه شدنم گریبانم را گرفته بود میلیونها زن و دختر را در سراسر دنیا دچار خود کرده بود. به خاطر سنتی که مبتنی بر نا آگاهی است. بیشتر زنان قاره آفریقا زندگی شان را با درد و رنج می گذرانند. چه کسی در صحرا به زنی مثل مادرم که نه پول دارد و نه قدرت کمک خواهد کرد؟ کسی باید به جای دختری که صدایی ندارد حرف بزند. خدا مرا وقتی از خانه فرار کردم از دست شیر در صحرا نجات داد و از آن لحظه به بعد احساس کردم که برای من نقشه ای دارد. دلیلی برای زنده نگه داشتنم. احساس می کنم سرنوشت من این است که به آنها کمک کنم.

45 reviews 11 followers

Εγώ δεν θα πω πολλά. Δεν χρειάζεται άλλωστε.Αυτό το βιβλίο μ’έκανε να εκτιμήσω την ζωή που έχω τωρα. Πράγματα που εγώ θεωρώ αυτονόητα , αυτη η γυναίκα δεν τα είχε ποτέ στη ζωη της. Το δικαίωμα της επιλογής, το δικαίωμα στον έρωτα (είτε σαρκικό , είτε συναισθηματικό) και γενικα την ελευθερία. Αξίζει να το διαβάσεις γιατί μέσα απο την πολυτάραχη ζωή αυτής της γυναίκας θα δεις τη ζωή με άλλο μάτι.

264 reviews 1,834 followers

a fascinating and harrowing memoir, especially during the first half, but waris has such an incredible story to tell. her dedication towards helping to stop FGM across the world is so apparent, and she serves as a great example of a model (or even just someone in the public eye) using her platform to create positive change and a better future for women and girls.

241 reviews 121 followers

In my opinion this is a tremendously important book. It is not just a wonderful memoir and a tale of amazing bravery of Waris Dirie, but also an detail account of FGM from the perspective of a victim. The reason why I picked up this book was mainly because I wanted to learn something more about FGM. I did learn something more, the kind of information that is personal not just theoretical. In addition, Waris does not only tell her story. She tells the story of other women she had known that have suffered and in some cases had died because of FGM. Reading about FGM from Waris’ experience( as a personal account of someone who had been subjected to it) was emotionally difficult yet I think to understand even a glimpse of what these women go to it is necessary to hear the story as they tell it.

What I didn’t know before reading this book is that the practice of FGM is actually increasing not decreasing as immigrant are taking this terrible custom with them into the western world. To be honest, I’m sometimes frustrated by the feminist associations because to me they seem to worry about such insignificant things. Personally I don’t care would someone call me signorina or signora, miss or mrs, madam or mademoiselle .There are more important problems that women worldwide are facing ! FGM is a burning issue and it deserves even more attention. There is so much violence that happens to women in the name of religion and tradition. However, in my view the practice of FGM is by far the worst thing. There are probably more victims of FGM than of wars in some areas- and the victims are mostly little girls. Unfortunately, things like this often go unnoticed. It seems to me that when people say that they don’t want to interfere with somebody’s religious liberties, they mean that they don’t care enough to do something about the victims of specific ‘religious liberties’. (What is the big thing about religion liberty anyway? Why does religious liberty often include hurting someone else? Shouldn’t the goal of religion be aspiring to a personal relationship with God? Well, it’s not the goal of religion- from what I see the purpose of religion is to organize people who believe in the same things so they could feel cozy and secure surrounded by people who are just afraid to question things as they are. )

While reading „The Desert Flower” I found myself immersed in Waris’ honest and simple narrative of her life. Aside for being interested in Waris’ life story I also found her personality fascinating. Waris is such a brave women, a wonderful example of what is best in a human spirit. Her reflections on special moments in her life as a nomad and as a supermodel were honest and often humorous. Waris is a survivor and I admire her greatly for having the courage to talk about all the things that she so openly talks about in this book, from the FGM to fashion industry. Despite all the hardship she had endured, Waris is so full of life and ready to make the most of every situation she finds herself in. She even has courage to be a mother and to find love. After all that she has gone through, she looks at a world without hate just with concern. Waris is prepared to risk being killed by some fundamentalist because of all the things she has to tell. The least that everyone can do is listen to what she has to say- read this book and hear her out.

I found so many of her thoughts to be not just true but also important. Many of them have gone through my head at some point in my life. For instance, why do they always make Afican models wear so much white foundation? Waris describes at one point how she felt frustrated because she felt that they were trying to turn her into a twisted black version of Cindy Crawford. As far I can see it, this is a trend that it is not going away. I will never understand why they are putting so much white powder all those female African actresses, politicians, models, TV personalities etc. When I see all those beautiful faces looking unnatural because they are painted in white, it really makes me sad. What they could be implying? It cannot be good. From my perspective, it’s just racism.

I’ve read this book last night and I really enjoyed reading it. I even wouldn’t mind if the book was longer. (There are sequels, right? I plan to read those.) Despite the fact that Waris talks about horrific things, this is one of the most uplifting books I have read because it really is a story of survival of an amazing woman.

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