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How To Calibrate Xbox One Controller on Windows PC? – 3 Easy Ways

Microsoft has done a fantastic job to ensure Xbox and Windows work together. Pairing controllers to your PC is often super easy, often a matter of plugging a USB cable or turning on the Bluetooth. However, sometimes, you may need to intervene for some manual changes.

Gamers know how important it is to maintain and care for their gear. Part of the job is making sure your controllers are in great condition. In particular, wrong settings can damage your aiming, precision, movement, and more.

Therefore, one of the most significant manual changes is calibrating Xbox One controllers. It fixes axis issues, drift movement, thumbstick sensitivity, and similar. In essence, recalibrating the controller will bring back the smooth feel of a factory condition controller.

Why Is My Xbox One Controller Not Calibrated?

You will know you need to calibrate Xbox One controller when you’re having trouble playing. Wrong calibration settings produce random movement during your playtime.

In particular, the issue may rely on the Axis, which is your X-Y-Z movement and perspective.

A non-calibrated controller is a common issue on these occasions:

  • You’re using a new controller on your Windows PC
  • You’re using a very old controller on your Windows PC
  • You haven’t used the controller for a while on your PC
  • Steam, Epic Games, or Windows automatically changed your controller’s settings after an update
  • There’s physical damage like wear, tear, dust or rust in the controller.

For all causes, the steps are the same. Bear in mind that Xbox One calibration has nothing to do with your PC’s drivers or the controller’s firmware. Either way, keeping both up to date is best to avoid connectivity issues.

How to Calibrate Xbox One Controller?

Windows 10 and Windows 11 PCs have a built-in program for the job, the Calibration Tool.

This works with any controller you plug via a USB cable, including any PlayStation, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, or any generic controller. So, our instructions can help you calibrate any controller you have.

There’re three ways to calibrate Xbox One controller on Windows 10:

  1. Reset the settings to default
  2. Calibrate the controller manually
  3. Calibrate the controller via Steam

Before trying one of the three solutions, please make sure your Windows PC recognizes the controller.

How to Reset the Xbox One Controller Calibration?

The first method is resetting the settings. It’s a good idea to test it before manually calibrating the peripheral, as it can be tough. Additionally, you can always engage the option if the manual calibration goes wrong.

  1. Plug your controller into the PC via a USB cable.
    These steps don’t work wireless or via Bluetooth. Only by connecting a controller to the PC can Windows engage the Calibration tool.
  2. Open the Control Panel
    Type “Control Panel” on your Windows search bar and open “Control Panel.”
  3. Go to “Devices and Printer.”

If it’s not working properly, please continue to the next method. Alternatively, you could start with a manual calibrate instead of resetting to default.

How to Calibrate Xbox One Controller Manually?

We’re going back to the same menu as before for a manual calibration:

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Select Devices and Printers
  3. Go to your controller’s Game Controller Settings
    Remember to right-click on the peripheral at the Devices and Printers hardware menu. Then, click on the first option in the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose to Calibrate on Settings

The next step is moving the Z-Axis up and down. That means moving the left and right sticks all the way and then down. After you finish, press a button on your controller, and click next. Once again, check the raw data box.

How to Calibrate Xbox One Controller on Steam?

There’re various third-party software calibration features, but we recommend using Stream to calibrate the Xbox One controller. Bear in mind that the Epic Games launcher doesn’t have calibration options.

So, we’re recommending Valve’s storefront, as most PC games already have a Steam account and use the app to buy and play games.

Moreover, Steam allows you to fine-tune the controller on a game-by-game basis, even if these games don’t support USB controllers. It’s a great all-around tool to use.

Here’re the steps:

Now, you can move the sliders to adjust the stick’s deadzones. These areas around your controller’s thumbstick don’t respond to movements.

Jose Zapata has been writing about video games at TNT for nearly 4 years. He specializes in video-game troubleshooting, gaming lists, guides, and similar content. In 2021, he created an entertainment commentary/gaming YouTube channel, and he began editing gameplay videos for semi-professional eSports players (Warzone, Rocket League, AoE, and others). However, he prefers the RPG genre, ranging from classic and turn-based like Baldur’s Gate, to modern and open-world action-RPG titles like Elden Ring. He also has a competitive side for RTS games like Age of Empires II and Age of Empires IV…not the pro skills, though! Jose has worked as a content writer for nearly a decade for various tech-related digital magazines. He also has a background as a musician, so he used to work at BegginnerGuitarHQ, where he wrote musical tutorials. Lastly, he’s proficient with video editing and image processing tools such as Premiere, After Effects, and Photoshop, and he has several diplomas in audiovisual production. You can contact him at

XBox kontrollerini tozalang

Agar siz ko’pchilikka o’xshasangiz, bir muncha vaqt o’tgach, XBOX 360 kontrolleringizda xunuk axloqsizlik va ter plyonkasini ko’rasiz. Bu erda tozalash bo’yicha ba’zi maslahatlar mavjud.

harakat kursi

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