XR Immersive Tech Files ‘Plug and Play’ XR Patents
This will translate all HRIT files with channels VIS* (VIS006, VIS008), segments 3 until 7, of februari 2004 and time 21:00, together with their prologue files.
XRIT2PIC manual (release 2016, working on).
Picture-data can be viewed directly, or translated into standard picture formats.
Xrit2pic can perform some simple dataprocessing; e.g. false colour pictures may be generated by mapping multiple channels onto different colours. Some dedicated mappings (e.g. fog and dust detection) are built-in. (Currently only working for MSG.)
Xrit2pic can also generate anaglyphs (3D images); the luminance is translated into altitude.
Movie generation is implemented, and is also possible in combination with all mentioned features.
For polar satellites tracks may be plotted on a world map; selection of parts of a track to view or export is supported.
All data processing is done using directly the received raw files, so without generation of intermediate files.
Next figure shows the place of xrit2pic in a MSG receiving environment.
- The receiver must be a DVB-S2 / VMBR type. There are ethernet types (SR1 of Ayecka) and several USB types, as well as PCI cards.
- The Tellique software extracts data from the tuner and places it onto the disc. This program is available at Eumetsat. Note that to receive all data a encription key (EKU) is needed; without this key only the so-called ‘essential data’ is available:
- essential MSG data: 0:00, 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00, so just 4 pictures each day
- licensed data (EKU needed): each 15 minutes (MSG) or each 5 minutes (RSS), so 96 or 288 pictures each day
Note: This is just an example; data coming from the Eumetsat ftp service, located on a CDROM etc. are equally suitable to manage by xrit2pic .
- Intel Linux 32 bits
- Intel Linux 64-bits
- Windows, runs on 32 and 64-bits
- Arm Linux 64 bits (Raspberry Pi, command line version only)
- Arm Linux 32 bits (Raspberry Pi, command line version only)
xrit2pic is also compilable for other platforms (Sun/Solaris, MAC, etc.); source code is available (ask for the newest source code; the code on the web-site is not always up-to-date)
Note that (as far as I know) Eumetsat does only support Linux and Windows platforms, for their Tellique software.xrit2pic organizes all information and represents the available pictures in a human-friendly way. Selected pictures may be translated into standard formats, allowing post processing and/or viewing them with other programs.
There is also a non-gui mode, making the program suitable in batch mode.
Xrit2pic doesn’t need much PC memory; normally way under 1G. Executing several xrit2pic’s in parallel is no problem. Note, however, that xrit2pic can delete (on request, of course) or move files; if a second xrit2pic is using the same data it can get “confused” (but should not crash!).
Supported formats.
- HDF5
- Native
- bzip2 data from Himawari
- 10 bits per pixel plain format
- 8 bits per pixel plain format
- HRPT format of NOAA
- EPS format of METOP
- Admin messages (xml based)
- JPEG files coming from David’s MSG Data Manager
- DWDSAT formats:
- currently only file management
xrit2pic has default settings for about everything. They may be changed in the Preferences part; user settings are saved in xrit2pic.ini stored in the directory where the program is started.
Some tabs contain a ‘Save’ button, to store the settings in that tab. Currently this is done for the ‘main’ tab (under ‘More’), ‘Record’ tab, and ‘Received’ tab. (This replaces the ‘gui state sav’ option in previous versions of xrit2pic.)
- Directory where xrit2pic is started (not necessarely where the program is located!)
- In $HOME directory (Windows: C:\)
- On same location as where the program is installed
- Source location: Place where Tellique dumps the files; by default:
- Linux: from_msg/received
- Windows: c:\Program Files\T-Systems\Business TV-IP\received\
- Linux: the location where the program is started.
- Windows: C:\
Xrit2pic and MSG Data Manager.
- xrit2pic moves received data to received\done, in record mode
- MDM deletes raw data after translation, or moves raw data to a certain directory
- Don’t use xrit2pic and MDM together on the same ‘received’ directory.
Also don’t use MDM on the ‘done’ directory of xrit2pic.
There is one exception: You may use MDM for MSG and xrit2pic for AVHRR together, if you don’t have David’s AVHRR Manager. xrit2pic has a special AVHRR mode, which makes it ‘blind’ for MSG data; MDM is ‘blind’ for AVHRR anyway. So, MDM will not touch AVHRR files; xrit2pic will not touch other than AVHRR files. This prevents conflicts between the 2 programs.
Note that if xrit2pic is in continuous update mode (see record) and in AVHRR mode then MDM should also be activated. Otherwise the ‘received’ directory will get a lot of files, and xrit2pic will need more and more time to analyze this dir, to see if new files are added. (This is one of the reasons why both programs try to keep the received directory empty!)Postprocessing.
- In xrit2pic: Set the ‘received’ directory to the location where MDM stores the jpeg files.
- If IR channels have to be handled, make sure that MDM uses thermal mapping for all channels. Note that by default WV channels are NOT translated the right way!
- Special mappings like airmass etc. (see second note!),
- generating movies
- using HRV channel in combination with other channels to make high resolution colour pics
- Etc.
Main window.
- Main : showing an organized tree structure of all received data.
From here, items can be selected to view and export. - Record : organize what to do with just received data. For this, the ‘Update’ mode needs to be enabled; this will update the tree in the main tab, generate pictures/movies as soon as all needed data is received, and also will remove data not needed anymore, or data exceeding a certain age.
- Received : Here you can define the location where received data is to expect. Multiple locations may be defined, from which one needs to be choose to work on.
- Archive: This will move raw data to another location, so it is not shown in the main tab anymore, but can be accessed for later processing. While data in the main tab may be removed in an automatic way, archived data will not be touched/deleted, except if done explicitely in a manual way.
- Exported: Showing all data generated from the raw data. External viewing programs may be defined to show these files, like eog, irfanview etc.
- Program info : showing some program info, like version.
- The blue lines show the available ‘groups’, i.e. received pictures of a particular time and type (e.g. LRIT, HRIT).
- The code in the colum ‘Format’ shows briefly the channels available; V=Visible spectrum,I=Infra-red, W=water vapour
- The column ‘Format’ now shows the compression method used for the received picture (Wavelet, JPEG)
- The column ‘Segments’ shows the amount of pieces (files) for each channel: actual amount and expected. Normally these 2 numbers are equal.
- The column ‘Format’ now shows the size of each segment.
- The column ‘Segments’ shows the segment number.
- The column ‘Channel’ shows a rough estimation of the lattitude range of each segment.
- Select a set of channels by clicking on a blue line.
- Select a channel by clicking on a green (or red) line.
- Select a segment of a channel, by clicking on a black line.
- Click on the first item to select, keep the mouse button pressed and move the mouse to the last item to select, then release the mouse button.
- Or: Click on the first item to select, scrol to the last item, then press shift-key and click on last item. All items in between will be selected.
- To add single items to the selection: Press control-key and click on items to add.
Buttons in main window.
To make selection easier certain items visible in the tree can be hidden, using the second button under ‘List’ (now showing ‘All’); e.g. just HRIT picture items can be made visible, or just LRIT MET7 items, etc.
This list will only show items present in the tree.Expand: Expand the tree 1 level, so all channels become visible. Clicking again will collapse the list.
Menu items
- File -> Reload: Clear the list and read the source directory content again. (See also ‘Update 1x’ in the record part.)
- File -> Filenames selected: Show filenames connected to selected item(s)
- File -> Fileinfo selected: Show detailed info (header content) of selected items(s)
- File -> Script selected: Generate a script containing selected items. Running this script will just do a ‘ls’ (‘dir’) for all items. By replacing the ls (dir) command in the script ‘everything’ can be done with the selected items (e.g. move them to another directory, zipping, etc.).
- File -> Archive selected: Archive selected items (popup to choose archive dest.)
- File -> Delete selected: Delete item(s) selected in the tree.
Note: Deleting AVHRR files is only possible after selecting a blue line. Single channels can not be deleted because all chanels are in 1 file. - File -> Delete old: Delete old item(s) (see preferences).
- File -> Delete temp. movie files: Delete temp. files used to generate a movie. Generation of movie.
- File -> Show overlay files: Show all available overlay files (see also Overlay.)
- File -> Show LUT files: Show all available LUT files
- Edit -> Preferences: See Preferences
- Edit -> Save gui state: Save state of buttons etc.; these settings will be restored after restart. Note: From version 2016 on this button is only shown if loading/restoring button states is enabled in Preferences!
- Projections -> AVHRR lin : Linearize AVHRR pictures
- Projections -> Proj -> : Use special mappings:
- Plate Carree
- Mercator
- Polar north
- Polar south
- Europe : Only the Europe part of pictures will be shown/exported. (size = 1/4×1/4 of original).
After selection of one or more items a preview or file generation can be performed.
Basic actions in the main tab.
- Select the picture to show.
- Click on ‘Preview’. Selected picture (or message) is now visible.
- To zoom in, press ‘i’
- To zoom in on a particular part place the cursor and then press ‘I’.
- To zoom out, press ‘o’
- Full zoom: press ‘f’ or ‘F’
- Scroll through the picture by means of arrow keys or scrol bars.
- Z=[x,y]: zoom factors
- N=[x,y]: pixel-range visibl
- D=[x,y]: picture-pixels per screen-pixel. A value of 1 means: one pic-pixel is mapped on exactly one screen-pixel.
- File -> Save jpeg : save (zoomed) picture in jpeg format.
- File -> Save pgm : save (zoomed) picture in pgm format.
- File -> Save pgm8 : save (zoomed) picture in 8 bbpp pgm format, also if source is 10 bpp.
- File -> Screendump: save screendump of picture in 8 bpp pgm format.
- View -> Lumgraph: Popup with grahs for RGB and luminance.
- View -> Zoom:
- ->Values: Add buttons to fine-tune zoom
- ->Full: full zoom (key: ‘f’)
- ->Full: zoom in (key: ‘i’)
- ->Full: zoom out (key: ‘o’)
- Plate Carree, Mercator, Polar north, Polar south
- Ovl_dim: reduce luminance of overlay lines (only present if overlay is enabled)
- Pos: This field shows cursor position. If actual position is known then this is shown (lon/lat), otherwise x/y is shown.
- Val: Value of pixel (if in temperature mapping, for IR channels: show temperature cursor position in Celcius)
- Gamma: Set gamma correction.
- Shift: The max. amount of shift (in pixels) between red (left) and cyan (right).
- Lbnd, Hbnd: lowest/highest boundary; differences in depth are shown between these 2 levels.
- Init: Tick this to adjust the Lnbd and Hbnd levels in an easy way.
- Dpthchan: Channel used for depth information.
If not ticked the luminance of the picture itself is used.
If ticked a dedicated channel (see Preferences) is used. By default this is channel 9 (IR_108). - OL_3D: if overlay is selected (see main window then the overlay is shown at the “deepest” level.
If not selected the overlay is shown as one solid white line, as in non-anaglyph mode. - OL_lum: Brightness of 3D overlay.
- The Preview settings (zooming, inverting, flipping, luminance settings etc.) are taken into account if the picture is saved using the ‘File -> Save’ menu item of the preview window.
- ‘Save pgm’: Exact format depends on picture to save:
- colour gives PPM format
- from HRIT gives PGM 16 bits per pixel
- from LRIT gives PGM 8 bits per pixel
- Interested in just Europe: Check ‘Europe’ in the main window menu bar. –>
- During translation and drawing, if you want to zoom in: Do this as the picture is drawn. Only visible segments are translated; there is no need to wait for the full picture before zooming into a certain part. (Zooming will not have effect immediately; first the translation of a segment has to be completed.)
Fast’. This speeds up especially composed pictures (colour, high-res colour). (Data after composing is kept in memory.)
- Select the picture (or message) to export (i.e., generate a file).
- Select ‘Compose’ to generate a colour picture (for this a group, i.e. blue line, has to be selected).
- Choose Europe and/or Anaglyph if desired.
- Choose overlay and overlay type if desired.
- Click on ‘Export’.
- PGM16 for pictures transmited in Wavelet 10 format (e.g. HRIT)
- PGM8 for pictures transmited in Wavelet 8 format (e.g. foreign LRIT)
- PPM for colour pictures transmited in Wavelet 8 format (e.g. foreign LRIT)
- JPEG for pictures transmited in JPEG format (LRIT MSG)
- For AVHRR:
- RAH if a group (blue line) is selected and NO colour mapping window is open (Only NOAA!)
- PPM if a group (blue line) is selected and colour mapping window is open
- PGM16 if a channel (green line) is selected
- wsat (see for format 10Bformat)
- HRPTReader (of David Taylor)
If the picture needs to be exported with special options, i.e. zoomed, custom luminance settings etc., use the File->Save menu in the preview window.
Data processing.
- Overlay
- Compose (coloured pictures)
- Special mappings
- High resolution colour pictures
- When will what be generated.
- Anaglyphs
Overlay for MSG: Country boundaries etc.
- Use the “picture” overlay files of Eumetsat
- Use vector-based overlay files
“Picture” overlay files.
- On same location as where the program is installed
- Directory where xrit2pic is started (preferred)
- In $HOME directory (Windows: C:\)
- Satellite: MSG (meteosat 8,9,10,11), meteosat 7/6/5, goes or mtsat
- Channel shown
- Overlay type choosen (coast, country)
- A built-in table which links the picture type to a file containing the overlay (that’s why you shouldn’t change the file names)
- msg_0d (position 0 degrees) or
- msg_9.5d_rss (position 9.5 degrees, Rapid Scan Service).
“Vector” overlay files.
- On same location as where the program is installed
- Directory where xrit2pic is started (preferred)
- In $HOME directory (Windows: C:\)
lon/lat lines.
lon/lat lines may be activated for each satellite; see menu View->lon_lat. For NOAA a suitable Kepler file is necessary, e.g.: http://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/noaa.txt
The file may contain multiple entries for each satellite; xrit2pic will take the nearest in time. Note: The files shouldn’t be too old, to maximize accuracy. So this file has to be renewed from time to time.
The name of the noaa file (default ‘noaa.txt’) may be changed in the preferences.Colour pictures.
Generation of colour pictures is possible with ‘Preview’ or as a file in 3-bytes PPM or JPEG format.If a ‘blue line’ is selected then a colourpicture can be generated; click on ‘Enable’ in the ‘Colours’ box. By default the following mapping is used:
redgreenblue HRITIR016VIS008VIS006 LRITIR016–VIS006 HimawariB05B04VIS AVHRRCh1Ch2Ch4 These defaults are overwritten with the -r, -g, -b, -ro, -go and -bo commandline options. See Non-gui mode.
Selecting button ‘Mapping’ pops up a window in which you can change the mapping:
- If ticked:
- value=ABS(val_chan1*fact1 + val_chan2*fact2 + . )
- value=offset + val_chan1*fact1 + val_chan2*fact2 + .
A negative value will be changed to 0.
- nrgb (natural colour, daylight)
- nrgb_dn (natural colour + IR for night)
- airm (airmass)
- dust
- eview
- fog Night
- fog Day
- mu_cloud (microphysic)
- mu_dust (microphysic)
- mu_ash (microphysic)
- mu_night (microphysic)
- mu_day (microphysic)
- conv_storm
- snow fog
Also see next chapter ‘Special mappings window’; in here, the mappings are set (and can be altered if desired).
Special mappings window.
The special mappings mentioned, like airmass, fog etc., use one channel or a difference of 2 channels for each colour. Xrit2pic has a special mapping window to enter these kinds of mappings. Temperature boundaries can be entered directly. If a special mapping is selected then the values will be visible in this window, and they can be easily adjusted, if needed.
See picture below: Each colour can have max. 2 channels associated. The right one (in column “Chan N”) will be substracted from the left one (“Chan P”).
Next 2 columns (Temp L, Temp H) give the temperature boundaries between which the channel combination is mapped.
E.g.: In the picture below channel IR_108 is substracted from IR_120. A difference of -4 Kelvin and lower will be mapped on “Black”, a difference of +2 Kelvin and higher on max. Red. Between -4K and +2K mapping depends on the gamma correction; gamma=1 gives a linear mapping.After changing a setting click on “Set” to make it effective.
If a channel is not available then the button will be coloured red.High resolution colour pictures.
High resolution colour pics are possible by using the HRV channel for luminance and other channels for chrominance.
Enable ‘Colour’ and ‘Hires’. See previous part for selecting other than default channels for colour mapping. Don’t use HRV for one of the colours.
Note: For a perfect mapping of HRV onto other channels it is necessary that the prologue file is present (see PRO_EPI in the tree). In this file the exact positions of the upper and lower part are defined. If this file isn’t present default values for the shift of the upper part are used. (These values change for about each picture, so it is important to have the prologue file available.)The formula’s used to create the high resolution colour is, for each pixel:
Ll=(Rl+Gl+Bl)/3 Rh=Lh * Rl / Ll Gh=Lh * Gl / Ll Bh=Lh * Bl / Ll
- Ll=luminance determined by the low resolution channels
- Rl=pixel value red of low resolution channel (e.g. IR016)
- Gl=pixel value green of low resolution channel (e.g. VIS008)
- Bl=pixel value blue of low resolution channel (e.g. VIS006)
- Lh=pixel value luminance high resolution channel (HRV)
- Rh, Gh, Bh: the pixel values used to create the new pixel
Note that for grey parts (Rl=Gl=Bl) the result is: Rh=Gh=Bh=Lh
When will what be generated.
- Colour and Hires not selected.
Selecting a group means: selecting all channels, as separate entities. Clicking Preview or Export will result in a pop-up window in which you can select which channels to process. Result: one picture for each channel. - Colour selected, Hires not.
Just one picture will be generated, using the channels of the group, and a mapping defining which channel(s) to map on which colour(s). Default mappings are built-in, selectable with the choice button for nrgb, fog, dust, airmass etc. Mappings may be changed by opening the colour mapping window.
Note: The HRV channel may also be used. - Colour and Hires selected.
The same applies, but now the low resolution channels are used to define chrominance; the luminance is filtered away. Instead, the HRV channel is used to define the luminance.
The HRV channel doesn’t cover the whole earth disc, actually, covers a L-shape. Xrit2pic will make the picture rectangle shaped in such a way that all HRV parts are present. On places where there is no HRV the low resolution channels will be used in the normal way, i.e., as if Hires is not selected.
Geographic mappings.
- Plate Carree
- Mercator
- Polar north
- Polar south
Translation multiple pictures.
Generation of multiple pictures.
- Select which channel(s) should be translated. E.g. if 10 HRIT-sets are selected then it is possible to generate pictures for just VIS006 and VIS008. This would result in 20 pictures.
- Select output format (pgm, jpeg, default).
- If zoomed pictures have to be generated:
- Click on ‘Preview’ in the popup window (NOT in the main window). A special preview window with the first selected picture will pop up.
- Zoom in and change lum settings, if desired.
Pressing ‘Help’ gives a overview of the meaning of the status-‘led’s’:
Generation of movies.
- In the main window: Make sure just 1 type of picture is shown in the tree-list, e.g. “Hrit”. (‘List’ section, at the bottom).
- Click ‘Select all’ or select manually items to include in the movie.
- Click on ‘Export’. Now a Translate list will pop up.
- Select in this new window 1 channel to use for the film.
- Select ‘Movie’.
- Select ‘Time id’ if you want date/time information on each frame (in left-upper corner).
- If a zoomed movie has to be generated:
- Click on ‘Preview’ in the popup window (NOT in the main window). A special preview window with the first selected picture will pop up.
- Zoom in and change lum settings, if desired.
- To generate colour movies enable ‘Colour’ (change colour mapping if desired).
- To use a limited amount of segments fill in the ‘Segments’ field in the Translate window.’
E.g. enter 8 or 6-8 to use just these segments. - To skip incomplete frames enable the button ‘Skip incomplete’.
- Change maximum size if desired. The default, 2048×2048, can be changed in the preferences. If e.g. a HRIT movie is generated (size 3712×3712) the size will be changed into 1856×1856 (3712/2). (Note that some movie players, e.g. mplayer, can not handle movies with a size bigger than 2048×2048.)
- Reuse: only generate if needed; don’t delete temp files
- Replace: re-generate temp files, don’t delete them
- Remove: remove all used tempfiles after generation of movie. (Files not used for the movie are not removed.)
Generation of zoomed/adjusted pictures or movies.
After pressing ‘Preview’ in the popup window (NOT in the main window!) a preview will pop up. All settings done in this window are used for picture/movie generation.
- Select the item which you want to use for the settings. E.g. if you want to generate a movie for one day you probably want to use the picture of noon to do the lum settings.
- Click on ‘Preview’. After that you may select the actual set of items.
- Do the settings in the preview window (zooming/panning, lum settings, anaglyph settings if desired).
- Select ‘Movie’ and other features if desired.
- Click on ‘Do it’. Now the settings in the preview window will be used for all selected items.
Xrit2pic can update its tree and show pictures as they are received (i.e., dumped by the Tellicast software into the Received directory.
Also picture files and movies can be generated, and raw data may be deleted in an automatic way.
Click the Record tab. There are 4 sub-tabs:‘Show live’ subtap
- To show pictures immediately after they are received click Show
- Select a satellite. HMSG? means: Hrit MSG1, 2, 3 or 4. This is usefull to cope with changing satellites, which takes place from time to time. (There are never 2 satellites with the same data active at a time.)
- Either choose ‘Colour’ or select a channel to show. Note that the colour mode of ‘Live’ is limited; just simple RGB mappings are possible. Default mapping, IR-016=red / VIS008=green / VIS006=blue, may be changed by opening the channel map window.
- Choose ‘Invert’ if you want to invert a selected IR channel.
- Set ‘Brightness’ to 0, 1 or 2 (0=bright, 2=dark; 1=best setting)
‘Generate’ subtap
Next features only work during continuous update.- Check ‘Enable’ to enable generation.
- Check ‘Files only’ or ‘Movie’ to create ‘growing movies’.
- In case of movie generation: check ‘Remove jpeg’ to remove the temporary files used to make the movie. (These are only needed one time, to add to the movie.) This is by default ‘On’.
- Max. len: Define the maximum length of the movie. (0=no limit) If this length is reached then for each added frame to the back one at the front will be removed.
The length is in hours, so 48 means: the moie length is limited to 2 days. - Repeat last frame: the amount of repeats of the last frame, resulting in a ‘pauze’ at the end, before the whole movie is repeated. ‘Repeat’ is in seconds.
- Check ‘Add time id’ if date/time info has to be added to the generated picture.
- To generate pictures from 6-hourly essential data only: Check ‘msg_essential’.
- To generate a command each time a picture is generated check ‘Run command’.
The command to run can be defined in Preferences, tab ‘Generate’. A ‘%s’ will be replaced by the generated filename.
‘Items to delete’ subtap
- Check ‘Delete items’.
- Click all items which should be deleted immediately.
Note: Only data just received (i.e., received after ‘Start updating’ is pressed) is deleted. Old data in the received directory is not deleted.
For MSG, data to remove can be specified per channel.
‘Aging’ subtap
Shows the defined amount of days after which data is deleted. To define in preferences, tab ‘Record’. x
‘Others’ subtap
Here you can enable ‘MSG notify’. This will run a command after the epilogue file of an MSG channel is received. (Command specified in ‘Preferences’.)
- To do one update click Update list 1x .
- To update continuously click Start updating . Update frequency is every 3 secs (may be changed in preferences).
File management.
Click the Archive tab.
Click on Update to update the directory list. (Normally only needed first time after start of the program.)- received : directory in which Telicast dumps the received data
- done : a help directory; normally users don’t need to know about it, except if you want for whatever reason to locate files without xrit2pic.
- archive : contains directories for each date containing data of that date.
- Move to Archive : Moves data from received to archive; data is divided into subdirectories for each date.
- Move back to received : Moves content of selected directory(s) back. (Normally this is never needed.)
- Load selected : Load selected directory(s) into active tree.
- Delete selected : Deletes content of selected directory(s).
- amsub
- hirs
- Move to done :
- Move back from done :
Handle exported/generated files.
Click the Exported tab.
Exported/generated files (including movie files) in the destination directory are now visible. Files may be viewed using an external viewer (see ‘Viewer programs’ in preferences) or deleted. Temporary files, used to generate movies, are also accessible via this window. c:\tellique\received and xrit2pic will move them to c:\tellique\received\done (the directory is created if it doesn’t exist).
Users will normally not notice this; if xrit2pic is restarted it will always read the files in the original source directory and in the done directory.To use this function click on Update 1x for a single update or Cont. update for a continuous, cyclic update.
Note: Especially for this last case it is important that the Move button is active. Xrit2pic will cyclic read all files in the received directory; if they are not moved the same files will be read again and again which will slow down the program as the amount of files increases. (Remember that after 1 day more than 10000 files are received!)As files are received the list will be updated. At the same time previews and exports are possible.
If Show is selected then received pictures are shown ‘life’, as a sort of slide show. All channels are shown in 1 window, overwriting each other all the time. If this is not desired then 1 channel to show can be selected; see Preferences.
If the ‘color’ button is pressed then ‘life’ pictures are shown in color, using IR_016/VIS008/VIS006 for RGB resp. Other channels are not shown. –>Prologue/epilogue files.
HRIT files have one prologue and epilogue file for each set of channels (of a certain time). In the list they are shown immediately below a group, at the same level as the channels.
GOES LRIT files have a dedicated prologue file for each channel. These are shown at the same level as the segments, one level below each channel.Currently xrit2pic only uses prologue files to extract the position of the 2 parts of the HRV channel. The used prologue data is visible using Preview (select first the prologue file in the tree).
If data is processed using external programs the prologue/epilogue data may be needed. For this purpose they can be exported.
To extract a prologue/epilogue file select the item and click on ‘Export’.Other features.
By pressing the ‘More’ button (bottom-right) some less frequently used buttons will get visible:
- Generation of color PPM (3×8 bits) format from 10-bits Wavelet.
- Preview: Pictures with more than 8 bits per pixel.
- [9:2]: The 8 most significant bits wil be used/saved; the 2 LSB’s are lost.
- [8:1]: The MSB will be used for clipping, the next 8 bits wil be used/saved, the LSB will be lost.
- [7:0]: The 2 MSB’s are used for clipping; the 8 LSB’s wil be used/saved.
- [9:2] gives: 01000001 (LSB’s ’01’ lost)
- [8:1] gives: 10000010 (LSB ‘1’ and MSB ‘0’ lost)
- [7:0] gives: 11111111 (MSB ’01’ lost; clip pixel on value 255)
Invert the picture. For preview and export.
Note: In preview there is also an invert option. These 2 functions cancel each other out, i.e., both active -> no inversion.3D sh.
Enabled if Anaglyph is checked. Change the maximum shift between left and right view (in pixels).
AVHRR Segment range
- Start: start segment
- Nbr: number of segments (0 means: all, with a maximum of 102 minutes of segments which is about 1 orbit).
Determine output file format.
- If source is 10-bits Wavelet: 16 bits PGM will be generated.
- If source is 8-bits Wavelet: 8 bits PGM will be generated.
- If source is 8-bits JPEG: JPEGwill be generated, without intermediate decompression.
defaultPGM selectedJPEG selectedBlue line selectedblack&whitecolourB&W or colour
LRIT (Meteosat)JPEG 8 bits (1) PGM 1 bytePPM 3 bytesJPEG 24 bit (2) select window pops upLRIT (foreign)PGM 1 or 2 bytesPGM 1 or 2 bytes(not supported)JPEG 24 bitselect window pops upHRIT except HRVPGM 2 bytesPGM 1 or 2 bytesPPM 3 bytesJPEG 24 bitselect window pops upHRIT HRVPGM 2 bytesPGM 1 or 2 bytes(not supported)JPEG 24 bit
HDF5PGM 2 bytesPGM 1 or 2 bytesPPM 3 bytesJPEG 24 bitrah (for wsat, hrptreader)AVHRRPGM 2 bytesPGM 1 or 2 bytesPPM 3 bytesJPEG 24 bitrah (for wsat, hrptreader)EPSPGM 2 bytesPGM 1 or 2 bytesPPM 3 bytesJPEG 24 bitrah (for wsat, hrptreader)Admintext (ASCII) formatOtherbinary format- (1) Generated without decompression. Advantage: No extra loss; disadvantage: picture upside-down (for most cases).
- (2) original is first decompressed, then segments are put together, then compressed again. Disadvantage: Extra loss; advantage: picture can be generated ‘upside-up’.
Remarks on file formats.
- JPEG 12 bits, though a standard format, is not very common. (At this moment this format isn’t transmitted anymore by MSG.)
- PGM 2 bytes seems not to be well defined; some programs use so-called Little Endian format (LSByte first), others Big Endian (MSByte first). The last one seems to be more common, so xrit2pic will generate Big Endian format. (If there is need for Little Endian format this is easy to add; let me know!)
- If PGM8 (1 byte PGM) or PPM is selected but the original has more bits per pixel then the bitrange is determined by ‘Bitselect’ (i.e., bits 9. 2, or 8. 1 or 7. 0 are used).
- RAH (“Rob Alblas HRPT Format) contains all channels, and has space to add Kepler info etc. Readable by my wsat program and David Taylor’s HRPTReader.
File -> Manage files there is a simple utility to move files to and from the ‘done’ directory. In this way the automatic move by xrit2pic is easy to undo. If Remove is selected a window will pop up in which all channels to keep can be selected. All other channels will be removed from disk. By default only the 3 channels needed to make color pictures from HRIT data are selected; this saves a lot of disk space.
Not selected channels wil be removed each time the Update button is pressed, or regularly, if ‘Cont. update’ is active. Only new channels (not added to the tree yet) will be removed.
For Meteosat satellites (MSG1=Meteosat 8, and Meteosat 5-7) each channel may be selected to keep; for GOES satellites either all or no channels are kept.Non-gui mode.
xrit2pic [options] Options: -h this help. -e non-gui examples -nogui command line mode -src path to source XRIT files (def.: see ini-file). -dest path to destination dir (def.: see ini-file). -v Release info -gen_ini generate a xrit2pic.ini and quit -safe_mode don't use info of other files options for file formats: -pgm generate PGM (see below for defaults -pgm8 generate PGM (forced to 8 bits pp) -jpg generate JPEG (see below for defaults) -jpg= generate JPEG, q=quality (1. 100 (def. 70)) -cjpg generate JPEG (no interm. decompression) -rah generate rah from AVHRR -movie generate movie, remove frame pictures -movie_kp generate movie, keep frame pictures -movie_ru generate movie, reuse frame pictures -add_to_movie add frame to movie options for rgb mapping: -compose make false-color pics -compose same, use pre-defined type: nrgb, nrgb_dn, airm, dust, eview, nfog, dfog, uph_cloud, uph_dust,uph_ash, uph_night, uph_day, conv_storm, snow_fog -temp generate temperature mapping (IR only) -temp_bw same, GOES mode-A mapping (IR only) -hrvlum use HRV for lum (high-res colour) -inv invert -inv invert this channel -msb 9,8 or 7 msb for translation 10 bits->8 bits -lmin minval; this val mapped on 'black' -lmax maxval; this val mapped on 'white' -gamma gamma -ro offset for red (def. 0) -go offset for geen (def. 0) -bo offset for blue (def. 0) -r "[,,,,]" complex compose on red: -, T-range 'kmin-kmax' mapped to 0. 255 using 'gamma' -r = same, with val (-100. 100) -r use this channel for red -g "[,,,,]" complex compose on green, see red -g = same, with val (-100. 100) -g use this channel for green -b "[,,,,]" complex compose on blue, see red -b = same, with val (-100. 100) -b use this channel for blue -lut use def. lut -lut same, use n'th row -lut use this lut -lut same, use n'th row options for geo mapping: -nolin don't linearize AVHRR -europe Europe part only (MSG) -area fixed areas defined in prefs tab Mapping 0=full, 1/2/3/4: see prefs(def.: 1=europe) -area same, use name instead of number. -proj projection: plate_carree, mercator, polar_n, polar_s, normal (default) options for outputs to generate: -o name output file see for defaults: Preferences, tab 'Files', subtab 'Output' -pro extract also prologue file -epi extract also epilogue file -overwrite force overwrite -f same -skip_incomplete don't process incomplete images -test don't generate, just show what will happen. -log generate log file 'xrit2pic.log' (in dest. dir) options for overlays: -overlay_files . -anagl generate anaglyph -anagl same, shift and lum-range -anagl same, shift and lum-start -anagl anaglyph, shift in pixels -ol use def. overlay -ol same, this type -ol= def., with lum: 0..255 (def. 255) if hex notation: define rgb, e.g. 0x800 -ol= same, this type type=coa(st),cou(ntry),b(oth) -lonlat add lon/lat lines -lonlat= same, with lum; see -ol -mark add marker -mark= same, with lum; see -ol -cities add cities -cities= same, with lum; see -ol -timestamp add date/time to pic. -timestamp@[,]s same,font size -timestamp@[,] same, at position (x,y) -ltimestamp see -timestamp, show local time -ltimestamp@[,]s same,font size -ltimestamp@[,] same, at position (x,y) -add_text add text -add_text@[,]s same, font size -add_text@[,] same, at position (x,y) options for selecting (wild-cards allowed)s: -chan translate only this channel -segm translate only these segments -type translate only this type (HRIT/LRIT/AVHRR) -sat translate only this sat (MSG1, MET7. ) -date translate only this date -time translate only this time path to source XRIT files (def.: see ini-file) -dest path to destination dir (def.: see ini-file) ------------------------------------------------ options for file formats: -pgm generate PGM (see below for defaults) -pgm8 generate PGM (forced to 8 bits pp) -jpg generate JPEG (see below for defaults) -rah generate rah from AVHRR -nolin don't linearize AVHRR -overwrite overwrite if file exist (default: not) ------------------------------------------------ options for choosing what to generate: -europe Europe part only (MSG) -gmap 'plane carre' mapping (geostat) -movie generate movie file -sat translate only this sat (MSG1, MET7. ) -type translate only this type (HRIT/LRIT/AVHRR) -chan translate only this channel -segm translate only these segments -date translate only this date -time translate only this time -pro extract also prologue file -epi extract also epilogue file -inv invert -temp generate temperature mapping (IR only) -anagl [anagl_opts] generate anaglyph anagl_opts: shft: pixel-shift left/right (def. 20) lmin: max shift at this lum (def. 0) lmax: min shift at this lum (def. 512) ------------------------------------------------ options for multi-channel compositions: -compose [type] make false-color pics type=optional; vis or airm or dust or fog vis=default -hrvlum use HRV for lum (high-res colour) -inv invert this channel -lmin minval; this val mapped on 'black' -lmax maxval; this val mapped on 'white' -inv invert this channel -inv invert this channel -r [=val] use this channel for red -g [=val] use this channel for green -b [=val] use this channel for blue val=-100. 100 (def. 100) -ro offset for red (def. 0) -go offset for green (def. 0) -bo offset for blue (def. 0) -msb msb for translation 10 bits->8 bits =9, 8 or 7 ------------------------------------------------ Other options: -test don't generate, just show what will happen -log generate log file 'xrit2pic.log' (in dest. dir) -ol[=] [] add overlay to picture = overlay lum, 0..255 (def. 255) = coa(st), cou(ntry), l(atlong), b(oth) (b=default) --> Default generated formats: See Generated files.
For options -chan, -date and -time wildcards are allowed.
In the non-gui mode xrit files can be translated immediately into JPEG/PGM files.
This will translate all HRIT files with channels VIS* (VIS006, VIS008), segments 3 until 7, of februari 2004 and time 21:00, together with their prologue files.
The log file, if generated, will be placed in the destination directory. Note that this file will not be overwritten; new info will always be appended.
Make sure that you have write access to the destination directory! Otherwise nothing will happen, and also no log file will be created (because this file would be created in the destination directory).
Using two PC’s.
Xrit2pic may be used in a 2-PC environment, but has currently some limitations.
In this part 3 methods are described, as well as a detailed settings description for one of the methods.- Receiving PC (R):
- Equiped with Skystar2 tuner
- Running Tellicast
- Optional: Running xrit2pic to delete unneeded data
- Processing PC (P):
- Data-connection to receiving PC
- Running xrit2pic to process data
Method A: (see detailed Windows settings below)
- On PC ‘R’ xrit2pic only deletes unwanted data (optional)
- On PC ‘P’ xrit2pic reads data from harddisk ‘R’ of PC ‘R’ via data connection and writes results to harddisk ‘P’ of PC ‘P’
Method B:
- On PC ‘R’ xrit2pic only deletes unwanted data
- On PC ‘P’ remaining raw data is copied from PC ‘R’
- xrit2pic reads raw data from harddisk ‘P’ and writes results to same or other harddisk on PC ‘P’
Method C:
- On PC ‘R’ xrit2pic translates raw data into standard picture format, then deletes all raw data
- On PC ‘P’ the translated pics are copied from PC ‘R’
- xrit2pic reads data (in standard pic format) from harddisk ‘P’ and writes results to harddisk ‘P’
Advantage: Processing is quicker (decompressing Wavelet is processor intensive). Disadvantage: Bigger files (if used format is PGM) or data loss (if JPEG is used)
(Note: Working on adding losless compressed format with at least 10 bits per pixel.)Method B is currently the best method: no data loss before processing, and file sizes relatively small.
Settings for remote access (Linux).
- yum install fuse-sshfs
- mkdir /mnt/msg
- sshfs abcd@
Settings for remote access (Windows).
Method A using Windows.
- On the Receiver PC : Set ‘BusinessTV-IP’ dir as ‘Shared’:
- Browse to Program Files\T-Systems
- Right-click on directory ‘BusinessTV-IP’ and select ‘Properties’
- Click on tab ‘Sharing’
- In part ‘Sharing and protecting: Network’ enable ‘Shared’.
- Click on OK.
- Go to ‘My network locations’.
- Select from the menu “View -> Details”.
- Check that ‘BusinessTV-IP’ is present under ‘Local network’. In the second column you can see the path to this directory:
\\pcname\BusinessTV-IP (with pcname the name of your Receiver PC).
- Start xrit2pic and go to tab ‘Received’.
- Enter the remote path in the field ‘Directory to add’:
Note that this is the same directory name found on the ‘Receiver PC’ under ‘My network locations’, but with directory received added. - Click on “Load selected” (button at bottom of window).
Now the content of the directory on the remote ‘Receiver PC’ should be vissible in the main window. - If you want to save this setting: Go back to ‘Received’ tab and click on ‘Save it’.
What works remotely:
What maybe doesn’t work remotely: (to test)
Directory setting.
If no directories are defined then defaults are used.
- Select ‘XRIT Dir select’ (see top of the window).
- Click on ‘Browse dir.’ and browse to needed directory.
Click ‘OK’. - Click on ‘Add to list’.
- Repeat if more locationshave to be added.
- In the location list select a directory.
- Click on ‘Load’ to load the directory content.
- Browsing directories can take some time as soon as the directory containing XRIT-files is entered. This is because this directory contains a huge amount of files (more than 10000 after one day receiving).
- As an alternative, the directory may also be typed in the ‘Directory to add’ field. Each time a directory separator is typed (‘/’ or, for Windows, ‘\’) the directory content will be updated.
- Usage via networks is possible. For Window, type the first part of the path in the ‘Directory to add’ field, e.g.:
(Note: NO ‘:’ after the disk name!) After typing the last ‘\’ the directory content of the remote computer is examined and made visible, and browsing is possible as usual.
xrit2pic saves its settings into a preferences file xrit2pic.ini . In previous versions of xrit2pic it was possible to save button states, and restore these at restart. This is replaced by special ‘save’ buttons on some of the tabs. A save button on a tab will save the state of buttons on that tab only. Clicking on ‘Save ‘ in the preferences window will not save changes of buttons.
You can get back the program’s defaults by clicking the ‘Load defaults’ button.
Save settings by clicking on Save ‘. Note that the directory list (see Directory setting) is also saved, including the directory selected!
If the program is started a next time it will read the preferences file and will immediately load the directory which was selected just before saving the preferences file.- Window width, height : Width/height of total xrit2pic window in pixels.
- Font size : Size of text. 0=default=120. (Note: Possibly this doesn’t work properly with Linux! This has to be fixed.) Memory usage: Minimize : By default, the complete picture will be kept in memory after clicking ‘Preview’. Advantage is that redraw and saving is fast (no extra read/decompress needed). Disadvantage is that more memory is needed. Note that 1 HRV picture needs 124 Mbytes memory! If Memory usage: Minimize is selected then the picture is NOT kept in memory. So, redrawing and saving is slower. (Note: If JPEG files are generated then the data in memory is not used, so speed advantage doesn’t hold in this case.) –> Limit drawable : If selected memory usage is (much) lower for previews, but scrolling is slower. –>
- cycle : repeating cycle in seconds
- Show channel : Determine which channel to show during update. If empty then all channels are shown. Wild cards are allowed, e.g.: VIS*
- Tree updating: At program start xrit2pic starts immediately reading new received files, and updating the tree in the main window.
- Delete old: At program start old files (see “Delete old files” above) are deleted
- Linux:
- for JPEG: xv, reverse-scan option: -record 180
- for PGM: wsat, reverse-scan option: -sn
- for JPEG: i_view32, reverse-scan option: /rotate_r /rotate_r
- for PGM: i_view32, reverse-scan option: /rotate_r /rotate_r
- For jpeg xv is used. The command executed is:
xv file.jpg - For pgm/ppm wsat is used. The command executed is:
wsat -w 500 -h 500 -i file.pgm - For avi mplayer is used. The command executed is:
mplayer -fps 3 file.avi -loop 0 &
- Ask permission to overwrite
- Always overwrite; don’t ask
- Never overwrite; don’t ask (meaning: file will NOT be generated. If View is selected the viewer will be launched and will read the existing file.)
- Overlay colous: Define RGB for:
- loand/coast boundaries
- longitude/latitude lines
- Scattero: wind arrows (if scattero info received)
- picture: Use the Eumstsat delivered overlay files (see main window, menu Files->Show overlay files)
- Vector: use vector files; see Vector overlay files
- Size mark: Size of cross, drawn at mark position if enabled. See tab Files, sub-tab ‘Markers’.
- mencoder mf://%s -o %s -mf type=jpeg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vodec=msmpeg4v2
- -mf fps=1
- Channel: Define the channel name to be used for depth information. (If anaglyph is enabled; in main window, menu View->Anaglyph.)
- Invert: If ticked the depth channel is inverted before it is used for depth information. Needed if a IR channel is used.
- Destination (generated files)
- Click on ‘Browse dest. dir’.
- Browse to the directory where generated files have to be placed.
- Click OK in file manager.
(The destination directory may also be entered manually in the ‘Destination directory’ field.) - Check ‘Split destination dir’ to save files of different types into their own directory. (MSG, METOP, NOAA, DWDSAT etc.)
- Click on ‘Browse src dir’.
- Browse to the directory where Tellique dumps its files.
- Click OK in file manager.
(The destination directory may also be entered manually in the ‘Source directory’ field.)
- Track: Tracking (NORAD 2-elements)
- Type in the file name (default: weather.txt).
- Click on ‘Search’, to check if the file is found. See tap ‘Misc’ in preferences for suitable locations for this file.
- Uncheck ‘Use fileformat’ to use the default built-in names for generated files.
- Check ‘Use fileformat’ and enter a format spec to define a custom filename format.
%a The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale. %A The full weekday name according to the current locale. %b The abbreviated month name according to the current locale. %B The full month name according to the current locale. %C The century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer. (SU) %d The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31). %D Equivalent to %m/%d/%y. (Yecch - for Americans only. Americans should note that in other countries %d/%m/%y is rather common. This means that in international context this format is ambigu- ous and should not be used.) (SU) %e Like %d, the day of the month as a decimal number, but a leading zero is replaced by a space. (SU) %H The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23). %I The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12). %j The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366). %p Either \xAM\x or \xPM\x according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as \xpm\x and midnight as \xam\x.
Save colour mappings per source type:
Save zoom areas:
- Name (will be used in the pull-down menu)
- Center longitude and latitude
- Delta lon: degrees west and east of center longitude
- Delta lat: degrees north and south of center latitude
- Open the preferences window, tab Mappings, and alter the center/delta numbers.
- Quit the preview window, and re-open it again. (No need to save preferences at this point, or to restart xrit2pic.)
- Use lon1=center.lon-delta.lon and lat=center.lat to calculate x1 (left pixel of area)
- Use lon2=center.lon+delta.lon and lat=center.lat to calculate x2 (right pixel of area)
- Use lat1=center.lat-delta.lat and lon=center.lon to calculate y1 (bottom pixel of area)
- Use lat2=center.lat+delta.lat and lon=center.lon to calculate y2 (top pixel of area)
- Define position (offset_x,offset_y) and size (width,height) for the geo-stat. pic to show if the ‘Europe’ button is checked.
- Change the Name of the “europe” button if needed.
- Press ‘Default’ if you want the built-in Europe boundaries.
Saving/restoring gui state.
- Main window (tab ‘Main’, including menu ‘View after export’)
- ‘Translate list’ (except channel choice) (pops up after clicking ‘Export’ or ‘Preview’ if multiple channels are selected)
- ‘Channels to keep’ (pops up after clicking ‘Remove’ in main window part ‘New files’)
- Make sure each window for which you want to store the gui state is open, and all buttons are in the desired state.
- for ‘Channels to keep’ you need to enable ‘Remove’ to change selections; after that you may deselect ‘Remove’.
This is a list of all needed/related items for xrit2pic to run: categorynameneededupdatewhere to getMain programxrit2pic(.exe)alwayseach new releasehttp://www.alblas.demon.nl/wsatlibraryGTKalwaysneverhttp://www.alblas.demon.nl/wsat (Windows)libraryJPEGalwaysneverhttp://www.alblas.demon.nl/wsatlibraryWaveletalwaysneverhttp://www.alblas.demon.nl/wsatinit-filexrit2pic.inino (defaults)-generated by xrit2picgui init-filexrit2pic.ginino (defaults)-generated by xrit2picsupporting programbzip2(.exe)AVHRR onlyneverhttp://www.alblas.demon.nl/wsat (Windows)overlay filesmet8*.gif etc.Geostat. MeteosatneverEumetsatKepler filesnoaa.txtAVHRR lon/lat calc.each month?http://www.celestrak.com
Installation of xrit2pic is simple; it is just a matter of placing the program and its libraries on the right place.
- xrit2pic.gz: the program
- decompr.tar.gz: 2 lib files
Unzip the 2 files and place the result into e.g. $HOME/bin.
For AVHRR bzip2 is needed. This is also present in each Linux distribution.Windows.
Installation of xrit2pic is simple; it is just a matter of placing the program and its libraries on the right place.
- xrit2pic.zip: the program
- gtk_dll.zip: 8 dll’s
- decompr.zip: 2 dll’s
- xrit_install.exe: the installer.
- bzip2.exe (needed for AVHRR)
- Make sure that the 3 zip files and xrit_install.exe are downloaded in the same directory.
- Run xrit_install.exe.
- Copy bzip2.exe to the same directory as where xrit2pic is located. (Not yet done by installer.)
- Make a link to c:\Program Files\xrit\xrit2pic.exe
- browse to the program, right-click on it and from the popup menu choose “Make Link” (or so))
- Make directory: c:\Program Files\xrit (if there is no c:\Program Files try another disk).
- Place all zip files into this directory.
- Unzip the 3 zip files, e.g. using winzip.
- Copy bzip2.exe to the same directory.
- Make a link to c:\Program Files\xrit\xrit2pic.exe
- browse to the program, right-click on it and from the popup menu choose “Make Link” (or so))
Example non-gui commands.
Next command translates all HRIT files with a channel name starting with VIS for every day with UTC time of 12:00. Only segments 7 and 8 are added to the picture (which is Europe).
xrit2pic -nogui -type H -chan VIS* -segm 7-8 -time 12:00
Next is a example to do this translation ‘forever’; each day the receive directory is cleaned.
xrit2pic -nogui -type H -chan VIS* -segm 7-8 -time 12:00 -log rm /home/user/from_msg/received/*
Start it as a cronjob every day around midnight (at least several minutes from the time that the files to translate are generated!)
xrit2pic -nogui -type H -chan VIS* -segm 7-8 -time 12:00 -log del c:\from_msg\received\*.*
Start it using ‘Task scheduler’.
Temperature mapping.
Details about movie generation.
- A special directory ‘movietmp’ is created, under the destination directory. If this dir already exist then the content of it will be moved to a sav directory (in the same temp. directory).
- All selected pictures are generated in jpeg format, in this temp. directory.
- If ‘Reuse’ is choosen:
- First check if the file with correct size already exist in the sav directory; if so, this file is moved to the temp dir. Otherwise the jpeg file will be generated from the raw data.
- If ‘Replace’ is chosen: Always (re)generate each jpeg file.
Details about anaglyph generation.
Meteosat data doesn’t contain 3d info. For getting a 3D illusion the left and right pictures are generated using the luminance of each pixel. Clouds are bright and high, land is relatively dark and low, which clarifies why luminance can be used for depth information.
Each pixel is duplicated in red and cyan; the shift between the two is bigger if the luminance is low (‘land’).Adjusting.
- If a special channel is needed for depth tick button ‘Dpthchan’. (See preferences for which channel is used.)
- Tick the “Init” button; type ‘r’ to refresh the window.
- Adjust Lbnd until the parts to show as lowest level are coloured red (type ‘r’ after each adjustment).
Suggestion: Sea and cloudless low-land. - Adjust Hbnd until the parts to show as highest level are coloured green.
Suggestion: Clouds should just get some green spots. - Deselect ‘Init” and type ‘r’ again, to refresh.
- Tick ‘Overlay’ in the main window. This will give white coast/land boundaries. The 3D-effect is that the overlay seems to float at high altitude.
- Tick “OL_3D” if the overlay should appear at land-level.
- Adjust the brightness of the overlay using OL_lum. (Especially in 3D the overlay should not be too bright.)
Continuous movie generation.
- Go to Main tab.
- Choose the colour mapping for your movie: right-under, nrgb_dn
- Click on ‘More’, then ‘Save’ to save this setting.
- Set ‘Delete old files’ to e.g. 2 days.
- Check “Round to days’. (This will result in removing old files at midnight.)
- Click on ‘Save’ to save this setting.
- Close Preferences window.
- Go to ‘Show live’ subtab.
- Check ‘Show’
- Check ‘Colour’
- Check ‘HMSG?’
- Go to ‘Generate’ subtab.
- Check ‘Enable’
- Check ‘Movie’
- Set ‘max. len’ to 48
- Set ‘Repeat last frame’ to 5 (pauze of 5 secs at end of movie)
- Check ‘Add time’ (to add time in movie)
- Make sure ‘msg_essential’ is unchecked!
- Check ‘Run movie’.
- Click on ‘Construct command’.
- At ‘Movie program’: Fill in ‘mplayer’
- Set Min/sec to 60 (This will set the speed such that each second a minute is shown, so speed is 60x real-life
- Check ‘Full screen’
- Click on ‘Start Delete old’
- In part ‘Updating’, at top of the ‘Record’ tab:
- Click on ‘Start upd.
- Click on ‘Save’ to save all ‘Record’ settings.
Put mencoder.exe into a directory which is in the search path (e.g. c:\windows).Go to the
codecs site and download win32codecs-essential-20040703.tar.bz2
Decompress and put the dll files into c:\windows\system. –>wsat . This program is able to show pictures with virtually unlimited size on a very small computer. (Drawback is that redrawing, e.g. after zoom action, is a bit slow.) It can not read jpeg, so you should write out in PGM format if you want to use it. (File size of HRV in PGM format is about 124 Mbytes). –>
Program information.
- GTK2.0 for the graphical part
- IJG (Independent Jpeg Group) code for the JPEG decompression
- HDF5 API code
- Eumetsat code for the Wavelet decompression
XR Immersive Tech Files ‘Plug and Play’ XR Patents
Last weekend, XR Immersive Tech Inc (XRIT) announced it is filing two patents with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) linked to virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies.
One of XRITs patent applications is for a “System and Method for Plug and Play VR” that covers various interactive AR/VR systems and experiences.
Features include media viewing, competitive multi-player gameplay, blockchain-based rewards, and immersive effects.
Additionally, the XRIT “plug and play” VR system will create an easy to use immersive platform that does not require a complex setup.
Tim Bieber, CEO of XRIT, added:
“These full patent applications are a significant milestone that indicates the potential of the Company’s technology to deliver cutting edge VR to create a unique hyper-immersive experience for users”
Secondly, XRIT filed a patent request for a “System and Method for Immersive Effects” that could secure the firm with a library of exciting visuals to enhance its immersive experiences.
Bieber said that when the CIPO accepts the XRIT patent requests, it will present the firm with “unparalleled opportunities for growth worldwide,” adding,
“We are working diligently to maximize the commercial opportunities our technology affords us and for the creation of shareholder value”
XRITs requests will assist the firm in creating easy-to-access multi-player VR immersive experiences. On top of this, the plug and play device will present new opportunities to streamline and enhance enterprise-grade onboarding for immersive technology. Already, XRIT has enterprise customers such as Intel, Health Canada, and the US Food and Drug Administration.
XR Immersive ‘Plug and Play’ Tech
The recently rebranded XRTI is creating custom immersive experiences and solutions for brands and firms.
The Canadian enterprise is working on “Uncontained VR,” a plug and play attraction that transports multiple users into a Metaverse experience. Entertainment facilities or shopping malls can install the 40-foot container in any location to host up to six VR-ready players.
Additionally, the firm offers additional on-site VR experiences such as custom-made escape rooms for entertainment purposes or brand promotion.
Global firms are using XRIT’s bespoke VR/AR solutions for various enterprise-grade immersive exercises such as team building, training, and education.
XRIT is lead by a team of entertainment experts who have experience in various world-renowned immersive tech firms like Disney, CBS Interactive, and Taiwanese tech giant HTC, as well as organisations such as the VR/AR Association (VRARA).
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