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BIOS versiyasını necə yoxlamaq olar

Chris Hoffman
Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He’s written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader’s Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami’s NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times—and that’s just here at How-To Geek.
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Do You Need to Update Your Computer’s BIOS?

Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He’s written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader’s Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami’s NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times—and that’s just here at How-To Geek. Read more.

Justin Duino
Reviews Director
Justin Duino is the Reviews Director at How-To Geek (and LifeSavvy Media as a whole). He has spent the last decade writing about Android, smartphones, and other mobile technology. In addition to his written work, he has also been a regular guest commentator on CBS News and BBC World News and Radio to discuss current events in the technology industry. Read more. About How-To Geek

Updated Nov 10, 2022, 4:39 pm EDT | 3 min read

You don’t need to update your computer’s BIOS or UEFI unless there is a specific feature or bugfix your system requires. An error while updating your BIOS can brick your PC, rendering it completely inoperable.

Updating your computer’s operating system and software is important. On the other hand, we have previously covered why you shouldn’t generally update your hardware drivers, although gamers will definitely want to update their graphics drivers. But what about BIOS updates? BIOS updates will not make your computer faster, they generally won’t add new features you need, and they may even cause additional problems. You should only update your BIOS if the new version contains an improvement you need.

What’s a BIOS?

BIOS stands for basic input/output system. When you power your computer on, your BIOS takes control, starting the power-on self test (POST) and passing control over to the boot loader. This is what boots your computer’s operating system. The BIOS is low-level system software that should “just work” without getting in your way.

RELATEDWhat Does My BIOS Do After Booting?

Computers are now coming with UEFI firmware instead of the traditional BIOS, but the same is true for UEFI—it’s low-level system software with a similar role. Unlike your operating system (which is stored on your hard drive), your computer’s BIOS is stored on a chip on your motherboard.

Flashing a BIOS

Manufacturers often release updates to their computers’ BIOSes. If you built your own computer, a BIOS update would come from your motherboard vendor. These updates can be “flashed” onto the BIOS chip, replacing the BIOS software the computer came with with a new version of the BIOS. BIOSes are computer-specific (or motherboard-specific), so you will need the BIOS for your exact model of computer (or motherboard) to update your computer’s BIOS.

Why You Probably Shouldn’t Update Your BIOS

BIOS updates aren’t big software upgrades that add new features, security patches, or performance improvements. BIOS updates typically have very short change logs—they may fix a bug with an obscure piece of hardware or add support for a new model of CPU. If your computer is working properly, you probably shouldn’t update your BIOS. You likely won’t see the difference between the new BIOS version and the old one. In some cases, you may even experience new bugs with a new version of the BIOS, as the BIOS that came with your computer may have gone through more testing.

Flashing a BIOS isn’t as easy as installing a normal software update. You will often want to flash your computer from DOS (yes, DOS—you may have to create a bootable USB drive with DOS on it and restart into that environment), as problems could occur when flashing from Windows. Each manufacturer has its own instructions for flashing a BIOS.

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You will need the version of the BIOS for your exact hardware. If you get a BIOS for another piece of hardware—even a slightly different revision of the same motherboard—this could cause problems. BIOS flashing tools usually try to detect whether the BIOS fits your hardware, but if the tool attempts to flash the BIOS anyway, your computer could become unbootable. If your computer loses power while flashing the BIOS, your computer could become “bricked” and unable to boot. Computers should ideally have a backup BIOS stored in read-only memory, but not all computers do.

When You Should Update Your BIOS

  • Bugs: If you are experiencing bugs that are fixed in a newer version of the BIOS for your computer (check the BIOS changelog on the manufacturer’s website), you may be able to fix them by updating your BIOS. A manufacturer may even advise you to update your BIOS if you contact tech support and have a problem that has been fixed with an update.
  • Hardware Support: Some motherboard manufacturers add support for new CPUs, and potentially other hardware, in BIOS updates. If you want to upgrade your computer’s CPU to a new CPU—possibly one that wasn’t yet released when you purchased your motherboard—you may need to update the BIOS.

Be sure to check the changelog for the BIOS updates and see if they actually have an update you require.

If you are not experiencing any bugs that have been fixed and don’t need hardware support, don’t bother updating. You won’t get anything out of it except possible new problems.

As the saying goes, don’t fix what ain’t broke.

  • › How to Build Your Own Computer, Part Three: Getting the BIOS Ready
  • › Why Your PC’s UEFI Firmware Needs Security Updates
  • › Is Windows Update Broken? 5 Broken Updates Microsoft Released In 2013
  • › From Idea to Icon: 50 Years of the Floppy Disk
  • › How to Check Your BIOS Version and Update it
  • › How to Clear Your Computer’s CMOS to Reset BIOS Settings
  • › How to Create a Bootable DOS USB Drive
  • › Windows 11 Will Sandbox Your Desktop Apps for More Security

Chris Hoffman
Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He’s written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader’s Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami’s NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times—and that’s just here at How-To Geek.
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BIOS versiyasını necə yoxlamaq olar

Kompüterin BIOS-u kompüterin aparat təminatı ilə əməliyyat sistemi arasında proqram təminatı interfeysidir. Hər hansı bir proqram kimi, BIOS da yenilənə bilər. Kompüterinizin BIOS versiyasını bilmək sizə BIOS-un ən müasir versiyasının olub olmadığını deyə bilər. Windows 8 kompüterində kompüterinizin BIOS menyusundan, komanda sorğusundan BIOS versiyanızı necə yoxlamaq və Mac-də proqram təminatı versiyasını yoxlamaq yollarını öyrənin.


Metod 1-dən 4: Komanda əmrindən istifadə edərək Windows kompüterlərində BIOS versiyasını tapın

  • Windows 8-də Başlat menyusuna sağ vurun və sonra Run düyməsini basın. Siz həmçinin WIN + X düymələrini basaraq bu menyuya daxil ola bilərsiniz.
  • Command Prompt kompüterinizi mətn əmrləri ilə idarə etməyə imkan verən proqramdır.
  • Növ. SMBBIOSBIOSVersion-dan sonra hərflər və rəqəmlər sətri sizin BIOS versiyanızdır.

Metod 2/4: BIOS menyusundan istifadə edərək Windows kompüterlərində BIOS versiyasını tapın

  1. Kompüterinizi yenidən başladın.
  2. BIOS menyusunu açın. Kompüter yenidən başladıqda, kompüterin BIOS menyusunu açmaq üçün F2, F10, F12 və ya Share düyməsini basın.
    • Bəzi kompüterlər üçün başlanğıc vaxtları çox sürətli ola biləcəyi üçün düyməni təkrar-təkrar basmağınız lazım ola bilər.
    • BIOS versiyasını tapın. BIOS menyusunda BIOS Revision, BIOS versiyası və ya Firmware versiyası deyən mətni axtarın.
  3. BIOS versiya nömrəsini yazın.

Metod 3/4: Əvvəlcədən quraşdırılmış Windows 8 kompüterində BIOS versiyasını tapın

  1. Kompüteri yenidən başladın. Kompüter yenidən başladıqda, yükləmə parametrləri menyusunu görənə qədər Shift düyməsini basıb saxlayın.
  2. Problemlərin aradan qaldırılması menyusunu açın. Başlanğıc parametrləri ekranında Troubleshooting üzərinə klikləyin.
  3. UEFI Firmware Parametrlərini açın. Qabaqcıl Parametrlər ekranında UEFI Firmware Parametrləri üzərinə klikləyin.
    • UEFI Firmware parametrlərini görmürsünüzsə, kompüterinizdə Windows 8 əvvəlcədən quraşdırılmayıb və BIOS versiyasını əmr satırı və ya BIOS menyusu vasitəsilə yükləməlisiniz.
  4. Yenidən başla klikləyin. Kompüter UEFI Firmware Parametrləri ekranına yenidən başlayır.
  5. UEFI versiyasını axtarın. Kompüterinizin avadanlığından asılı olaraq müxtəlif məlumatlar görə bilərsiniz. UEFI versiyası adətən Əsas və ya Başlanğıc sekmesinin altında yerləşir.
  6. UEFI nömrəsini yazın.

Metod 4/4: Mac-da proqram təminatı versiyasını tapın

  1. Bu Mac haqqında açın. Apple menyusuna və sonra Bu Mac haqqında klikləyin.
  2. Mac sistemi hesabatını yükləyin. Daha çox məlumat üzərinə klikləyin və sonra Sistem Hesabatı üzərinə klikləyin.
  3. Boot ROM versiyasını və SMC versiyasını yükləyin. Avadanlıq icmalı altında Boot ROM versiyasını və SMC versiyasını (sistem) yazın.
    • Boot Rom versiyası Mac yükləmə prosesini idarə edən proqramdır.
    • SMC versiyası Mac-da enerjinin idarə edilməsinə nəzarət edən proqramdır, məs. Yuxuya gedəndə.

İcma sualları və cavabları

Windows XP-də BIOS-u necə yeniləyə bilərəm?

Hansı əməliyyat sisteminizə malik olduğunuz və hansı kompüterə sahib olduğunuz daha çox vacibdir. Ümumiyyətlə, istehsalçı onu yeniləmək üçün bir alətə sahib olacaq. Yalnız bunun üçün əsl səbəbiniz varsa yeniləyin (çünki nəsə düzgün işləmir və məlumdur ki, BIOS yeniləməsi onu düzəldir), çünki bu prosesin anakartınızın çürüməsi ehtimalı sıfırdan azdır.


Hər gün saat Sizi daha təhlükəsiz, daha sağlam və ya rifahınızı yaxşılaşdıran daha yaxşı həyat yaşamağınıza kömək edəcək təlimat və məlumat əldə etmək üçün çox çalışırıq. Hazırkı ictimai sağlamlıq və iqtisadi böhranların ortasında, dünya dramatik şəkildə dəyişdikcə və hamımız gündəlik həyatda dəyişiklikləri öyrəndik və onlara uyğunlaşdıq, insanların hər zamankindən daha çox ehtiyacı var. Dəstəyiniz daha ətraflı təsvirli məqalələr və videolar yaratmağa və etibarlı brend təlimat məzmunumuzu dünya üzrə milyonlarla insanla paylaşmağa kömək edir. Bu günə töhfə verməyi düşünün.

How to Update BIOS Safely On Your PC

BIOS, known as Basic Input Output System, is the intermediate firmware in the microprocessor that connects the operating system to the hardware before the PC boots up. It first inspects the hardware, then identifies the OS and drivers, and loads them to the RAM to initiate the connection.

In the newer systems, the older BIOS is being replaced with UEFI firmware which are more advanced and powerful. However, It is still termed BIOS till now.

Different vendors of Motherboard have their own specific BIOS settings. However, the purpose of BIOS and the ways to update it are almost the same for every Motherboard. First, you would have to look at the build of your board. Then, download the respective update and finally install it through one or more means.

Normally, It is not necessary to update the BIOS program time and again. Nevertheless, in this article, I am going to guide you through the process of updating the BIOS in your computer should you need it.

Table of Contents

Why Do You Need a BIOS Update?

We often update our Operating System, Drivers, and other application software. But most of the users do not even think about updating the BIOS. It is also not recommended to update our BIOS settings. There is a big risk of damage while updating bios and it is advisable to leave it as it is.

However, updating BIOS has its perks. Some Motherboards might have some bugs from the start. The manufacturer works to solve the issue and provides the solution in the update. Some of the BSOD errors can also be rectified through BIOS updates.

Here are some of the reasons why a BIOS update might be necessary.

  • To install latest Security Patch
  • To ensure compatibility with new hardware
  • To use the latest processor without changing the motherboard.
  • To solve possible BSOD and several errors
  • To replace damaged BIOS settings
  • To install new motherboard features if provided

How to Update BIOS in your Computer

You have to be extremely cautious while updating the BIOS. If some hindrance occurs during the BIOS update, then your computer will not start at all. Hence, you have to be alert to situations such as the power supply. You also have to make sure your computer does not turn off in the middle.

Similarly, the BIOS version you download should be specific to your Motherboard and needs to be compatible with it.

As it possesses a big risk of permanent damage, you should first ensure that you require an update at all. If you are certain that updating BIOS will bring some positive change to your computer, then only you can go for it.

Let’s go through a step-by-step process of updating the BIOS on your computer along with the necessary precautions on the way.

Check Your Current BIOS Version

It is absolutely necessary to check the current BIOS version of your computer. Since there is a huge risk associated with the update, you have to be sure that you have an old version of BIOS.

The update is not worth the threat of permanent damage if it does not provide a newer version.

So, let’s go through the process of checking your PC’s existing BIOS version.

  1. Press Windows + ‘R’ to open the Run dialogue box.
  2. Type msinfo32 and click Ok to open System Information.
  3. In the opened Window, find BIOS Version/Date.

After you have noted the current version of your BIOS, let’s move toward the next step of locating your motherboard’s build.

Find Your Motherboard’s or System’s Build

As I mentioned earlier, every Motherboard manufacturer has its own BIOS coding. Installing an incorrect BIOS file can completely damage your computer. Hence, you need to identify the manufacturer and model of your Motherboard.

If you are using a laptop, then you can look at your PC’s model. Generally, the laptop manufacturers have their own Motherboard. They provide their unique drivers and programs on their respective websites. You can look under your laptop and you will see a sticker with model name/number, S/N, or SNID.

However, most desktop computers are custom built and consist of parts from different vendors. Hence, if you are a desktop user, then it is worth looking at the build of your Motherboard. You can examine your Motherboard to find the Model name and its version.

It might be a bit of a problem to know the build of the Motherboard if you use custom-built laptops. Custom Laptops are getting popular as well.

Nevertheless, Windows provides us with a function to view the Mainboard model and version. Let’s go through the process of finding Motherboard’s built-in Windows.

  1. Press Windows + ‘R’ and open the Run dialog box.
  2. Search msinfo32 and press Enter.
  3. Look for Baseboard Manufacturer, Baseboard Product, and Baseboard Version.

You can always use third-party software such as CPU-Z, GPU-Z, etc. for the purpose.

Now, we move on to see if a new BIOS version has arrived and then to the process of downloading it.

If you use a Gigabyte Motherboard, we have a dedicated article explaining how to update BIOS on Gigabyte Mobos, prepared just for you. Don’t forget to fill us in with your experience updating your Gigabyte BIOS.

Download the Latest BIOS Update

Once you have the model of your Motherboard, it is quite easy to download the BIOS update file. However, as of our warning earlier, it is important to ensure that you require the update to your BIOS.

When you find out that the company has released the update, you should see what new features it provides. Furthermore, you have to make sure that the new firmware solves the issue you are facing such as Blue Screen errors, security issues, etc.

If the update benefits you, then Let’s go through the process of downloading the BIOS update file.

  1. Go to the website of your Motherboard or Laptop manufacturer.
  2. Find a tab named Support or similar.
  3. Search the SNID, Serial number, or Model of your laptop or Motherboard.
  4. Go to Drivers and Manuals. The name can vary with websites.
  5. Select the Operating System.
  6. Find BIOS, UEFI, or Firmware update.
  7. Look at the version of the software and find the latest one you require.
  8. Download the file and unzip it to a folder.

It is now time to backup your current BIOS information.

Backup the Earlier BIOS Settings

Most of the users do not change their BIOS settings and leave it to default. However, if you are a regular user and love to play with your PC, you must have made a few changes to BIOS. You would not want to lose those settings.

You can use several methods to backup your modifications. Some of the systems provide the function to save the earlier settings while updating BIOS. In such a case, you can just choose to save and select the folder of your choice to store the file.

But some of the Motherboards do not let you save it. In those situations, you can just open the BIOS page and note down all the settings on paper or on your phone. You can also take a picture of the settings.

If you want to do it in a more standard way, you have to use third-party software to backup your BIOS settings. Universal BIOS Backup Toolkit is one of those software.

You can follow the instructions below to backup your BIOS using the software.

  1. Install Universal BIOS Backup Toolkit.
  2. Open the program through Search Icon in Windows.
  3. Click on the Read button.
  4. After the program reads BIOS settings, choose Backup and save the file.

Now, we are ready to update the BIOS of your computer.

Install the BIOS Update

As every Motherboard is different, the process to update BIOS is also different. Some computers allow the update through an executable file while some require an external USB for installation.

But you will receive one common warning for all systems: You should not close your computer or the power should not be cut off in the middle of the update. For Desktop users, I would advise using a UPS or some source of power to prevent this.

Now, we are going to include all the possible ways to update BIOS that you can apply to all computers.

Using Executable File

Nowadays, most Laptop manufacturers and even some Motherboard vendors provide an option to download a .exe file to install BIOS updates. This makes the update process much simpler in comparison to other methods.

To update your BIOS, please follow the instructions given below.

  1. First, disable your antivirus software and Windows Defender.
  2. Unzip the update file downloaded from your official Motherboard website.
  3. Double-click on the .exe file and give permissions.
  4. Let the system read the file. Your system will restart and the update process will begin.

If your system’s manufacturer does not provide this function, then let’s move on to the next method.

From BIOS Interface

Many Motherboards do not support BIOS update directly from windows. You need to enter the BIOS page during system boot-up. On the BIOS page, you would have to select a device or source from where the update will be installed.

As a source for the update file, you can either use a USB drive or update directly from the internet. Let’s look at both ways of updating your BIOS.

  1. Unzip the downloaded file.
  2. Copy the Unzipped update files into a USB device.
  3. Power off your system.
  4. Start the computer and repeatedly press the F2, F12, or Delete key to enter BIOS mode. It can vary according to computers.
  5. You can also go to the command prompt and type shutdown /r /fw and hit Enter.
  6. Go to Advanced Mode in the BIOS page and Find EZ Flash, M-Flash, Q-Flash or similar options under the Tools or related menu.

If you are not able to find the option to update in your BIOS page, you can always try the next method.

Using Bootable USB and DOS

If you have an older Motherboard or have legacy mode activated, then you can use a bootable USB to update your BIOS. You need to make a USB drive bootable and then type in some command in DOS for this process.

Let’s go through the method stepwise.

  1. Download Rufus software.
  2. Select the USB and choose the FreeDOS option on the Boot Selection Menu.
  3. Click Start.

Finally, there is yet another easy method to update BIOS for some Motherboards. Let’s look at the process.

Using Motherboard’s Utility Software

Some Motherboard provides a utility program that can be installed on the computer. The program tracks all the functions of the board. You can check the status of your system hardware such as CPU usage, FAN, RAM, etc.

Among other functions, you can find an option to update your BIOS as well.

You can follow the instructions below to update your BIOS through this method.

  1. Open your Motherboard’s Utility Software.
  2. Go to More Options.
  3. Select EZ Update, M-Flash, etc. depending on the system.

I am a mechanical engineer who was awe-struck at first sight of computer. Since then, I have excelled at writing tech-contents regarding every problems and features of windows, software, hardware and anything it incorporates. In addition, I love to study, play FIFA, write poetry and enjoy the gift of life that the mother nature have provided to us.

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