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How to Execute VBS Script

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ketika reboot dan masuk ke system operasi semuanya blank hitam dan muncul lah seperti gambar di bawah ini :

To Change to CScript

On initial installation, the default host is WScript. To change it to CScript, type the following at the command line:

cscript //h:cscript

Or, to change it from CScript to WScript:

wscript //h:cscript


To run a script using the default engine:

  1. Double click the script in Windows Explorer or on the desktop.
  2. Click Start, select Run, and enter the script name.
On Windows NT and Windows 2000 only, simply enter the script name on a command line.

To run a script using a particular engine:

  • Right-click the script in Windows Explorer and select Open to run in WScript or Open in MS-DOS Window (Windows 9x) or Open in Command Window (Windows NT and Windows 2000) to run in CScript.
  • Click Start, select Run, enter “cscript” or “wscript” followed by the script name.
  • Enter “cscript” or “wscript” on the command line, followed by the script name.

To run scripts using WScript.exe

  • Double-click files or icons. These can be files or icons listed in My Computer, Windows Explorer, the Find window, the Start menu, or on the desktop.
  1. Click the Start button, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open field, type the full path of the script, and then click OK. You can also type WScript followed by the full name and path of the script you want to run.

If you double-click a script file whose extension has not yet been associated with WScript.exe, the Open With dialog box appears and asks which program to use to open the file. Choose WScript and check Always use this program to open this file to register WScript as the default application for all files with that extension.

The WScript.exe and CScript.exe properties dialog box provides the following options:

Stop script after specified number of seconds.

Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a script can run. The default is no limit.

CScript.exe equivalent: //T:nn

Display logo when script is executed in command console.

Displays a banner before running the script. This is the default. The opposite is // nologo .

CScript.exe equivalent: //logo or //nologo

Using the WScript.exe Properties dialog box, you can set global scripting options for all scripts that WScript runs on the local machine. You can also set options for individual scripts using a .wsf file.

How to Execute VBS Script

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VBS allows you to execute script based commands on Windows.
Image Credit: TommL/E+/GettyImages

A VBS script uses Visual Basic Scripting Codes to execute script based commands on Windows operating systems. The VBS Script language system is handy because scripts are easily written and executed in text based editors and Explorer. The VBScript system has evolved over time to serve a wide variety of functions for web developers and administrators and it continues to serve many users on the Windows OS.

What Is VBS Script?

The purpose and intention of VBS scripts began for web developers working in the Microsoft framework. Eventually, web administrators realized the value of VBScripts and began using the scripts as automation tools. It was a major step up from the old batch language tools used and it popularized VBS immensely. The ability to save scripts for specific tasks and to access and run these scripts in a matter of seconds was a major time saver for developers and administrators.

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Windows Notepad is a common means of writing scripts for execution, because using a text based application makes the script writing convenient. The script itself however must be written flawlessly to function as intended. Save and label the text based VBS scripts into specifically labeled VBS files for easy access. Using the file name as a pathway for quick execution is a common method of launch VBS Script execution.

VBS was ultimately made to function with Explorer and versions 5.0 and 5.5 increased capabilities to include expressions, classes and with statements. Developers and web administrators use VBS Script language to perform specific tasks and to implement changes and adjustments to the system as a whole.

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Execute a VBS File

Open Windows Explorer or a script specific execution program like PowerShell or Windows Script Host. In Explorer, type the script location into the address bar to access the script. For example, a folder labeled “Scripts” in the C drive will yield a C:\Scripts for the path to that specific folder. Double click on the specific VBS Script you want to run and it the process will execute.

When using a script execution tool, copy and paste from Notepad or utilize the pathway process to run the scripts. Always double check to ensure you are selecting the correct script because running the wrong script can cause damage to the system. Running VBS Scripts is convenient for developers and web administrators who are using the same saved scripts repeatedly.

In PowerShell, running the script is exceptionally easy. Simply type cscript to run your script. PowerShell is connected to your working directory and it will quickly pull the script with the matching file name. Take extra caution to access the correct file while using this process.

Alternative Script Methods

While running direct through Explorer or a script command application is easy and common, running through Windows Script Host is a good option as well. The program uses a dialogue box for quick script access and execution in the specific style. On Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems (but not more recent ones), you can type the script directly on the command line to execute.

Using this system, you can run scripts using the default engine, which is Explorer. This follows the same process as the previous section where you write a path for the script in Explorer. You can also run VBS Scripts using WScript.exe by clicking Start followed by Run. Type the file path into the Open field then click OK to open and run the script.

All of these methods are essentially using a similar approach to access and run the script. The only big difference lies in the program chosen to execute VBS Scripts, which is really a matter of personal preference.

cara atasi windows can’t find script file “C:\Windows\run.vbs”.

cara atasi windows sript host can’t find di windows ini saya alami pada Os WINDOWS 10 PRO, ketika itu windows saya bervirus dan berniat membersihkannya dengan avir nah ketika masih ada dan susah untuk di hapus, saya berinisiatif menghapusnya dengan manual, dan waktu itu belum tahu fungsi run.vbs karena di dalam file tersebut kata-katanya asing.

hal ini membuat saya bingung dan akhirnya searching ke blog luar dengan key how, di blog indonesia jarang ada, mungkin saja ada artikelnya tapi entah di page berapa, dengan inisiatif itulah saya membuat artikel ini dan semoga bermanfaat bagi kawan yang mengalami masalah yang sama.
ketika reboot dan masuk ke system operasi semuanya blank hitam dan muncul lah seperti gambar di bawah ini :

can’t find script file “C:\Windows\run.vbs”.

nah jika kalian mengalami hal yang sama kalian bisa ikuti caranya di bawah ini untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang di alami

1. tekan ctrl + alt + del

secara bersamaan dan akan di alihkan ke beberapa opsi, pilih task manager, kita menggunakan task manager untuk run aplikasi nah aplikasi inilah yang kita panggil, dan bisa menampilkan desktop kembali

2.pilih task manager
dan arahakn ke file

3. lalu klik run new task

file > run new task

4. ketikan explorer.exe
ketikan explorer exe maka desktop akan seperti semula lagi :

explorer exe

setelah selesai, hal ini hanya sementara dan jika kalian reboot maka desktop kalian akan blank kembali kalian bisa mengikuti cara di atas, jika kalian repot maka tunggu artikel update selanjutnya yah.

selesai semoga bermanfaat. jika artikel ini bermanfaat kalian bisa subcribe dan mendapat pemberitahuan dari kami secara otomatis.

nb : mohon untuk berkomentar jika artikel ini bermanfaat dan membantu masalah kalian

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      Mirip Geeks: cara atasi windows can’t find script file “C:\Windows\run.vbs”.
      cara atasi windows can’t find script file “C:\Windows\run.vbs”.
      tutorial cara atasi windows can’t find script file “C:\Windows\run.vbs”. error
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