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Barbi” gəlinciyinə bənzəmək üçün 88 kq arıqladı – FOTO

Oh, my goodness, have you heard the news about corduroy?! It’s making a comeback in a big way, and I am beyond excited! Not only is it super stylish and versatile, but it also has such a unique texture that is absolutely irresistible. I love how it can add depth and dimension to any outfit without being too overwhelming. Plus, there are endless options for colors and styles, whether you want to go for a classic brown or try something bolder like green or teal. And let’s not forget about how comfortable corduroy is – it’s like wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket all day long. Overall, I couldn’t be happier that corduroy is back in the fashion scene, and I can’t wait to incorporate more of it into my wardrobe!

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Men’s Corduroy

Nthabiseng Mohlapiso Invalid date 1 minute, 10 seconds

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Men’s corduroy

Oh, my goodness, have you heard the news about corduroy?! It’s making a comeback in a big way, and I am beyond excited! Not only is it super stylish and versatile, but it also has such a unique texture that is absolutely irresistible. I love how it can add depth and dimension to any outfit without being too overwhelming. Plus, there are endless options for colors and styles, whether you want to go for a classic brown or try something bolder like green or teal. And let’s not forget about how comfortable corduroy is – it’s like wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket all day long. Overall, I couldn’t be happier that corduroy is back in the fashion scene, and I can’t wait to incorporate more of it into my wardrobe!

“Barbi” gəlinciyinə bənzəmək üçün 88 kq arıqladı – FOTO

Avstraliyalı qadın “Barbi” gəlinciyinə bənzəmək üçün 88 kq arıqlayıb.

Sidneydən olan Kayla Lavender uşaq vaxtından “Barbi”yə aşiq olduğunu deyir. Hətta valideynlərinin ona hədiyyə etdiyi 200 kukla kolleksiyası da var.

“Mənim “Barbi” ilə bağlılığım uşaq vaxtı başlayıb və yetkin dövrümdə də davam edir”, – deyə Kayla bildirib.

O, etiraf edib ki, özü də gəlinciyə bənzəmək istəyib, ancaq artıq çəkisi bu arzusuna mane olub.

Bir dəfə təyyarədə uçmaq üçün iki oturacaq almaq məcburiyyəti isə onu özünə gətirib. Bundan sonra qadın pəhrizlərə keçib, lakin bu nəticəsiz olub. Nəhayət 2018-ci ildə Kayla mədə kiçiltmə əməliyyatına qərar verib.

“Əməliyyatdan sonra özümü yeni qadın kimi hiss etdim. Ancaq bu kifayət etmədi, həyat tərzimi də dəyişdirməli oldum”, – deyə Lavender etiraf edib.

Onun sözlərinə görə, artıq səhərini qaçışla başlayır, qidalanmasına nəzarət edir və mütəmadi idmanla məşğul olur. Həmin vaxtdan bu günə kimi avstraliyalı 88 kq arıqlayıb.

“Arıqlayan hər kəsə demək istəyirəm ki, ardıcıllıq əsas amildir. Tərəzidəki rəqəmlərə diqqət yetirməyin, ardıcıl olmağa çalışın”, – deyə Kayla məsləhət görüb.

My Top 10 Linux Commands

Top basic Linux commands every Linux User must learn to be successful according to long time Ubuntu member Matthew Helmke.

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Getting started in the Linux CLI (command line interface) world can be intimidating if you are used to doing everything via a shiny graphical interface. There is a lot of information out there and it is sometimes difficult to decide where to start. You want to unleash the power you have been told exists, but you don’t yet know how to list the files in a directory or navigate yourself through the file system.

This article will help you by presenting my top 10 foundational commands that every Linux user must learn if they are to be successful. This is not a list of the 10 most powerful, most obscure, most likely to make you a command-line uber-genius. These are simply the commands I think you should learn first.

For this article, I am assuming that you have already installed a distribution of Linux or been given a machine with Linux on it and I am assuming that you have figured out how to access the command line by finding the terminal application.

Having done so, you start out in your /home directory with a command prompt that looks something like this:

The first part is your username, which in this example is “matthew”. Following that is the @ symbol which precedes the name of the system you are logged into, here “lovelace”.

NOTE: I have a habit of naming my systems after important people in the history of computer science. Ada Lovelace is worth learning about if you are not familiar with her work.

Finally, the prompt includes a colon : followed by your current location in the file system. The tilde ~ is Linux shorthand for “my home directory,” which here would be /home/matthew.

The commands I describe are to be entered from this prompt followed by the Enter key. For simplicity, I am going to assume you are using the most common command shell default: bash. Don’t worry if you don’t yet know what that is.

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