Necə WoW oynamaq. qaydaları
Sounds good right? not so much.
Thread: Original WoW Server?
I was just wondering what the community of mmo-champion would think of Blizzard starting a Pre-TBC server. Healers with 6000mana and all of that, imo it was harder and more exciting to play when you were 40 guys and only 1-2 items dropped of the bosses. Your character was more unique then it is now during WotLK and also more unique then during TBC. So, how would you feel if Blizzard started an “Original WoW Server”?
2009-01-08, 01:00 PM #2
Field Marshal Join Date Aug 2008 Posts 82
Re: Original WoW Server?
Original Naxx was the only difficult original instance, and evan that was screwed with gear checks (4HM)
end tbc was IMO the best raiding so far SW pre nurf ect.
as for more unique. there were LESS items available, really only 1 set per class which forced specs.
Olden days were fun back in the day, but tbc brought some great changes, just as I’m sure WOLK will in time.
2009-01-09, 01:41 AM #3
Mechagnome Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 520
Re: Original WoW Server?
Another great example of irrational nostalgia.
Originally Posted by IceyDevil
So now the Norse are stealing ideas from Blizzard, too!
2009-01-09, 07:42 AM #4
The Hedgehog Join Date Aug 2008 Location MA, USA. Posts 12,764
Re: Original WoW Server?
Sounds good right? not so much.
I do think that our stats are way too much 30k health tanks? 20k mana pools? it’d be nice if they could scale things back down so we could say “holy crap that tank has 10k health!”
I do think they should open up ONE server though.. so people who think their should be original WoW servers can hop into a 40 man with their class and see that it isn’t anything like it is now. When it comes to what blizz wants for classes they’re bi-polar.
2009-01-09, 11:26 AM #5
Herald of the Titans Join Date Jul 2008 Posts 2,615
Re: Original WoW Server?
I can see it happen, you won’t have to downgrade or even have an expansion, just some simple coding for an old type of server and I’d believe a lot of people would be interested. would be a nice side feature if you’re bored with the current stuff, just log on an alt and play some old content again. if it were really popular they might even add servers to play every endgame at intended difficulty.
it would be better than most stuff devs waste their time on. and would probably only get more people to play the game.
the ensidia ban was clever marketing
oh noes, someone is using engineering
2009-01-09, 11:57 AM #6
The Patient Join Date May 2008 Posts 235
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by velourea
I can see it happen, you won’t have to downgrade or even have an expansion, just some simple coding for an old type of server and I’d believe a lot of people would be interested. would be a nice side feature if you’re bored with the current stuff, just log on an alt and play some old content again. if it were really popular they might even add servers to play every endgame at intended difficulty.
it would be better than most stuff devs waste their time on. and would probably only get more people to play the game.
This man speaks the truth. I’d love to get back into MC/BWL.
2009-01-09, 12:27 PM #7
High Overlord Join Date Jun 2008 Posts 150
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by velourea
I can see it happen, you won’t have to downgrade or even have an expansion, just some simple coding for an old type of server and I’d believe a lot of people would be interested. would be a nice side feature if you’re bored with the current stuff, just log on an alt and play some old content again. if it were really popular they might even add servers to play every endgame at intended difficulty.
it would be better than most stuff devs waste their time on. and would probably only get more people to play the game.
Wrong, it’s allot of work since the talents and spells all classes got with the expansion need to be changed back to how they used to be and for every change Blizzard makes they need to put in more work to make it right for the original servers.
Your asking for Blizzard to put work into undoing what they did just because you don’t like things changing. How about you stop playing MMO’s instead of these useless requests? I’d like Blizzard to spend the manpower in making more interesting dungeons, quests, achievements and expansions instead of downgrading their product for several people who can’t get used to changes.
2009-01-09, 01:20 PM #8
Brewmaster Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 1,294
Re: Original WoW Server?
Didnt they say that they would never ever do this when asked? I think I saw something like this in the general forums at one time.
Another case of irrational nostalgia.
You got that right.
2009-02-10, 06:00 PM #9
Blademaster Join Date Jan 2009 Posts 38
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Blikje
Wrong, it’s allot of work since the talents and spells all classes got with the expansion need to be changed back to how they used to be and for every change Blizzard makes they need to put in more work to make it right for the original servers.
Your asking for Blizzard to put work into undoing what they did just because you don’t like things changing. How about you stop playing MMO’s instead of these useless requests? I’d like Blizzard to spend the manpower in making more interesting dungeons, quests, achievements and expansions instead of downgrading their product for several people who can’t get used to changes.
i have yet to understand why people are QQing so much about the changes. there are more tanks then there has ever been. there’s still a shortage of healers, though. i don’t really PvP so i’m not seeing that aspect of it too much. but i’m happy with the PvE content so far. i like that Naxx and other Raids can be PuG’d. in vanilla WoW i made the mistake of making a hunter as my first toon. when i realized that the servers/guilds were over-flooded with them i decided to make a healer. i got to do a few Gruul’s but never got past that content. now, however, i’m able to do end game content with my Prot Pally without having to worry about whether or not i’m in a raiding guild. i’ve had more fun in LK than pervious expansions. the only real complaint is that i’m tired of seeing DKs all over the place. just like i was tired of seeing Shaman when TBC released. i truly believe that GC and all the over Devs are doing what they can to make the mechanics/dungeons fun for every player. people just need to be patient.
2009-02-10, 06:05 PM #10
Bloodsail Admiral Join Date Jun 2008 Posts 1,158
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Muxxon
Another great example of irrational nostalgia.
2009-02-10, 06:09 PM #11
The Lightbringer Join Date Mar 2008 Posts 3,446
Re: Original WoW Server?
people will start getting upset and want “updates” to these servers. then blizzard will have to pay attention to these people which will take away resources from what actually matters.
then the updates won’t come to these servers, and the people playing on these servers will get bored. They will start playing on their old servers, but realize they spent too much time on the old servers and are too far behind to catch up. They will then quit the game and stop paying blizzard. or at least complain about quitting the game.
quit living in the past.
It’s just a game.
2009-02-10, 06:11 PM #12
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Mechagnome Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 738
Re: Original WoW Server?
It really is all just nostalgia.. I mean sure, vanilla WoW had its fun times, but the game is in actuality so much better now then it was in vanilla.
That said, it would be nice if they opened one realm up. I don’t see what the harm would be.
This bro told a cool story on 2009-12-03 and proudly took part in the banfest.
2009-02-10, 06:11 PM #13
Stood in the Fire Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 363
Re: Original WoW Server?
Don’t buy the expansions, and lvl to 60. You can do absolutely everything you used to be able to minus Naxx and attunements.
There’s no reason you can’t get 5 lvl 60s and do scholo over and over. Or MC, BWL, etc. There’s nothing stopping anyone.
You know why people don’t? It’s fucking stupid.
I really don’t understand the MMO obsession with nostalgia. Just like in RL. old times were generally worse than current times, people are just too stupid to understand how good they have it until it’s gone. Classic WoW should be called Shitty WoW imo as the game has gotten so much better in the last 4 years.
2009-02-10, 06:12 PM #14
High Overlord Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 101
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Blikje
Wrong, it’s allot of work since the talents and spells all classes got with the expansion need to be changed back to how they used to be and for every change Blizzard makes they need to put in more work to make it right for the original servers.
Your asking for Blizzard to put work into undoing what they did just because you don’t like things changing. How about you stop playing MMO’s instead of these useless requests? I’d like Blizzard to spend the manpower in making more interesting dungeons, quests, achievements and expansions instead of downgrading their product for several people who can’t get used to changes.
Oh realy? And you don’t think blizzard still has backups from pre-tbc? All they have to do is buy a new Server in one of their 10 or so data centers and set it up. So please, get a clue before you speak.
2009-02-10, 06:16 PM #15
Blademaster Join Date May 2008 Posts 42
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by svettigt
So, how would you feel if Blizzard started an “Original WoW Server”?
Buy a second copy of the game. Don’t install BC or WotLK. Enjoy your “Original WoW Server”.
2009-02-10, 06:18 PM #16
High Overlord Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 101
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Wartrin
Buy a second copy of the game. Don’t install BC or WotLK. Enjoy your “Original WoW Server”.
I don’t see why ppl give smart comments like this. You all know that is not the original WoW Server because it still has all the new talents, and all the increases of quest xp, and what ever not that was given in the past 100 patches. Srsly, stop acting smart
2009-02-10, 06:19 PM #17
Mechagnome Join Date Jul 2008 Posts 532
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Amgyn
people will start getting upset and want “updates” to these servers. then blizzard will have to pay attention to these people which will take away resources from what actually matters.
then the updates won’t come to these servers, and the people playing on these servers will get bored. They will start playing on their old servers, but realize they spent too much time on the old servers and are too far behind to catch up. They will then quit the game and stop paying blizzard. or at least complain about quitting the game.
quit living in the past.
You couldnt be more wrong if u tried.
More people would come back, people on original servers would pay subscriptions, they would pay for there maintanence. You wouldnt be forced to play it, unlike peopel beign forced to play wotlk if they want a wow experience.
This is like saying private servers will cause wow to fail, its stupid and irrational and people only say it coz of fear that it will affect them, it wont, u can still play on ur welfare servers. Do pve servers stop pvp servers form having fun? no so quit whining.
I could explain everything to you why original servers are good idea but u wouldnt get it. If they made it that 60 instances were still hard aty 80, then original servers would be pointless, but when an expansion comes out it makes all content worthless, so in essence it REPLACES the end game, it doesnt add anything to it, its just different bosses, so why cant we choose which end game content we want
2009-02-10, 06:21 PM #18
High Overlord Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 101
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Athor
You couldnt be more wrong if u tried.
More people would come back, people on original servers would pay subscriptions, they would pay for there maintanence. You wouldnt be forced to play it, unlike peopel beign forced to play wotlk if they want a wow experience.
This is like saying private servers will cause wow to fail, its stupid and irrational and people only say it coz of fear that it will affect them, it wont, u can still play on ur welfare servers. Do pve servers stop pvp servers form having fun? no so quit whining.
I could explain everything to you why original servers are good idea but u wouldnt get it. If they made it that 60 instances were still hard aty 80, then original servers would be pointless, but when an expansion comes out it makes all content worthless, so in essence it REPLACES the end game, it doesnt add anything to it, its just different bosses, so why cant we choose which end game content we want
Athor for president. Well said my man well said!
2009-02-10, 06:23 PM #19
Re: Original WoW Server?
it would be cool for bliz to allow an instant 60 toon for those of us who leveled a toon pre BC. i wouldnt mind going into BWL, AQ, and Naxx. because i wasnt able to see all of the content before 2.0 came out
2009-02-10, 06:50 PM #20
Grunt Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 18
Re: Original WoW Server?
Originally Posted by Awinee
Oh realy? And you don’t think blizzard still has backups from pre-tbc? All they have to do is buy a new Server in one of their 10 or so data centers and set it up. So please, get a clue before you speak.
Obviously, you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about. In particular concerning the technical part of an MMO.
Just putting a backup on a server? That won’t do it pal. Creating a classic server would cost Blizzard an increased amount of hardware and manpower.
Technical maintenance? You need a team particularly for the classic server, because it’s a totally different version of the game’s software. Meaning: Twice the effort each downtime although it’s only one more server. You need a special team of GMs for the server, because the guidelines they need to follow to deal with technical difficulties varies a lot – different version of the game’s software.
And then there’s the fact that WoW has bugs in every version of it; that’s normal, it’s an MMO, a software that constantly evolves. Of course, Blizzard could say “Look customers, it’s a classic server, we don’t fix the bugs over there.” But what would happen? People would constantly complain about the lack of customer care and Blizz could not allow this from a PR standpoint. It would just make them look bad. So – they’d need to hire people especially to deal with the bugs of an outdated version of their software. All this means of a lot of effort. And money.
All that hassle for a few dozens of people who think vanilla was better? I heartily doubt it. Besides that, what would that do Blizzard any good? Using their ressources to create a server where you have no need for any of their expansions or their new content? Why would they want to do that??
Necə WoW oynamaq. qaydaları
Bu aka Warcraft Dünya, onlar hər şeyi bilmək, WoW haqqında bu gün görünür. işdən sonra istirahət üçün yaxşı bir yol və kimsə üçün – – gənclər arasında qəribə bir epidemiya bir analog bəziləri üçün, oyun bir kimsə üçün problemlər escape oldu. May kimi, WoW, Blizzard yerdə deyil, hələ müvafiq və təxminən bir il əvvəl oynamaq necə sual tanış oyun ictimai yeni versiyası təqdim olunacaq – Tufan. Bir tərəfdən, burada heç bir şey kompleks var, və interfeys və idarə hətta məktəbliləri başa düşürük. Digər tərəfdən, oyun əyləncə gətirmək üçün, incəliklərini və ümumi bal bəzi bilik olmadan edə bilməz.
nin əsasları ilə başlamaq edək. Bütün sual ilk rəsmi saytında (yeri gəlmişkən, səviyyəsi 20 sonra bir haqqını ödəmək lazımdır), və pirat, pulsuz server, kimi oyun daxil sonra bir xarakter seçin nə yaranır. Siz Alliance və Horde istədiyiniz kimi Rəvayətə görə, Azeroth (WoW dünyada) da, iki müharibə fraksiya və ya Union var. Onlar pis dobryeh bölmək deyil, çox fərqli deyil, lakin hər dəstə öz ərazisini və unikal simvol var. Buna görə də, kimə və necə WoW oynamaq üçün qərar.
Bəzi server bir qayda olaraq, yaşlı insanlar Orda oynamaq, yaş qrupları ilə kortəbii ayrılması var. Siz həmçinin mərtəbəsində başqa bir dəstə (yalnız estetik fərq), irqi və sinif seçə bilərsiniz. Hər irqi öz xüsusiyyətləri və bacarıqları var. sinif Choice sizə daha yaxın mübarizə nə stil asılıdır. imkanı yaxın döyüş, sehrli istifadə, eləcə də bu cür döyüş Demons istifadə olunur cadugər (cadugər) kimi bir neçə vahid simvol, uzun var.
nin WoW oynamaq necə ilkin addımlar baxaq. Bir xarakter yaradılmışdır zaman, siz başlaya bilərsiniz. Siz hər irqi üçün unikal onun əfsanə ilə dünyanın bir hissəsi görünür. iş və ölmək deyil, canavarlar edib – İlk səviyyədə, xüsusilə, orada aydın necə irat WoW təxminən heç bir sual. Əlavə – daha çətin. Amma daha maraqlı. hamarlanması kimi, yəni ali səviyyəsi, yeni bilik və bacarıqları ilə, məsələn, səviyyəsi 10 siz digər oyunçular ilə komanda döyüşlərdə iştirak edə bilər. Burada WoW əsas üstünlüyü özünü – Hər bir oyunçu komanda bir aydın müəyyən yeri var, əsas odur ki, – bu anlamaq və bir kahin oynayan edirsinizsə, zirehli düşmən bir dəstə dırmaşmaq üçün cəhd etməyin.
Oyun artım səviyyəsi bir sürpriz təqdim edir – “. güclü canavarlar sahəsi kimə böyük bir mükafat verilir” qondarma “dungeons” oyunçular dil deməkdir Yenə bir zərər insanlar – necə WoW oynamaq? Bütün sonra, yalnız və sonra üçün aydın! üçün oyun üçün üstünlük İnternet dərslik oxumaq onun boş vaxt başlamazdan əvvəl, sinir hüceyrələrinin yüzlərlə insanın ölümünə səbəb olmadı.
Belə ki, hər kəs ödəyə bilər ola bilər rəsmi saytında ödəmək üçün necə sual pulsuz WoW oynamaq necə yaranır. ilk seçimi – rəsmi saytında səviyyəsi 20. ikinci – Çox pirat server. Yəqin ki, bu variant WoW oynamaq üçün azad necə suala cavab tapmaq üçün çalışırıq edənlər üçün yaxşı olacaq. Əlbəttə ki, bu server az stabil deyil, etmək tələb olunur aylıq ödəniş.
Can I play the original World of Warcraft without any expansions?
I tried playing World of Warcraft from an old DVD I had. But it immediately starts downloading the expansion (I can see 8GB remaining at the bottom of the downloader) and won’t let me play the game. I do not want to download the expansion just want to play the original WoW. Blizzard’s website says I must have the latest patches to be able to play. Is this only true for Battle.Net’s server or will I need to update to the latest expansion to be able to play? Also if I start playing the latest expansion (Cataclysm at the moment), will I be missing something that was found only in the original game?
38.7k 58 58 gold badges 195 195 silver badges 308 308 bronze badges
asked Feb 3, 2011 at 11:44
313 1 1 gold badge 3 3 silver badges 5 5 bronze badges
5 Answers 5
You cannot play the original World of Warcraft as Cataclysm changed the map, starting areas, and other things significantly.
To clarify, this does not require you to buy any of the expansions, but it does require you to patch your game so that you’re on the current version of the game. Even without buying the expansions there are many changes that will effect how you experience the game.
answered Feb 3, 2011 at 11:57
16.1k 9 9 gold badges 102 102 silver badges 172 172 bronze badges
this does not mean you can not play without the exanpsions, as you can. you’ll just need to download all the patches/updates as user4634 mentioned.
Feb 3, 2011 at 14:12
@Xantec yes, but he was asking whether there was any way to play it as it was in the box.
Feb 3, 2011 at 15:11
Hooray, all Classic account have now gotten a free upgrade to Burning Crusade !
Aug 25, 2011 at 10:14
@Vincent Can you provide a link substantiating that, so I can update my answer?
Aug 25, 2011 at 10:53
See here, it’s from an MVP, so very reliable indeed CBA to look further
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