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Ingilis Dili 5 Ci Sinif Metodik Vesait Free Books

A) work/work
B) go/goes
C) be/is
D) work/works

İngilis dili dərsləri

2. A: —– does Mary go to school?
B: By bus.

A) When
B) Where
C) What
D) How

3. —– do you have breakfast?
I have breakfast in the morning.

A) When
B) What time
C) What
D) Where

4. 08:45

A) It is a quarter to eight
B) It is a quarter past nine
C) It is a quarter to nine
D) It is a quarter past eight

5. He ——— his teeth in the evenings.

A) brush
B) brushed
C) brushes
D) brushing

6. ———- is your phone number?
It is 383 03 70

A) Where
B) Who
C) What
D) Where

7.A. ——– does your sister go to be?
B. She goes to bed at around ten o’clock.

A) How
B) Where
C) What
D) What time

8. A: ——- she ———- in two or three films every year?
B: Yes, she does.

A) Do / act
B) Does / acts
C) Do / acts
D) Does / Act

9. 06:40

What time is it?
A) It is twenty past six.
B) It is twenty to seven
C) It is twenty past seven
D) It is a quarter to seven

10. A: When do you watch TV? B: We watch TV ——– the evenings.

A) but
B) at
C) on
D) in

A. Does your father —— in a school?
B. No he doesn’t. He ——at a company.

A) work/work
B) go/goes
C) be/is
D) work/works

12. I —— up at half past seven.

A) get
B) watch
C) go
D) take

13. ——- he wear glasses?
Yes, he .

A) Do / do
B) Does / doesn’t
C) Does/ does
D) Is / isn’t

14. My father ——- his car very core fully.

A) drive
B) rides
C) ride
D) drives

Ingilis Dili 5 Ci Sinif Metodik Vesait Free Books

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