Noutbuku neçəyə sata bilərəm
All of these numbers are used to identify a product, however each serves a slightly different purpose.
How to find the model and serial number of my product
The model or serial number on your appliance or device can be displayed in a number of different places depending on the product you have purchased. This may be on packaging, stickers or the product itself. Read on to find out more information on where to locate the product codes (e.g. serial number, model number, IMEI) on your Samsung product.
What are serial, model and IMEI numbers?
All of these numbers are used to identify a product, however each serves a slightly different purpose.
Model Number: This number is used to differentiate between models in a company’s line of devices or appliances. Many devices or appliances can share a model number, indicating they are the same model.
Serial number: Often abbreviated to S/N, this number is a unique hardware identification number chosen by a company and given to each device or appliance produced. The number is used to match a product to its customer, so that the company has a record of possession. This number is only used by the original producer of the product.
IMEI number: The IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity and is used to distinguish a mobile phone across all companies worldwide. The number can be used to identify and track a device that might be stolen or compromised.
Mobile devices and accessories
Printed on the device
Depending on your device, your IMEI, serial number and model number may be printed on the back or beneath the removable battery. For devices with a removable battery, the IMEI number will be in different places depending on your model. It is usually under the battery, printed on the phone near the bottom of the device. The numbers printed on your device are quite small and are sometimes difficult to read.
Please note: most newer devices do not have a removable battery. If your device does not have a removable battery, do not attempt to remove it as this may damage the device and void the warranty.
noutbuku neçəyə sata bilərəm
tecili pul lazimdi deye noutbuk satmaq isdeyirem. bir il yarimdi alınıb… heç bir problemi falan yoxdur…markasi, parametirleri : acer inspire Core i5 – 3210M , 250GHz 8.00 GB RAM, yaddaş 700GB
neçəyə sata bilərəm?
Sualı verdi: M4I-IiR ( 01/06/2015 )
Kateqoriya: Sual . Acer, noutook, qiymət, satmaq. Qısa keçid.
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