Возврат Android к заводскому состоянию с помощью Hard Reset
Removing the battery may be easier on some devices than on others. Most phones will allow you to simply pop the battery out. However, there may be a lock or a release switch that you need to operate first. Remove the battery, put it back in, and restart your device. If you have a tablet, it’s probable that your battery isn’t removable. In that case, your only recourse will be to wait until the battery drains on its own. At that point, you should be able to recharge it and restart your device.
How to Hard Reset or Reboot any Android Phone or Tablet
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Like all computing devices, Android phones and tablets can get sluggish when they’re left on for too long. The cause for this is straightforward; more and more apps keep running in the background. Eventually, those unused apps are taking up memory space and wasting other system resources. This limits the amount of resources available for the apps you’re actually using.
In most cases, the simple solution is to restart your device. When your system powers off and then back on, the memory is cleared and you restart with a fresh slate. But sometimes a simple restart isn’t enough. Your system may refuse to restart altogether, in which case you’ll need to perform a hard reboot. If that doesn’t work, you may even need to perform a factory reset. Thankfully, we’re here to help. Here’s a step by step guide to rebooting your Android phone or tablet. We’ll start with the simplest options, and proceed through the most radical steps.
Step 1: Perform a System Reboot
If your apps are sluggish or randomly crashing, you might need to reboot your Android. The easiest way to do that is to press and hold the power button for a few seconds. This will normally be found near the top right of the device, but it may differ. For example, on a biometric phone, the button will be on the back. At a certain point, you’ll see a menu with options to power off or restart. A restart will automatically power your phone or tablet down and then back on again. The power button will turn it off, but you’ll need to press it again to power back up.
Step 2: Perform a Hard Reboot
Sometimes, the power off menu may fail to appear. This usually happens when your phone has completely frozen and won’t open any new apps. In this case, you’ll need to perform a hard reboot. Note that this isn’t the same as a factory reset, which we’ll discuss in a minute. It’s also much easier to perform, although it doesn’t work the same way on all Android devices.
On some, you can perform a hard reboot by holding down the power button. This can take as long as 20 seconds, so you’ll need to be patient and wait for things to happen. If there’s no response after 30 seconds, try holding down both the power and volume up buttons. This should cause the device to shut down after about 20 seconds. At that point, you can restart your Android as normal.
Step 3: Remove The Battery
If your phone won’t hard reboot, it’s probably because the operating system has totally locked up. In that case, the next step is to remove power and force it to shut down. You don’t want to do this if you can help it, since doing it repeatedly will stress the internal circuitry. That said, it’s a good fallback when nothing else is working.
Removing the battery may be easier on some devices than on others. Most phones will allow you to simply pop the battery out. However, there may be a lock or a release switch that you need to operate first. Remove the battery, put it back in, and restart your device. If you have a tablet, it’s probable that your battery isn’t removable. In that case, your only recourse will be to wait until the battery drains on its own. At that point, you should be able to recharge it and restart your device.
Step 4: Perform a Factory Reset
In most cases, the above steps should solve your problem. But there are situations where your apps might keep malfunctioning. This usually means that something went wrong during a system update. It can also be caused by shady apps corrupting your system files. In this case, you’ll need to perform a factory reset.
A factory reset is exactly what it sounds like. It will restore your phone to the state it was in when you first purchased it. This means you’ll only have the default apps, and you’ll lose any local data you have stored. Keep in mind that for most Android users this isn’t a huge amount of data. Your contacts, emails, and settings should all be safe in the cloud. That said, you might lose some locally-stored photos, as well as some app data.
To perform a reset, you’ll first need to charge your battery to at least 75 percent. Below that, it won’t have enough power to perform the process. If possible, just leave your phone on the charger while you’re working. That way, you won’t have to worry about the battery level dropping too low.
If you’re able to turn your device on, the reset process is relatively straightforward. You open your settings menu, click “Backup & reset,” then select “factory data reset.” This will initiate the factory reset process.
If you can’t fully boot up your phone or tablet because it gets stuck in the boot-up process, not all is lost. You may still be able to access your device’s recovery mode. Power up your phone, but instead of just the power button, hold down the volume up button as well. Continue holding this button combination until the Android logo appears on your screen. At this point, a menu will appear. Using the volume buttons, scroll down to “Recovery,” then press the power button. If the only option in the menu is “No Command,” press and hold the power button, then press volume up. Either way, you’ll end up in the reset menu. Here, use the volume down button to scroll to the “Wipe data/factory reset” option. Select it with the power button, and you’ll be asked to confirm. Use the power button again to confirm, and the reset will commence.
Some Android devices have a physical home button. In that case, you’ll need to follow a slightly different procedure. When you start up, press the volume up, power, and home buttons all together. The phone will vibrate; at that point, let go of the power button. You’ll feel another vibration, and the menu will appear. From here, proceed as we described above.
Some Android devices don’t have any dedicated power button. In that case, you’ll have to proceed as if you had a power button, but use the side button instead. There are other quirky designs that you might potentially have to deal with. If nothing we described applies to you, check your manufacturer’s support site.
What if My Phone is Bricked?
In the worst case scenario, your phone might be bricked. This means that it’s totally non-responsive to your commands. That said, there are two types of bricked; soft bricked, and hard bricked. A hard bricked device is literally useless; that’s where the term comes from. It’s now about as useful as a brick or a paperweight. But Billy Crystal’s character had a fantastic line in the movie The Princess Bride. He says that there’s a difference between “mostly dead” and “all dead.” A hard bricked phone is all dead, but a soft bricked phone is mostly dead. So how do you tell the difference?
A hard bricked phone or tablet will not turn on anymore, and your PC or Mac will not recognize it. A soft bricked phone will show activity. It might partially start up, only to constantly keep rebooting. It may crash any time you actually try to open an app or make a phone call. In this case, something went wrong in a custom app, or you had an issue in recovery mode. You can fix a soft bricked device by flashing your device and installing a clean copy of Android. This is a more complicated process, and it’s outside the scope of this article.
Closing Apps: The Alternative to Rebooting
If your device is getting sluggish, you don’t necessarily need to reboot it at all. In many cases, it’s sufficient simply to close down a few apps. This will clear them from memory, freeing up space for the apps you want to run. To begin with, press open your app menu and close anything that’s open. It also helps to check your recently used apps if you have a button for it. This makes it easy to bring up a list of all apps, and there’s even a convenient “Close All” button.
Another way to find open apps is to bring up your phone’s task manager. Depending on your phone, you’ll either need to long-press or double-tap your Home button. This will bring up a menu with several options, one of which is the task manager. From there, you can see all apps that are currently in memory, and close whichever ones you want.
Final Verdict
As you can see, there are many ways to reboot your Android phone or tablet. But if you follow these steps, you’ll be able to recover from just about any problem. That’s about all there is to it.
Возврат Android к заводскому состоянию с помощью Hard Reset
Hard Reset (жесткая перезагрузка, аппаратный сброс) – процедура, при которой устройство Android удаляет пользовательскую информацию (приложения, локальную телефонную книгу, SMS) и возвращается к исходному (заводскому) состоянию.
Важно! Информация с SIM-карты, SD-карты и памяти телефона не удаляется с помощью Hard Reset. Но это можно сделать программно, выбрав соответствующий пункт при откате Android-устройства до заводских настроек.
Восстановить удаленную информацию невозможно, поэтому перед “сбросом” воспользуйтесь функцией резервирования данных.
Важно! Hard Reset полезна в том случае, если смартфон или планшет не включается из-за поврежденной операционной системы или в нем наблюдаются критические сбои и ошибки. Если устройство не запускается, а необходимо сохранить данные, попробуйте войти в безопасный режим Android.
Аппаратный сброс
Чтобы сделать Hard Reset, Android-устройство должно быть полностью выключено. На корпусе есть механические клавиши (клавиши громкости, питание, домой). Специально нажатая комбинация клавиш вызовет “Recovery Mode” или (ему подобные модификации) в котором находится Hard Reset.
Для всех устройств:
- Нажмите сочетание клавиш: “Клавиша громкости вверх” + “Домой (Home)” + “Кнопка включения питания” и держите несколько секунд. После появившейся надписи Samsung можете отпускать.
- В появившемся меню выберите пункт “wipe data/factory reset” (листать повышение/понижение громкости, принять – кнопка включения питания)
- В новом меню появится несколько пунктов “No” и один “Yes – Delete all user data“. Нажмите на Yes (клавишей питания).
- После выполненной процедуры появится главное меню Recovery. Нажмите “reboot system now” для перезагрузки Android.
Важно! Аналогичным способом делается жесткая перезагрузка для LG, ZTE и Coolpad.
- Нажмите сочетание клавиш и держите: “Клавиша громкости вверх” + “Клавиша громкости вниз” + кратковременно нажмите кнопку “Питание”.
- Удерживайте две клавиши громкости пока не увидите надпись “Предупреждение“.
- Нажмите клавишу громкости вверх еще раз что выполнить Hard Reset.
- Зажмите и держите одновременно “Клавишу громкости вверх” и “Питание”. После появления надписи Meizu отпустите кнопки.
- Выберите в появившемся меню Flyme пункт “Clear data” и нажмите “Start”.
- Ожидайте окончания процедуры. По окончанию произойдет автоматическая перезагрузка..
- Зажмите и удерживайте клавиши “Громкость вверх” + “Питание” до появления значка “Me”.
- В появившемся меню перемещаемся в пункт “English” (клавишами регулирования громкости) и нажимаем выбор клавишей “Питания”.
- Затем выберите пункт Wipe & Reset.
- Подтвердите выполнение операции нажатием “Yes“.
- После успешного сброса вернитесь в главное меню и нажмите “Reboot to System” для перезагрузки.
Важно! Аналогичная процедура для устройств фирмы Oppo.
- Нажмите и удерживайте клавишу громкости вверх + питание пока не появится загрузка “Recovery” меню.
- Выберите пункт “MMC” (клавишами регулирования громкости) и нажмите на него (сенсорной клавишей на телефоне).
- Подождите, в течении 4-5 минут будет происходить сброс данных, а затем произойдет перезагрузка.
- На 2 секунды зажмите клавишу включения.
- Затем одновременно зажмите кнопки повышения и понижения громкости, а кнопку включения отожмите.
- В появившейся программе “Team Win Recovery Project” нажмите “Wipe” и “Factory Reset“.
- Для подтверждения сброса передвиньте ползунок слева направо.
- После, нажмите “Back” – “Reset” – “System” для входа в Android после перезагрузки.
Помните! Функция аппаратного сброса только удаляет персональные данные. Если вы устанавливали на свой Android другую прошивку, откат до заводских не вернет “родную прошивку”.
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Hard Reset Android
There are a number of reasons why you might need to factory reset your Mobile. Here we provided how to Hard Reset Android Phone step by step. With these methods, you can easily Reset your smartphone.
When Do You need to Reset your mobile?
- Forgotten Pattern Lock
- Forgotten Security Screen Lock password
- When your phone is slow
- When you want to delete all the data from the phone
- Your phone is overloaded with apps and running slow
- Forgotten Phone Lock
Forgotten Security Screen Lock pin
What is Hard Reset?
A hard reset also is known as a factory reset or master reset, It is a software restore of smartphones, tablets to original system settings. It clears all the memory associated with the hardware and updates the hardware with the latest updated version. After hard reset, the CPU or processor application will restart.
Note: Hard reset will completely erase all the data, settings and content on your mobile, So Before resetting your mobile backup all your data.
Hard Reset Android Mobile
Hard Reset Method – 1
- First, you should turn off your mobile.
- Hold Down the
- Volume Up +Power button
- Volume Down + Power button
- Volume Up +Home +Power button
- Please try above all steps one by one, Until you will see Android exclamation mark.
- While holding down the Power Button press and release Volume Up Button.
- After that, you should Select from Recovery Mode menu wipe data/factory reset option, Use Volume Buttons to scroll down and Confirm with the power button.
- Then Choose Yes – delete all user data Option.
- Use volume buttons to select the option reboot system now and confirm with the power button.
- Hard Reset Completed on your mobile.
Hard Reset Method – 2
- First, you should turn off your mobile.
- Hold Down the
- Volume Up +Power button
- Volume Down + Power button
- Please try above all steps one by one, Until you will see Logo appears on your screen.
- Keep holding the Volume Up Button until the Recovery Mode.
- Afterward, Select language, Use Volume Buttons to scroll down and Confirm with the power button.
- After that, Select Recovery Option.
- Then select Wipe & Reset option, Using Volume Buttons and confirm with Power button.
- Now Select Wipe All Data option.
- Then choose the YES option.
- Next, Press the Power button to enter option reboot.
- Hard Reset Completed on your mobile.
Hard Reset Method – 3
- First, you should turn off your mobile.
- Hold Down the
- Volume Up +Power button
- Volume Down + Power button
- Please try above all steps one by one, Until you will see Logo appears on your screen.
- Next, You will see the Factory Data reset menu appears on your screen.
- After that, Select YES option, Use Volume Buttons to scroll down and Confirm with the power button.
- Hard Reset Completed on your mobile.
Hard Reset Method – 4
- First, you should turn off your mobile.
- Hold Down the
- Volume Up +Power button
- Volume Down + Power button
- Please try above all steps one by one, Until you will see Logo.
- After that, you should Select Clear data option, Use Volume Buttons to scroll down and Confirm with the power button.
- Now Choose Clear User Data option.
- Finally, Clearing your phone data if you choose the YES option.
- Hard Reset Completed on your mobile.
Hard Reset Method – 5
- First, Switch off your mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, hold down the Volume Up + PowerButton (Volume Down + Power Button).
- When you see the download mode screen, release all the buttons.
- Afterward, Select reboot boot loader, Use Volume Buttons to scroll down and Confirm with the power button.
- Now Choose BOOT TO RECOVERY MODEoption.
- Now You will see Triangle.
- While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
- Afterward, choose to wipe data/factory reset option, Using the Volume button and confirm with the Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Button to select Yes option and press the Power button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Factory Reset Android Phone
Factory reset from settings menu This process will erase all the data from your device’s internal storage
Factory Reset Method – 1
- First, you should turn on your mobile.
- Then Select the Settings menu.
- Next, Choose the option General management.
- Then Select Reset option
- Next, choose the option Factory data reset.
- After that, Select Reset option
- Now Choose the option Delete all.
Factory Reset Method – 2
- First, you should turn on your mobile.
- Go to the settings’ menu.
- After that, Select the option System.
- Next, Find and Select Reset option.
- Now Choose the Factory Data Reset option.
- Select option Reset Phone.
Factory Reset Method – 3
- First, you should turn on your mobile.
- Then open the settings’ menu.
- Next, Find and Select Backup and Reset option.
- Afterward, Select Factory data reset option.
- Then Choose option Reset device or Reset Phone.
- After that, Select option Erase everything.
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