Samsung Xpress M2070 Bedienungsanleitung / Handbuch Download PDF
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Samsung Xpress SL-M2070 manual
User manual for the Samsung Xpress SL-M2070 in English. This PDF manual has 2 pages.
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Samsung Xpress SL-M2070 manual
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SCX-340xFW Series SCX-340xF Series Open Detach Close Open Take out Remove Shake Insert Close * SCX-340xFW Series Only C M Y CM MY CY CMY K JC68-02697A_V201_F_NEW.pdf 2012-07-30 오후 4:53:18 JC68-02697A_V201_F_NEW.pdf 2012-07-30 오후 4:53:18
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C M Y CM MY CY CMY K JC68-02697A_V201_B_NEW.pdf 2012-07-30 오후 4:51:54 JC68-02697A_V201_B_NEW.pdf 2012-07-30 오후 4:51:54
Brand: Samsung Product: printers Model/name: Xpress SL-M2070 Filetype: PDF Available languages: English, Slovak, Korean
Samsung Xpress M2070 Bedienungsanleitung / Handbuch Download PDF
Hier findest du die Bedienungsanleitung/Handbuch des Sony Samsung Xpress M2070 als PDF Datei auf deutsch und/oder auf englisch sowie in anderen Sprachen. Darin wird dir die Bedienung des Gerätes erklärt. Außerdem sind darin wichtige Nutzungshinweise wie zum Beispiel der Pflege des Samsung Xpress M2070 thalten.
Leserbewertung & Eigenschaften
Samsung Xpress M2070 Bedienungsanleitung hat 100 von 100 Prozent bei 2 Bewertungen.
Hersteller: Samsung Lizenzart: Freeware System: Win 7, XP, Vista, Win 8, IOS, Android, Windows 10, 11 Dateigröße: 37.21 MB Sprache: DE, EN Update: 2023.05.19
Technische Daten
500 Seiten
1.000 Seiten
Samsung SL-M2070, Samsung M2070, Samsung SLM2070, Samsung SL M2070, Samsung Xpress SLM2070, Samsung Xpress SL M2070
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Samsung Xpress M2070 manual
Samsung Xpress M2070 handbuch deutsch
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Samsung MFP SCX-4621, Xpress MFP SL-M2070, SL-M2071 – Basic Scanning
This document explains how to scan with your printer. This is a basic scanning method for a USB-connected printer.
It may be necessary to press OK to navigate to lower-level menus for some models.
If you want to scan using the network, refer to the section “Scanning from network connected machine” in the User Guide (Advanced Section).
Basic scanning
Use these steps to scan a document.
Place a single document face down on the document glass, or load the documents face up in the document feeder.
Depending on your printer model, use one of these steps:
Press the Scan button on the control panel, then select Scan to PC .
Select Scan to on the control panel.
If you see a Not Available message, check the port connection, or in Samsung Easy Printer Manager select Enable Scan from Device Panel . Select Switch to advanced mode , then Scan to PC Settings .
Select the scan destination you want and press OK .
The default setting is My Documents .
You can create and save frequently used settings as a profile list. You can also add and delete the profile and save each profile to a different path.
To change the Samsung Easy Printer Manager, select Switch to advanced mode , then Scan to PC Settings .
Select the option you want and press OK .
Scanning begins.
The scanned image is saved in the computer at C:\Users\users name\My Documents. The saved folder may differ, depending on your operating system or the application you are using.
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