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İngiliscə-Azərbaycanca lüğət

a) an information b)some informations c) another information d) some information e) a few informations.

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8 Mayıs 2016 Pazar

İngilis dili qəbul sualları (2013-2014-2015)

Paylaşıldı 03:30 by Leyla Bayramova
1. Complete the dialogue.
-What does your friend look like? (2013)
-He is … and … .
1. wise 2. Handsome 3. Generous 4. Polite 5.well-built
a) 1,3 b)4,5 c) 2,3 d)2,5 e)1,4
2. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice? (2014)
How often do you feed the children?
a) How often were the children fed by you?
b) How often are the children fed by you?
c) How often have you been fed by the children?
d) How often are you fed by the children?
e) How often do the children feed you?
3. Choose the correct conjunction? (2015)
As … the room … the hotel was comfortable, I refused to stay there.
a) neither … nor
b) neither … or
d) either … or
e) both … and
4. Choose the correct variant. (2015)
I wonder if … the fellows have won the game.
1. neither 2.all 3.each 4. Either 5.both
a) 4,5 b) 3,4,5 c) 2,5 d) 1,4 e) 1,2,3
5. Complete the sentence. (2013)
I have completely forgotten the cottage …
1. we stayed in
2. which we stayed
3. where we stayed
4. where we stayed in
a) 1,2,4 b) 1,3 c) 3,4 d) 1,2,3 e) 2,4
6. Choose the correct translation. (2015)

T ədqiqat, bir mövzu haqqında yeni faktlar və ya məlumat üzə çıxarmaq üçün onun diqqətlə öyrənilməsidir.

a) Research is carefully used to discover new facts or information about a subject.
b) Research is careful study of new facts or information in order to discover a subject.
c) Research is a careful study of a subject in order to discover new facts or information about it.
d) Scientific research is a subject for discovering new facts and information.
e) To discover new facts or information about a subject is research.
7. Complete the sentence. (2014)
Jane’s parents want . English well.
a) her to learn b) her learning c)she learn d) her learned e) she to learn
8. Choose the correct tense forms. (2014)
When the farmer . home, his horse . .
a) had returned, had been stolen
b) returned , had been stolen
c) has returned, has been stolen
d) returned, stole
e) returned, had stolen
9. Choose the correct question to the underlined part of the sentence. (2013)
He began to earn money when he was a little boy.
a) What did he begin to do when he was a little boy?
b) When did he begin gto earn money?
c) How much did he earn when he was a little boy?
d) What did he began to earn when he was a little boy?
e) When was he a little boy?
10. Choose the wrong pair of synonyms. (2013)
a) fluent – dreary
b) silly – stupid
c) quiet – silent
d) mighty – powerful
e) cheerful – joyful
11. Complete the dialogue. (2014)
– Excuse me, sir, which is the nearest way to the post office?
a) I am on my way home.
b) I am afraid I don’t know.
c) There is no other way out of this situation.
d) You are a quite right.
e) I don’t mind.
12. Choose the correct logical ending. (2013)
You will be praised by the teacher if you . .
a) look at your friends’ papers during exam
b) break the lesson procedures
c) keep speaking at the lesson with your friend
d) answer his questions correctly
e) copy from your friend at the examination
13. Make up a dialogue. (2015)
1. – How long are you going to stay in this country?
2. – Where are you going?
3. – About two months.
4. – Your passport, please.
5. – To London.
6. – Here you are.
a) 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 2
b) 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, 1
c) 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6
d) 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 6
e) 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5
14. Choose the words which are not antonyms. (2015)
a) kind – cruel
b) heavy – light
c) receive – realize
d) openly – secretly
e) empty – full
15. Choose the correct tense forms. (2013)
Uncle Tom didn’t know that his sons . and . behind him.
a) had come, were standing
b) came, were standing
c) came, are standing
d) were coming, stood
e) had come, was standing
16. Choose the correct conjunctive word. (2014)
I asked him . cities he had visited.
a) in which
b) what kind
e) how much
17. Choose the correct tense form. (2015)
When Nick . home tired that afternoon his mother . him a letter.
a) came, gave
b) will come, has given
c) come, will give
d) came, has given
e) came, had given
18. Choose the logically correct ending. (2013)
If you friend is going for a job interview, you should .
a) be indifferent to it
b) discourage him
c) wish him good luck
d) prevent him from going there
e) burst with envy
19. Choose the logically correct variant. (2014)
“ Fred is capable of swimming a farther than me ” is close in meaning to “. . . ”
a) I can hardly swim as far as Fred.
b) I can swim farther than Fred.
c) Fred can’t swim as far as I can.
d) Fred never swims farther than me.
e) It is easy for me to catch up with Fred.
20. Complete the sentence. (2015)
Henry told .
a) his friends when he has gone sightseeing.
b) his friend he would do his best to help him.
c) if were swimming and boxing his hobbies.
d) if had the contract been signed.
e) whether can’t he recognize the signature.
21. Choose the correct translation. (2013)
Çox gec olmasına baxmayaraq, biz işimizi dayandırmadıq.
a) Though it was very late, we didn’t stop our work.
b) Though it was very late, we couldn’t stop our work.
c) Though it wasn’t so late, we stopped our work.
d) As it was too late, we stopped our work.
e) It was not too late to stop our work.
22. Choose the synonym of the underlined word. (2015)
He was late, but the teacher excused him.
a) praised b) let c) forgive d) freed e) punished
23. Choose the correct prepositions. (2013)
We have lived … the same house … twenty years.
a) in, in b) at, since c) in, after d) in, since e) in, for
24. Choose the correct word. (2014)
… people want more money, power, food, etc. than they really need.
a) Honest b) Polite c) Noble d) Greedy e) Proud
25. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. (2013)
Nobody expected Roland to lie.
a) to be right b) to joke c) to tell the truth d) to be wrong e) to boast
26. Complete the sentence. (2013)
The workers wanted to know … .
a) why was the ambulance late
b) what the matter was
c) what time the accident has happend
d) when will the manager receive them
e) how has all happened
27. Choose the correct word. (2015)
“To …” means to produce or design something that has not existed before.
a) value b) cancel c) accept d) reveal e)invent
28. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. (2013)
1. My father collected stamps when he was a boy.
2. Many interesting books were collected in our schools for the hospital last year.
3. The post-cards, collected by the children were very colourful.
4. Jane has been elected the monitor of the class.
5. The pupils elected the monitor in September.
a) 1,4 b) 1,5 c) 2,4 d) 2,3 e)3,5
29. Choose the qualities that annoy you most. (2013) ( açıq sual )
1. impatience 2. Impoliteness 3. Responsibility 4. Nobility 5. Rudeness
30. Make up sentence. (2014) ( açıq sual )
1. seen 2. films 3. what 4. have 5. this week 6. you
31. Choose the correct prepositions. (2015)
He told the job alone …. turning … anybody … assistance.
a) to, to, for
b) without, to, for
c) without, to, to
d) with, for, for
e) by, to, to
32. Make up story. (2014) ( açıq sual )
1. One day, an old woman showed him an exercise book and asked him to tell her the truth.
2. He was proud of this ability and often boasted among his friends.
3. “All right, I’ll tell you the truth. The boy is a bad and lazy fellow”, he said.
4. He could tell a person’s character by his handwriting.
5. “I was your teacher, and this is your own exercise book, ’’said the woman smiling.
6. Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent.
33. Choose the correct variants. (2013) ( açıq sual )
1. French 2. The French 3. That Frenchman 4. Frenchman
34. Choose the logically correct variant. (2015)
It is easy to live and work in a house where …
a) you have unbearable neighbours around.
b) you aren’t safe.
c) telephone call disturb you.
d) you have all modern conveniences.
e) you have no peace because of children’s noise.
35. Choose the correct variant variant. (2015)
We could get … about the rescued ship.

a) an information b)some informations c) another information d) some information e) a few informations.

36. Choose the correct variants. (2014) ( açıq sual )
When we came in we saw Peter … something.
1. writing 2. Writes 3. Write 4. To write
37. Choose the correct variants. (2013) ( açıq sual )
1. to do phone call
2. to make a cup of coffee
3. to do the ironing
4. to make good
5. to do progress
38. Choose the correct pronouns. (2013)
Tom asked Mary to call … when … woke up.
a) his, he b) his, they c) hers, he d) him, she e) hers, she
39. Choose the correct variant of the sentence in the Passive Voice. (2015)
Did the rain spoil all the pleasure?
a) Was all pleasure spoilt by the rain?
b) Have all the pleasure been spoilt?
c) Has all pleasure been spoilt by the rain?
d) Were all pleasure spoilt by the rain?
e) Was the rain spoilt all the pleasure?
40. Choose the correct variant. (2013)
It was Sam … told me … to find my friend.
a) when, where b) whom, how c) who, which d) that, what e) who, where
41. Choose the correct translation. (2014)
N ə dostum, nə də mən alman dilində danışa bilmirik.
a) My friend can’t speak German, I can’t either.
b) Neither my friend nor I can speak German.
c) Neither I nor my friend speaks German.
d) Both my friend and I can’t speak German.
e) My friend can’t speak German, nor can I.
42. Choose the correct question to the part of the sentence underlined. (2015)
The delegates have been here for ten days.
a) How long have been the delegates here?
b) How many days were the delegates been here?
c) When have the delegates been here?
d) When the delegates were here?
e) How long have the delegates been here?
43. Choose the correct pronouns. (2014)
Will … of you, girls, lend … … umbrella?
a) neither, us, her
b) any, her, mine
c) each, me, hers
d) either, me, your
e) every, us, her
44. Choose the sentence logically correct. (2015)
Let’s buy this dress, …
a) it is very tight for you.
b) it is too loose for you.
c) if you don’t need it.
d) it is doesn’t suit you at all.
e) it is just your size.
45. Choose the correct negative sentence. (2013)
a) He has to change his flat, hasn’t he?
b) He had neither time nor money to go to the concert.
c) There was neither pen nor pencil to write with.
d) They have not English class on Friday, too.
e) He hardly ever needs your help neither.
46. Choose the wrong pair of synoyms. (2014)
a) wonderful – splendid
b) mighty – powerful
c) continue – last
d) order – command
e) high – wide
47. Make up story. (2013) ( açıq sual )
1. I never thought to see such a famous man as you in my house” cried the farmer joyfully.
2. “Good God! Robinson Crusoe, the great traveller!
3. Caruso, the famous Italian singer, was once driving a car through a small village in America.
4. Entering a farm house, he was asked his name.
5. Suddenly his car broke down.
6. “Caruso”, said the singer.
48. Match the words to their definitions. (2014)
1. Property
2. consciousness
3. enlightenment
a. a quality or characteristics that something has
b. the process of understanding something or making somebody understand it.
c. things that are owned by somebody
d. the state of being aware of what is happening
e. a statement or description that makes something seem larger
a) 1 – a, c; 2 – d; 3 – b
b) 1 – c; 2 – b; 3 – d
c) 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – d
d) 1 – a; 2 – b, d; 3 – e
e) 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – a, e
49. Make up sentence (2013) ( açıq sual )
1. a lot of
2. Mr. Brown
5. his students
50. Choose the correct question to the part of the sentence underlined. (2014)
My sister won a prize for her singing.
a) For what won my sister a prize?
b) Whose singing won a prize?
c) Why did my sister win a prize for?
d) What did my sister win a prize for?
e) What did my sister win?
51. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. (2014)
I’ve met my friend and I am very glad .
a) pleased b) lucky c) eager d) happy e) sad
52. Choose the correct negative sentence. (2014)
My uncle had a son and a daughter.
a) My uncle had neither son nor daughter.
b) My uncle had not son or a daughter.
c) My uncle didn’t have son or daughter.
d) My uncle had no son or a daughter.
e) My uncle had no son or daughter.
53. Choose the correct prepositions. (2014)
He got … the bus and stood … the house trying to decide whether to go … it or not.
a) on, near, in
b) off, in front of, into
c) on, at, out of
d) off, in front of, out
e) off, near, to
54. Choose the logically correct variants. (2014) ( açıq sual )
It is our duty to protect children from … .
1. exploitation and torture
2. charity and kindness
3. aggression and justice
4. bad treatment and cruelty
5. prosperity and violence
55. Choose the correct variants. (2014) ( açıq sual )
The trees were shining softly in the sun.
1. So was the water in the pool.
2. The water in the pool was too.
3. The water was in the ocean either.
4. Neither was the water in the pool.
Read the passage and answer questions 56-60 (2014)

Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bound. It can take place anywhere, whether in the job or in the kitchen and travelling. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little he knows of other cultures. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education is a very broad and inclusive term and a lifelong process, that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one’s entire life.

But schooling is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on.

The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the working of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.

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