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Скачать бесплатно LazPaint 7.0.7

According to its developers in its Official website, LazPaint It is described as:

LazPaint: A cross-platform image editor made in Lazarus

One of the areas with the most offers of applications in the field of Free Software, Open Source and GNU / Linux is that of the media management, ie the image creation and design and photo treatment. For this reason, frequently in any website, group or GNU/Linux community several of them are mentioned, as advanced and complex as GIMP and Krita, and other simpler ones like Paint and MyPaint.

But, today, we will address one that is perhaps a little less known, since it belongs to the group of those that are not so advanced. and this is called “LazPaint”which is a good Imagen editor.

Pinta: What’s new about this free image editing app?

And, before starting reading this post about this Image Editor called “LazPaint”, we recommend the previous related posts to explore when finished:

Related article:
Pinta: What’s new about this free image editing app?
Related article:
MyPaint: a drawing app that promotes productivity

Table of Contents

  • 1 LazPaint: A great alternative to PaintBrush or Paint.Net
    • 1.1 What is LazPaint?
    • 1.2 Features
    • 1.3 Screen shots

    LazPaint: A great alternative to PaintBrush or Paint.Net

    What is LazPaint?

    According to its developers in its Official website, LazPaint It is described as:

    ” A free cross-platform image editor with raster and vector layers, written in Lazarus (Free Pascal) “.

    Therefore, it is an application that offers advanced drawing features for the Lazarus development environment. Also, use the library BGRABitmap to achieve a real efficient and effective image editor, for the following operating system platforms: Windows, Linux and macOS.


    Currently, LazPaint su current version is number 7.2.2, which was released on August 23st, 2022. And it has the following characteristics:

    • It includes a window to select colors, the stack of layers and the list of tools.
    • It integrates the use of the command line (CLI) to achieve its basic use from the Terminal.
    • Allows the use of scripts to perform effects on layers. Also, allow the creation of scripts in Python.
    • It is able to select parts of an image with anti-aliasing. Furthermore, said selection can be complex and modified like a mask.
    • It can handle (read and write) many image formats, including those images that come with layers. Also, you can import images with 3D objects.
    • It is able to use the right mouse button for many uses, for example, temporarily inverting the colors of the pattern, using it as selection tools, defining the position of the light (text with light and shapes with light), making a shape ( polygon or curve) and rotate a shape (by clicking a corner).
    • It implements keyboard shortcuts to achieve many actions, such as: the space key (holding it down) to temporarily switch to movement mode; the F6 key to hide and show all tool windows; the Ctrl key to be able to align the pixels of the image and limit the possible angles with the rotation of the tool; the backspace key to go back when drawing a polygon or writing text; and finally, the Enter key to release a selection made.

    Screen shots

    The LazPaint setup files They are easily available on the home page of your website, for the various operating system platforms. Personally, I have installed LazPaint in its latest version about me Respin MX MiracleOS in its latest stable version 3.1. Therefore, next I will show you some screenshots of its current graphical user interface:

    Скачать бесплатно LazPaint 7.0.7

    LazPaint – бесплатный графический редактор, включающий все необходимые функции: кисть, выделение, рисование геометрических фигур, изменение картинки (поворот, кадрирование) и многое другое. Поддерживает работу со слоями, а также может накладывать различные фильтры и добавлять эффекты.

    Интерфейс LazPaint схож со многими редакторами, поэтому освоиться в нем довольно просто: слева находится панель основных инструментов (карандаш, кисть, ластик, заливка, клонирование, выделение и т. д.), сверху – параметры выбранного инструмента (толщина кисти, координаты положения курсора, степень прозрачности и т. д.), справа – палитра цветов.

    Помимо стандартных инструментов, LazPaint может накладывать фильтры и эффекты. Например, размытие, резкость, растрирование, эффект сферы, вращение. Также есть различные визуализации – шум Перлина, вода, дерево, пластик, камень, облака, дождь и т. д. Кроме того, поддерживается работа со слоями.

    В LazPaint есть все необходимые функции, которые могут понадобиться обычному пользователю, поэтому он отлично подойдет в качестве бесплатной замены более «именитым» редакторам (например, Photoshop).

    Особенности программы

    • Графический редактор с широким набором инструментов.
    • Поддерживает наложение фильтров и эффектов.
    • Поддерживает работу со слоями.
    • Интерфейс на русском языке.
    • Поддерживает Windows 7 и выше.

    Скачать бесплатно LazPaint 7.0.7

    Версия: 7.0.7
    Русский язык: Да
    Разработчик: Circular
    Операционка: Windows All
    Размер: 6 Mb

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