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Level 15 – Darkseid Of The Moon

LEGO DC Super-Villains: 10 Best Characters And How To Unlock Them

LEGO DC Super-Villains has a lot of fantastic options for playable DC characters, but how can players find and unlock the best ones?

The most recent comic book game from the long-running LEGO series is LEGO DC Super-Villains, and after six games from both Marvel and DC developer TT Games that dealt exclusively with superheroes, the team decided to head to the dark side. In the game, the Justice League has disappeared and a bunch of evil copycats have taken their place, so it’s up to the DC universe’s true villains to save the Earth.

There are 270 characters in LEGO DC Super-Villains, including all DLC packs, but some are either more useful or just plain cooler than others. Some are easy to unlock if the player knows where to look, but some can really take some effort.


Not all of the coolest characters in LEGO DC Super-Villains are hard to unlock, but some of them take a while. Superman is easily the character players will most want to get access to, as he’s both the most fun and most useful character in the game. He flies, has freeze breath and heat vision, and is invulnerable to most damage. Plus, he’s Superman.

To get him, play through the story mode and he’ll unlock around Level 13, following the return of the Justice League. Alternatively, impatient players just need to grab the movie DLC pack and it’ll give access to Henry Cavill’s Superman immediately.


The creature that killed Superman, the monstrous Doomsday, is one of the coolest “big figs” in LEGO DC Super-Villains. He’s well-designed, based on his earliest appearance in “The Death of Superman” graphic novel, and half-wrapped in the green covering it was buried in.

Doomsday’s a tough Hulk-like character – but is also one of the least-obvious characters to unlock. All the characters on the Apokolips map are often overlooked because it’s not part of the main open-world area, but Doomsday is particularly tricky because it needs to be defeated in a boss battle first, one which only appears after the Gold Bricks in the coliseum have been found.

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn

While there are multiple variations of the ever-popular Harley Quinn in LEGO DC Super-Villains, the LEGO version of Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn from the first Suicide Squad movie is possibly the coolest, but is definitely the hardest to unlock. It’s actually technically the easiest to get, but it’s impossible to get Suicide Squad Harley Quinn from LEGO DC Super-Villains alone.

To unlock her the player needs to have purchased The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame on the same platform, then Harley will immediately appear in the character list, along with LEGO Batman and a few other minifigures as seen in the movie.

Red Hood

Jason Todd makes his main campaign debut far in advance of Gotham Knights, and Red Hood is one of the most entertaining characters to control. It’s probably due to him being a dual gun-wielding anti-hero, but he also looks good doing what he does. However, he’s also surprisingly difficult to unlock.

While Red Hood is obtained through defeating him in a boss battle on top of the Iceberg Lounge, he doesn’t appear until the player has blown up a wall with spraypaint explosive on a rooftop in East Gotham, collected the Gold Brick there, and completed The Shade’s side-mission in the same place.


While Princess Koriand’r from the Teen Titans isn’t particularly complicated to unlock if the player knows where to look, Starfire is an essential character to find in LEGO DC Super-Villains for the simple reason that she’s one of the earliest flying characters to be found.

Next to the GCPD building in South Gotham is a small yard with a roofed shed housing some large garbage containers. At the back is a suitcase that can be smashed upon to reveal Starfire’s token. Starfire only costs 150,000 Studs to buy too, and she’s fully voiced by Hynden Walch from Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go.


Talon is a fantastic and useful character to collect with many useful abilities, and he even has a pet owl to command. Besides that though, he’s a great addition just because he marks the first-ever appearance of the Court of Owls in a videogame – well ahead of their starring role in next year’s Gotham Knights.

Talon can be found on the underside of West Gotham, where he has an annoying side-quest for the player to complete. He shows a picture of a ninja outfit, and the player has to head to the Character Customizer in Metropolis (players can warp there through the menu screen) and add these items to their custom character. Head back to Talon and he’ll both complete the quest and add his character token to the list.


While many of the best or most versatile characters in LEGO DC Super-Villains are either hidden or take some doing to unlock, the game does give the player some of the most useful from the start. The Joker, for example, is a neat combination of many of Batman’s skills, goon control, and spray paint, and he’s available straight away.

Nevertheless, it’s Livewire who proves the most useful throughout the game, and she’s unlocked by merely completing Level 5. Shrinking into circuits and charging electrical items are vital skills for puzzle solving, and she’s possibly the only character that has both. She’s probably the most essential character in the game.


Kate Kane’s Batwoman is one of the best and most underrated members of the Bat-family, and it’s not fair that she’s not in more games – she’s currently not even in Gotham Knights, despite seemingly being a perfect fit. Consequently, that makes her appearance in LEGO DC Super-Villains a highlight, which is helped by her being one of the most fun characters to play as. Batwoman has all the powers of Batman, with the addition of dual guns similar to Red Hood’s.

Her token is hidden in Level 14, during the player’s visit to Wayne Tower. Put out the fires in front of Bruce Wayne’s office and the token is in plain sight.

B’Dg / Dex-Starr

The various Lantern characters in the game are incredibly useful, as they can all fly and create constructs at appropriate moments. However, they don’t get much more fun than the two small animal Lanterns – B’Dg the squirrel Green Lantern and Dex-Starr the cat Red Lantern. B’Dg is particularly ridiculous because he’s tiny, which makes him hilarious to play as.

To unlock both, B’Dg has a quest in Smallville that involves hunting alien chickens, and Dex-Starr’s token is in a brown suitcase in South Gotham at a location called La Maison Du Chat.


Kara Danvers’ Supergirl is one of the most beloved characters in all DC Comics, sporting both a TV series and an upcoming movie at this point. Which makes it all the more bizarre that she was completely excluded from the main LEGO DC Super-Villains experience.

There are only two ways to get Supergirl in the game. The first is to buy the TV Series Super Heroes Character Pack DLC, which will give players Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl. The alternative is to make your own version of Supergirl using the game’s character creator. It’s easy to do, although the ‘Flight’ ability isn’t unlocked until the player finishes the main story. Still, it’s worth it to get Supergirl for free.

Üzüklərin Əfəndisi Necə Lentə Alınıb

“Üzüklərin Əfəndisi” son zamanların ən diqqət çəkən film dastanlarından biri oldu. Şəklin pərəstişkarları üçün bir film şah əsərinin yaranma hekayəsini izah edən bir film də çəkildi. Üzüklərin Əfəndisi necə lentə alınıb

Çəkiliş üçün yer

Başlanğıcda, yer seçimi – Yeni Zelandiya – iki faktorla təyin olundu. Birincisi, filmin rejissoru Peter Jackson, bu ölkədə anadan olmaqla yanaşı, özünün Wingnut Films adlı studiyasında da bir neçə film çəkdi. Beləliklə, Yeni Zelandiyadakı çəkilişlər Ceksona öz qərarlarını vermək üçün Hollywoodda olandan daha çox güc verdi. İkincisi, seçim filmin xüsusiyyətləri ilə müəyyənləşdirildi. “Üzüklərin Əfəndisi” yalnız kompüter qrafika mütəxəssislərinin yüksək peşəkarlığı ilə deyil, həm də gözəl, vəhşi təbiət mənzərələrini tələb edirdi. Yeni Zelandiyanın təbiəti mənzərəyə əlavə bir ləzzət verdi: bu ölkədə böyük büdcəli filmlərin çəkilişləri nadir hallarda baş verdiyi üçün Üzüklərin Əfəndisində göstərilən mənzərələr təzə və orijinal görünürdü. Çəkiliş prosesinin özü həm köşklərdə, həm də açıq havada baş verdi. Döyüş səhnələri də daxil olmaqla ayrı səhnələr Yeni Zelandiya milli parklarının ərazisində – xüsusi qorunan flora və faunanın olduğu yerlərdə çəkilmişdir.

Təbiət qoruqlarında çəkiliş aparıldıqdan sonra, mühafizəçilər Peter Jacksonu milli parklardan birinə dəyən ziyana görə tənqid etdilər.

Ssenari üzərində işləyirik

“Üzüklərin ağası” filmini çəkmədən əvvəl bir ssenari hazırlamaq lazım idi. Bunun üzərində işləmək üçün Peter Jackson 2 ildən çox vaxt apardı. Orijinal versiya, Tolkien’in üç kitabı əsasında, hər biri təxminən 2 saat uzunluğunda 2 filmin çəkiləcəyi demək idi. Bir sıra qəhrəmanlar və bəzi hekayələr silindi və ya yenidən işləndi. Ancaq çəkilişlərə hazırlıq mərhələsində ilk büdcənin çox az olduğu ortaya çıxdı. Filmin çəkilişi planlaşdırılan Miramax Studio, üç kitabın bütün hadisələrinin bir filmə sığdığı ssenarinin yeni bir versiyasını təklif etdi. Jackson bu qərara qarşı çıxdı və çəkilişləri bir neçə il təxirə salan studiya ilə müqaviləni ləğv etdi. Nəticədə bir kompromis tapıldı, amma başqa bir studiya – New Line Cinema ilə. Son ssenari birincisindən daha təfərrüatlı idi – Jackson hər kitab üçün bir film ayıraraq trilogiyanın quruluşunu izləməyə qərar verdi.

Şəklin çəkilişi əvvəldən planlaşdırıldığından çox baha başa gəldi, lakin xərclər kassada tam ödənildi.

Makiyaj və xüsusi effektlər

Makiyaj sənətçilərinin işi filmi xüsusilə reallaşdırdı. Ork və gnom oynayan aktyorlar xüsusi hazırlanmış maskalar taxmalı idilər. Hər səhnə üçün hobbitlər yalnız üz üçün deyil, ayaqlar üçün də düzəldildi, çünki süjetə görə ayaqyalın getməli idilər. Ancaq Gollum obrazı ən böyük bacarığı tələb edirdi – bu obrazı canlandıran aktyor, daha sonra bir insanın hərəkətlərini dəqiq surətdə köçürməyə və Gollumun cizgi versiyasına misilsiz bir realizm verməyə imkan verən xüsusi bir kostyum geyinmişdi.

Lego DC Super Villains: Where To Find All Red Bricks

Have trouble finding collectibles? This guide will help you find the 20 Red Bricks hidden in every stage.

Quick Links

  • What Are Red Bricks, Exactly?
  • Locations Of Each Red Brick

Red Bricks are an absolute staple in the Traveller’s Tales series of Lego video games, and LEGO DC Super Villains is no different. From their first inclusion in Lego Star Wars to the plethora of modern games coming out, including the upcoming Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, they have been the ultimate collectible for every Lego aficionado out there.

There are plenty of Red Bricks across the 20 stages of Lego DC Super Villains. As you traverse the mysterious and compelling story of The Joker, Harley Quinn, and fiendish friends attempting to work out who exactly this Justice Syndicate is, you can also grab a few collectibles.

What Are Red Bricks, Exactly?

Red Bricks are collectible items found in each stage of Lego games. Each one gives a certain cheat that can be activated from the pause menu. Things like stud multipliers and fun but harmless modifiers, all of which won’t affect your achievement progress.

There is one brick to each stage hidden in a different location, making for a total of 20 Red Bricks. Some require you to complete other levels in order to unlock characters with particular skills, but this shouldn’t be too difficult. Once you’ve found the Red Brick in a stage and unlocked the cheat connected to it, you can instantly switch it on and off in the main menu. Keep in mind that you must collect all Red Bricks to reach 100 percent progression.

Locations Of Each Red Brick

Most bricks aren’t too difficult to find. However, some can be impossible unless you have the right character. Chances are you’re going to need to replay the level in free mode first before you have the chance to grab these collectibles.

Level 1 – New Kid On The Block

Held up by a gold statue in the clock tower.

Level 2 – It’s Good To Be Bad

In the iceberg lounge on the second floor, use a speed character to break the blue panel.

Paint Splat Footprints

Level 3 – S.T.A.R.S In Your Eyes

Found in the first main room after destroying five targets in quick succession.

Level 4 – The Harley And The Ivy

Destroy the rooftop statue in the final party area

Collect Guide Studs

Level 5 – Arkham Barely Believe It

Destroy the golden grate whilst fighting the level’s boss and jump down.

Level 6 – Con-Grodd-Ulations

Use a batarang to hit the bat-symbol, revealing two plants that you have to grow and use to reveal the brick.

Pull it using the grapple hook from the center platform to the left near the machinery model.

Level 8 – Fight At The Museum

Use the mirror jump to reach the brick behind the glass wall.

Level 9 – Sea-King Trouble

Find the sea monster and sing to it in the correct order.

Level 10 – Gridlocked

Enter the three-digit code in the safe in LexCorp, matching the one to the left.

Level 11 – Apokolips WOW!

Located in the hall by the main rooms. Use a telekinetic character to hypnotize the henchman into pushing the button.

Gold Brick Detector

Level 12 – The One With The T.Rex Mech

Ring the Amazonian bells on the tower by the broken bridge.

Level 13 – They Think It’s Owl Over

Use a speed character to activate a cosmic treadmill on the ledge above Batman and Owlman.

Character Token Detector

Level 14 – Steppenwolf Surprise

Destroy the gold-colored lock on the right side of the main room of Wayne Tower.

Level 15 – Darkseid Of The Moon

Hidden above Darkseid’s Throne.

Bonus Level 1 – Granny Knows Best

In the bathtub in the beginning area.

Bonus Level 2 – Man To Mantis

Use Batman to flip a bat switch by the starting platform.

Bonus Level 3 – These Boots Are Made For Stompa

Grow the plant located on the boss platform.

Bonus Level 4 – Arma-Ghetto Superstar

Go up the stairs to the left and destroy the door that appears after destroying everything in the room.

Bonus Level 5 – You Kanto-Uch This

Found in the trophy room.

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