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Can anyone provide a translation of this text from the golden sarcophagus shrine of Tutankhamun?

I’ve recently created a colour reproduction of this scene from the third shrine of the series of five nested shrines housing Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus (Carter object #238). I’ve searched Carter’s original notebooks, numerous textbooks and consulted Piankoff’s 1951 monograph, but haven’t been able to find a translation anywhere.

The scene comes from the inside of one of the doors to the third shrine, with the other featuring Nephthys. I’m assuming it’s a spell from the Book of the Dead, as that is what is on the other parts of the shrine, so hoped someone would recognise it.

The third shrine (TAA i.3.26)

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It could be in the book “The Name of the Dead: Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of the Treasures of Tutankhamun Translated” by H. Assaad

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· 8 mo. ago · edited 8 mo. ago

Nice image. I’m going to do the transliteration using the following character list. ꜣ i ꜥ w b p f m n r h ḥ ḫ ẖ z s š q k g t ṯ d ḏ

The black and white image is of Isis with her arms outstretched protecting the shrine. I’ve done the first three columns. If someone more knowledgeable doesn’t help and anyone’s interested I might do the rest.

Column 1: [1] ḏd mdw in ꜣst [2] irii = k [3] ḫprw m [4] pt? [5] pt mi rꜥ

  1. Words spoken by Isis
  2. She You makes
  3. the coming into existence of
  4. ?
  5. the sky like Ra’s

Column 2: [1] ms [2] ti dw ꜣ w mi qdḏ=f [3] iw sqḏy=k

  1. Child
  2. May she you rise like he makes (the sun rise)
  3. O she you travel by boat

Column 3. [1] ḥrt pt m skttq [2] ẖnm = k m [3] šms wt

  1. above in the sky like the solar barque
  2. she you join with
  3. following

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That’s some excellent work. I had managed to identify a few words but am still an early beginner.

I have managed to find a translation of this made by Alexandre Piankoff in a 1955 book called ‘The shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon’. He used the archaic style of translation and didn’t include the transliteration.

Piankoff: Words spoken by Isis: Thou makest the transformation in heaven like Re, thou art born in the morning like him. Thou sailest on high in the Evening Barge, thou joinest the followers of the Disk. Thou art forever enduring, and eternally, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, beloved Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, like Re, every day. O Geb, with thy two arms, thou givest light to my face, thou openest my eyes, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, living on Truth, Neb-Kheperu-Re to whom life is given forever.

My updated version: Words spoken by Isis: You make the transformation in heaven like Re, you are born in the morning like him. You sail on high in the Evening Barque and join the followers of the Sun. You are forever enduring, and eternally, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Nebkheperure, Son of Re, Tutankhamun, like Re, every day. Geb, with his two arms, gives light to my face, you open my eyes, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, living on Truth, Nebkheperure, given life forever.

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