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Steam guard mobil autentifikasiya bərpa kodunu necə görə bilərik

The Steam Mobile Guard Authenticator is compatible with all iOS devices running iOS 6.1 or later. It is compatible with all Android devices running 2.2 or later. It also supports all Windows devices which are running Windows 8.1 or later.

How to Use Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator

The Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator is a feature of the Steam mobile application. It provides an additional layer of security to your Steam account. The authenticator generates a code which you have to enter whenever you log into your account. The code changes every 30 seconds and is unguessable.

This system is also known as two-factor authentication. It is very secure and fool-proof because the codes change every thirty seconds and require you to enter the code physically on the computer instead of just granting permission (like most other applications do).

Valve also recommends that you add a phone number to your account. This can make the recovery of your account much easier if you somehow lose access to it or forget your credentials.

Recently Valve also added a requirement for the Dota 2 players where they have to link a phone number in order to play ranked matches. They hope that through this, players with multiple accounts will be cut off and provide more security and integrity to the system. While you are already adding a phone number to play, it is more than recommended to add Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator.

How do I add a phone number to my Steam account?

Before we can turn on your Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, we have to add your phone number to your Steam account.

  1. Open your Steam client. Click on your account name present at the top right corner of the screen. You can also open your account from your browser and follow the steps. It is the same thing.
  2. Select the option of “Account Details” from the list of options in the drop-down menu.
  1. Navigate to the tab of Account details (present at the left side of the screen). Here under the tab of contact details, press the button which says “Add a phone number”. If you have already added a phone number, it will show “Manage your phone number”.
  1. Enter your phone number using your country code. You can select your country from the drop down menu and enter the phone number. After you have entered the details, click Next.
  1. Now Steam will send an SMS to your mobile which will contain a confirmation code. Enter the code on the screen to verify that the phone number is correct and click Next Some mobile phones may get their code in their spam folder. It may even take one or two minutes depending on your service. If you didn’t get your code for a while now, press the button which says “Send the code again”.
  1. Your phone number is now registered with your account. Now we can proceed with activating the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator.

Setting up Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator

The first step is to go over to your phone’s app store and download the official Steam app. Always download the app where it is verified that the publisher is Steam. Many scandalous applications have popped up into the app store, claiming to be the Steam app and stealing your information.

You can email this link to your phone and open the application page directly:

  1. Once you have downloaded the application and installed it, enter your credentials in the main screen.
  2. After entering, click on the menu icon present at the top left side of the screen to expose the whole menu.
  1. Once in the whole menu, select the option of Steam Guard (which is the first one).
  1. If you haven’t setup an Authenticator yet, an option will be available to add the Authenticator. Click on Add Authenticator.
  1. Next, you will be asked to enter your phone number. If you have already added a phone number to your Steam account, this step won’t be necessary.
  2. After confirming your phone number, Steam will give you a recovery code. Write this recovery code down so you never lose it. Losing this recovery code can be very problematic as this ensures that you regain access to your account even when you don’t have Authenticator available and neither the correct credentials. Do not skip this step.
  1. Now the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator will be activated. As you will be able to see on the screen, the code will change every thirty seconds to make your account more secure. The code is almost un-crack able.

How do I login using the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

If you have the Authenticator working, whenever you log into Steam, you will be asked to enter the current code present on your mobile screen. The code may pop up in your phone’s notification bar. You can also check it by going to the Steam app on your mobile screen and checking the current code.
Do note that you have to enter the code within thirty seconds as the code changes in that time period.

  1. Log in into the Steam client using your credentials.
  1. Now Steam will prompt for your Steam Authenticator Code which will be visible on your mobile screen. You can check your mobile for notifications and even open the Steam application and obtain the code from there.
  1. Enter the code on your computer and press Ok. Now you will be successfully logged in your Steam client.


I don’t have my phone, can I still use a Mobile Authenticator?

We cannot use the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator if you don’t have a phone. Developers suggested that stand alone authenticators are of interest but they are not yet available for the Steam community. We think that in the future, Steam will come up with an independent solution to authenticate our accounts without the restriction of a mobile phone.

What is the best way to use two-factor authentication?

First of all, you need to realize that even if you have activated the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, it doesn’t give your account security superpowers. It just added a new layer of security where your mobile phone is also required to log in the Steam client. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Never share your mobile authenticator code and password with anyone else.
  • Never type in your username, authenticator code or password in any website which is not monitored or run by Valve Corporation. Scammers often use clever spelling and use a very similar interface to trick users into entering their credentials. If you are in doubt, it is better to confirm first rather than to try.
  • Steam support or Valve employees will never ask you for your Steam authenticator code or your Steam password. If you get a response from the community from anyone claiming to be someone else and asking for your credentials, report him immediately.
  • Never download or run any programs which are sent to you through email or messages. They are mostly scams and malicious software.
  • Never download any program which claims to clean, optimize, or fix your Steam client. Up to date, Steam has never developed a software meant to perform anything like this.
  • Note down your recovery code as stated earlier and never show it to anyone. It is the sole method to recover your account if you don’t have access to Steam mobile authenticator. Do note that the recovery code is unique and never changes until you use it. Nor does the recovery code work in place of the authenticator code. These are two separate entities made for very different purposes.

How do I disable Steam Mobile Guard Authenticator?

You can remove the Steam Mobile Guard Authenticator using the Steam mobile app. Just head over to your app. Press the menu button present at the top left side of the screen and select the option of Steam Guard. It will be the first option present.

Once in the Steam guard options, you can select a different method of Steam Guard Protection such as “Get Steam Guard coded by email”.

Which devices does the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator work on?

The Steam Mobile Guard Authenticator is compatible with all iOS devices running iOS 6.1 or later. It is compatible with all Android devices running 2.2 or later. It also supports all Windows devices which are running Windows 8.1 or later.

I registered the in the Steam application but didn’t get my recovery code

It is very rare that during your registration, the application won’t show your recovery code. But not to worry, sometimes it does happen that your phone skips that part. You can easily note down the recovery code from your Steam application using the following method.

  1. Open your Steam application on your mobile. Press the menu icon present at the top left side of the screen to expand it.
  2. Select the Steam Guard Here you will see a button named My Recovery code.
  1. Click the button and you will be directed to another window where you will be shown your recovery code. Never share this code with anyone as it is used to confirm that you were the owner of this account if you misplace your mobile or forget your credentials. Believe us when we say it; it is your lifeline.

What are Backup Steam Guard Codes?

In case you logged out of your Steam and also your account, what would you do? When you log into the Steam application, Steam also requires you to verify yourself. In order to counter this and to provide you your second line of defense, Steam has an option to download Backup Steam Guard Codes.

These codes are one-time use codes.

  1. Open your Steamclient and navigate to your account as shown at the start of this tutorial.
  2. Select the tab of Account details from the left side of the screen. Now scroll down the screen until you find the tab of Account Security. Click on the option which says “Manage Steam Guard”.
  1. Now you will be navigated to your Steam Guard settings. Here click on the button which says “Get Backup Codes”. This is present under the tab of Get Backup Steam Guard Codes.
  1. Now Steam will ask you to use the current Mobile Authenticator code and enter it in the dialogue box. Open your Steam application on your mobile and navigate to the Steam Guard section as described above. Enter the code you see there and click the button Generate Codes now.
  1. Now Steam will display all the Backup Steam Guard Codes. You can print them and keep them in a safe place. Don’t forget to tick them off as they get used. Like we stated earlier, all of these codes are meant for only a one time use.

How I lost my Authenticator. What do I do?

Okay so you formatted your phone or your phone crashed. Whatever the reason, you lost your Mobile Authenticator and are unable to log into Steam because of it.

  1. No need to panic, head over to the Steam help.
  2. Click the “I am having trouble signing in” option and select the option which says “I deleted or lost my Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator”.
  1. Now Steam will prompt you to enter your Steam account name. Now click on the search button.
  2. Now you will be given a number of options on how you want to recover your account.
  1. Select any one of these options which you have access to and follow the steps as Steam guides you through the whole process.

If you bought a new phone and have to uninstall the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator indefinitely, you can disable the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator first to counter all the problem. Then you can enable it again when you install the application on your computer.

  • Google authenticator not working? Try these fixes
  • How to Fix Uplay Google Authenticator not Working
  • How to Recover Codes in Microsoft Authenticator on a New Phone
  • Fix: VMware and Device/Credential Guard are not Compatible

Steam guard mobil autentifikasiya bərpa kodunu necə görə bilərik

Данное руководство является переводом статьи с сайта службы поддержки: «Steam Guard: How to set up a Steam Mobile Authenticator».

Небольшая предыстория

Огромную часть сообщества Steam всколыхнула новость о введении системы под кодовым названием «Escrow», которая удерживает вещи, если при обмене у какой-либо из сторон не включён Мобильный аутентификатор Steam.

Автор сообщения:

С 9 декабря, все пользователи, которые продают или передают предметы со своего аккаунта, должны использовать мобильный аутентификатор Steam на протяжении как минимум 7 дней до обмена. В противном случае, для защиты от несанкционированных обменов, Steam будет удерживать предметы в течение 3 дней, прежде чем обмен завершится.

Именно об установке Мобильного аутентификатора в данном руководстве и пойдёт речь. Пользуетесь Windows Phone, Symbian или вообще не обладаете смартфоном? Увы, но в этом случае вам придётся воспользоваться альтернативным решением, будь то установка эмулятора Android или даже покупка устройства на платформе iOS или Android.

Загрузка мобильного приложения Steam

Вся настройка производится непосредственно на вашем мобильном устройстве, поэтому если у вас ещё не установлено мобильное приложение Steam, вы можете его загрузить, перейдя по ссылкам ниже:

Пользователи Android, не имеющие доступа к Google Play, могут загрузить версию 2.1.3 с сайта Steam:

Настройка Steam Guard

Действия по настройке приложения для ОС Android и iOS идентичны. В данном руководстве в качестве примера будет использоваться приложение для iOS.

Для начала вам потребуется установить приложение и войти в ваш аккаунт.
Чтобы открыть меню приложения, нажмите на кнопку в правом верхнем углу и выберите пункт «Steam Guard».

Здесь вы можете просмотреть параметры Steam Guard. Перейдите к меню «Настройки».

Выберите пункт «Получать коды Steam Guard на телефон» для начала настройки аутентификатора.

Следуйте инструкциям на вашем мобильном устройстве для его подтверждения.

Введите ваш номер телефона, предварительно выбрав международный префикс из выпадающего меню.

Steam отправит вам текстовое сообщение с кодом подтверждения.

Введите ранее полученный код, чтобы подтвердить, что вы можете получать SMS от Steam. Если вы не получили код, нажмите на кнопку «Отправить заново» и попробуйте ещё раз.

Если код был введён успешно, вы увидите код восстановления. Запишите его и храните в надёжном месте. Не пропускайте этот шаг.

После подключения аутентификатора вы увидите код Steam Guard, который периодически обновляется. При входе в Steam вам потребуется ввести этот код.

С дополнительной информацией о Мобильном аутентификаторе Steam вы можете ознакомиться здесь.

Если у вас возникли проблемы со входом при помощи Мобильного аутентификатора Steam, пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь сайтом поддержки ( для восстановления вашего аккаунта.


Перевод статьи поддержки специально для сообщества «Россия» (@ru_steam).

Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator: How To Guide For Users

Steam is a place where a lot of games go to be sold. There are already over 23 thousand game titles on Steam’s online marketplace. And with the constant amount of sales happening on Steam, it’s almost a guarantee that a Steam Profile has a lot of games in bulk, waiting to be played, but aren’t played due to time constraints, or the user just bought them because they’re on sale. Nonetheless, the Steam profile is vulnerable to getting itself hacked if the user is careless. Enter, the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator.

What is the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

Screenshot from Steam App

The Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator is one of Steam’s safety measures. It is a two-factor authentication feature available on Steam Mobile. It gives users an additional level of security combined with their usernames and passwords, if this feature is enabled, Steam Guard will then ask the user for a one-time code every time they proceed to log in to Steam on a new device or PC.

While some people see Steam Guard as an unnecessary inconvenience, the service does keep a majority of Steam accounts safe. This is because the user’s the only one with access to the temporary codes that will be generated by Steam Guard to access the account, and if someone does steal the account, even if they get the password for it, so long as you have Steam Guard, they can’t log in.

As of right now, Steam Guard has two available versions. The basic version of the service sends a code to the user in an email every time they log in through a new device. The other version creates a temporary code through the use of the Steam mobile app on the user’s phone.

If you’re looking for articles regarding Mobile Apps, Cellular News has a huge catalog of reviews and guides that you can read today.

Why Do You Need the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

It’s true, however, that the Steam Guard mobile authenticator isn’t a necessary thing to get. Still, it’s incredibly convenient and also gives an extra level of security to the user’s account. If the user is one that owns several Steam games or has various in-game items on DOTA2 and CS: GO, having the Steam Guard mobile authenticator is going to be a benefit.

If the user is using the mobile authenticator version of Steam Guard, they also have a few things that they can do; they gain the ability to utilize the Steam trading functionality or purchase and sell items on Steam’s Online Marketplace. In addition to the service giving out mobile authentication codes, the app also allows users to immediately approve or deny any Steam trades or Steam marketplace transactions that he’s going through.

Uses of the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator

Screenshot from Steam App

So, you, a Steam User, decided to get a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator; this is good! Having this function enabled greatly increases your Steam account’s security. As we’ve already stated, the Steam Authenticator works similar enough to SteamGuard but doesn’t need to have email. No need to wait for the Email SPAM filters to catch up and no need for email codes that get lost to the void.

However, before we start with getting Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, all prospective users will need to get the following:

  1. A smartphone, either Android or iOS will do.
  2. A real and legitimate phone number that can get SMS messages.
  3. A piece of paper and a pen. Yes, you heard right. You’ll need this for later.

How To Use the Steam Guard Authenticator?

How Do Users Get the Steam App?

Screenshot from Google Play

For iOS

Here’s how you can download Steam on iOS:

  1. Go to Apple App Store.
  2. Search Steam using the search function.
  3. Download Steam.
  4. After you’ve found the app, press the download button. Wait until the app is downloaded before you can access the app on your iPhone.

For Android

Here’s how Android users can download Steam on their phones:

  1. Go to Google Play Store.
  2. Search Steam on the Play Store.
  3. Download Steam.
  4. After you’ve found the app, select the download button.

One more thing, make sure that you’re getting the Steam app from verified sources. Remember that fake “Steam Apps” that users might find on other sites can be used to obtain a user’s important credentials found on their profiles. Thus, users should ensure that they only download from authorized stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Log Into the App Using the Old Method

The user needs to log into the app once through the use of their email. This gets the user’s account to be bootstrapped into the app. After that, the user needs to register their phone to the Steam Account.

In the app, search for the SteamGuard section, select Settings, then “Get Steam Guard Codes from my Phone”. You will then be prompted through a series of things that you’re required to read, but simply select Next then authorize the whole shebang through SMS. There used to be other methods of doing this, but now, the only way to authorize the app is through SMS.

After this, put in your mobile phone number, and select Add Phone. The phone you use for this will get a text message with a code and simply type that in (usually the code will immediately add itself after the text message is received).

Now, remember that part where we said that you need paper and a writing implement? Well, this is why.

Writing down your R-CODE

Screenshot from Steam app

The moment that the user has authorized the Steam Authenticator, they’ll get an R-CODE that will show itself for 30 seconds. This is the part where you take that pen and paper and write down that code as fast as possible. True you can take a screenshot, but do you want to have the code on your phone?

Anyhow, after this, put that piece of paper in a safe place, as this is a code that you’re going to use if you screw up the Steam Authenticator. It’s a safety net given by Steam to ensure you keep your games and not lock yourself out of your account, especially if the user decides that they don’t want to register their phone.

However, if the app doesn’t give you the R-Code, you can still view it after you’ve registered the app. If it doesn’t show up, consider updating it to the latest version.

As for how you can do this, here’s how:

Go Into The App And Get The R-Code

  1. Go to Settings and proceed to the SteamGuard section.
  2. Select My Recovery Code.
  3. The user will then have time to see their R-Code.

Why Is It Important to write down the R-Code?

Remember why we said that it’s important to write down the code?

It’s because we don’t want you to save the code to your phone. This is the worst possible thing that a user does to their R-Code.

Why do you ask? Because you’re creating an R-Code in case you can’t use the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator for whatever reason. Maybe you reformatted it to get more space or something. And if you only kept the code on your phone on that eventuality, where do you go to recover the code?

Backup Steam Guard Codes

Now, let’s talk about backup Steam Guard Codes. This is your 2nd line of defense against losing your account, and you’ll probably use them if you’re changing your phone number for something new.

If the user ever needed to log out of the Steam Authenticator app for some reason and needed to log in again, they’re going to need a Steam Guard code, which they can’t do because they’re logged out of the app.

Well, they can generate a list of Steam Guard codes that they can use once. Simple enough. There’s a big possibility that you’ll need these codes if the user loses their cellphone number for some reason.

This is very important because if that eventuality happens, there are only several methods of taking out said phone number except for the use of Steam Guard codes. Having some for backup ensures that the user can use them to take out their old phone numbers and add in a newer one. Here’s how you can do this:

How to Get Backup Code

  1. On a PC, ( definitely not a mobile phone) go to the profile’s Account Settings. And select Manage Steam Guard.
  2. Select Get Backup Codes.
  3. Input the Steam Guard code from your Steam Guard Authenticator.

Make sure to save these codes to a safe place. Preferably, one where you can simply open and take them out quickly. You can use these codes to log in to Steam if you don’t have the Steam Guard Authenticator.

Adding A Phone Number To Your Account

So, you don’t want to use the SMS option when you made your authenticator, but now want one for increased security and easier recovery. It’s a pretty practical thing to get a Plan B and this is an effective means for such situations. After all, prevention is better than cure, and you don’t want to spend upwards of 3 months begging Steam Support to finish up looking for your account, right?

Anyhow, this is how you can add a phone number to your account:

  1. Go to your profile’s Account Settings. Look for the Contact Info section then proceed to the Add a Phone Number option.
  2. Input your Steam Guard code from the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator.
  3. Type in the cellphone number that the user wishes to use for the service. The user has to ensure that he/she changes the country code on the input place to the appropriate country. Remember, all SMS charges will apply to the user.
  4. Input in the 5-digit numeric code you get through SMS.
  5. After that, you now have an authenticated phone number. Rejoice shounen! You now have an additional recovery option if something happens to the authenticator.

What If I Lost my Authenticator?

Screenshot from Steam app

So, for some, God knows what reason, you lost your authenticator. Maybe you reformatted your phone without thinking to take it out, it got stolen, or perhaps you accidentally stomped on it while celebrating your 555th Rampage on Dota 2. Well, whatever it is, you’re screwed right now.

Well, if you’ve been keeping up with all the stuff we said above, then you have nothing to worry about. You practically have a way to escape this predicament.

This is the part where the SMS option on the whole guide is important. It’s the most reliable method to re-obtain your account. Another method you can use is the R-code that we said you need to write down.

As to how you can do this, well, here’s how:

  1. Go to
  2. Select “I deleted or Lost my Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator.”
  3. Type in your account name.
  4. Steam Service will then send a recovery code to either the user’s email or through an SMS. Depending on the user, there are 2 methods of getting your authenticator back.

Using the SMS Option

  1. Type in the code that you get on your phone. The code will usually look like a Steam Guard code.
  2. Go to Remove Authenticator.
  3. Type in your Steam Password.

That’s it, you’re done. Pretty easy and near no hassle. Now you see why we said that it’s the best method?

Using Email Option

  1. Type in the code that you got in the Email. Again the code looks like your typical Steam Guard code.
  2. Select Remove Authenticator.

After doing this, the user now has 2 choices as to how this can go:

  1. Choice one is using the R-Code. Remember the one that we told you to write down? Type that in.
  2. Choice two is having Steam send another Steam Guard code through SMS.
  3. Afterward, type in your Steam password.
  4. Voila, you can now remove your SteamGuard authenticator!

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