Kompüter Sisteminizin Konfiqurasiyasını necə yoxlamaq və dəyişdirmək olar
- Drivers for hardware, games and apps will only work if they’re designed for a Windows 10 PC running on a Snapdragon processor. For more info, check with the hardware manufacturer or the organization that developed the driver. Drivers are software programs that communicate with hardware devices—they’re commonly used for antivirus and antimalware software, printing or PDF software, assistive technologies, CD and DVD utilities, and virtualization software.
If a driver doesn’t work, the app or hardware that relies on it won’t work either (at least not fully). Whether you’re in S mode or not, peripherals and devices only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows.- 64-bit (x64) apps won’t work. You’ll need 64-bit (ARM64) apps, 32-bit (ARM32) apps, or 32-bit (x86) apps. You can usually find 32-bit (x86) versions of apps, but some app developers only offer 64-bit (x64) apps.
Msconfig əmri (Windows 10): Sistem konfiqurasiya parametrlərini necə daxil etmək olar?
Windows 10-da yaxından baxdığınız təqdirdə, əsas funksiyaları və parametrləri nəzərdən keçirin, sistemin bir çox xidmət və komponentinin əvvəlki versiyalarda göstərilən eyni əmrlərlə çağırılması asandır. Şübhəsiz ki, OS-nin əsas strukturu yazıldığı proqramlaşdırma dilindən söz etməmək üçün dəyişməz qalır. Msconfig (Windows 10) ən populyar komandalardan birini nəzərdən keçirin. Sistem konfiqurasiya parametrlərini necə daxil etmək və lazımi parametrləri necə tətbiq etmək olar? Eyni zamanda, bəzi problemlərin və uğursuzluqların aradan qaldırılmasına kömək edəcək bəzi əhəmiyyətli bölmələrə diqqət yetirin.
Windows 10 sisteminin konfiqurasiyası: bu xidmət nə üçün istifadə olunur?
Bu komponent, “Task Manager” ilə yanaşı, Windows’un hər hansı bir versiyasının ince ayarında mühüm komponentdir. Sistemin düzgün başlanmasından məsul olan bir neçə əsas element var.
Gördüyünüz kimi, bu parametrləri çağırmaq üçün, çalıştırılabilir msconfig (Windows 10) üçün məsul olan əmrdən istifadə edin. Parametrlər panelinə necə daxil olursunuz? Çox sadədir.
Msconfig konfiqurasiya parametrləri (Windows 10): necə daxil edə bilərəm?
Əlbəttə ki, “Explorer”-də qazmaq və müvafiq başlanğıc faylını tapa bilərsiniz. Ancaq vaxt qənaət baxımından bu seçim ən rahat deyil.
En asan yol, “Başlat” düyməsini istifadə edin, “Run” konsoluna bir keçid olduğu əlavə menyunun adını çəkmək üçün sağ basın. Amma bu ən yaxşı yol deyil. Ən yaxşı seçim msconfig əmrinin (Windows 10) təyin olunduğu müvafiq menyunun çağırılmasından məsul olan Win + R qısa yol düymələrini istifadə etməkdir. Bu və ya digər sistemə necə daxil olmağı artıq başa düşür. Ancaq burada bir əhəmiyyətli nöqtəyə diqqət yetirməliyik.
Yalnız bu administrator imtiyazları ilə, bu əmrdən və əsas başlanğıc parametrlərindən istifadə edin. Əks halda, sistem sadəcə onu icra etməyə icazə vermir.
Parametrlərə gəldikdə, ən çox istifadəçilər üçün prioritet sistemi autorun nişanıdır, bu sistemlə başlayan xidmətlər və prosesləri təmin edir və aradan qaldırır. RAM və ya prosessordakı yükü azaltmaq üçün bu xidmətlərin əksəriyyəti sistemə zərər vermədən aradan qaldırıla bilər. Qrafik kartların idarə olunması üçün yalnız əlavə elementlər buraxa bilər, bu da onların işlərini ən optimal şəkildə optimallaşdırmağa imkan verir.
Bundan əlavə, bəzi hallarda, məsələn, təhlükəsiz bir başlanğıc aktivləşdirən və ya lazımsız komponentləri söndürən ilk sekməni istifadə edə bilərsiniz. Windows’un səhvlərini və çökünclərini düzəldərkən eyni təhlükəsiz rejimdə sistemi başlatdığınızda bu lazımlı ola bilər.
Bir anda bir neçə söz
Əlbəttə ki, bu sistemin gözəl tənzimlənməsi üçün bütün imkanlar deyil, yalnız ən əsaslarıdır. Ancaq bu parametrlərin bölməsinə daxil olma məsələsində daha çox maraqlandıq, buna görə də müvafiq bir həll təqdim edilmişdir. Və bu cür ayarların çağırılması üçün klaviatura qısa yollarını istifadə etmək yaxşıdır, ancaq “Run” konsoluna daxil edilmiş digər əmrlər.
Kompüter Sisteminizin Konfiqurasiyasını necə yoxlamaq və dəyişdirmək olar
Kompüter qurulduqda, sistem konfiqurasiya məlumatları kompüterin yaddaşının bir hissəsində, güc kəsildikdə itirilməyəcəyi yerdə saxlanılır. Windows-un zədələnmiş, itkin düşmüş və ya səhv təyin olunmuş proqramları və elementlərinin səbəb olduğu problemlərin mənbələrini axtarmaq üçün Sistem Konfiqurasiya alətindən istifadə edə bilərsiniz.
Windows XP-də sistem konfiqurasiyasına baxın
Sistem ayarlarınıza necə baxacağınıza baxın.
- Çalıştır informasiya qutusunu açmaq üçün Başlat → Çalıştır’ı seçin. Yazın msconfig mətni açın və Tamam düyməsini basın. Yeddi sekməni göstərən Sistem Konfiqurasiya Proqramı informasiya qutusu görünür. Hər nişanda kompüterinizin müxtəlif elementləri üçün parametrlər var.
- Xidmətlər nişanını vurun. Windows-da işləyən cari proqram xidmətlərinin uzun bir siyahısını görürsünüz.
- Başlanğıc nişanını vurun.
Windows XP-də diaqnostik başlanğıc seçin
Sistem Konfiqurasiya Proqramının içərisində soxmaq əlbətdə maraqlıdır, ancaq ciddi diaqnostik vasitə kimi də istifadə edə bilərsiniz.
Çalıştır informasiya qutusunu açmaq üçün Başlat → Çalıştır seçin, yazın msconfig mətni açın və Tamam düyməsini basın. Sistem Konfiqurasiya Proqramı informasiya qutusu görünür.
Vista və Windows 7-də sistem konfiqurasiyasına baxın
Sistem konfiqurasiyasına Vista və Windows 7-də baxmaq Windows XP-dən fərqli:
- Başlat düyməsini vurun və sonra ekranın altındakı Proqramlar və Faylları Axtar (Vista’da Axtarışı Başlat) sahəsinin içinə vurun. Axtarış qutusunun üstündə msconfig proqramı görünür.
- Sistem Konfiqurasiyası informasiya qutusunu göstərmək üçün msconfig düyməsini basın. Vista bir UserAccount Control bildirişini göstərir.
- Xidmətlər, Başlanğıc və Alətlər nişanlarını araşdırın. Bu nişanlar mahiyyət etibarilə Windows XP-də Sistem Konfiqurasiya Proqramı informasiya qutusundakı kimidir. Sistem Konfiqurasiyası informasiya qutusundan itkin, Windows XP-dən .INI nişanları var – bu yəqin ki, yaxşı bir şeydir, çünki bu parametrləri onsuz da dəyişdirməməlisiniz.
- Önyükleme sekmesini vurun. Sistem Konfiqurasiyası informasiya qutusu görünür.
- Ümumi nişanı vurun, Diaqnostik Başlanğıc seçin və sisteminizi minimum yüklənmiş tətbiqlərlə sınamaq üçün Tamam düyməsini basın. Tamamlandıqdan sonra Ümumi sekmesinde Normal Başlanğıc seçin və Tamam düyməsini basın. Normal başlanğıc rejiminə qayıdırsınız və kompüteriniz bütün tətbiqləri aktiv olduqda yenidən başlayır.
Windows 10 and Windows 11 in S mode FAQ
Windows 11 in S mode is a version of Windows 11 that’s streamlined for security and performance, while providing a familiar Windows experience. To increase security, it allows only apps from Microsoft Store, and requires Microsoft Edge for safe browsing.
How do I get Windows 11 in S mode?
Some devices come preinstalled with Windows 11 Home in S mode by the original equipment manufacturer.
If you have Windows 10 Home in S mode and your PC meets the minimum hardware specifications for Windows 11, Windows Update will offer a free upgrade to Windows 11 Home in S mode.
- The upgrade rollout for Windows 11 begins in October 2021 and will continue into 2022. Specific timing will vary by device. After the upgrade has been tested and validated for your specific PC, Windows Update will indicate that it’s ready for installation.
- To check if Windows 11 is ready for your device, go to Settings >Windows Update and select Check for updates. If the upgrade is available for your device and you want to proceed, download and install it.
Windows 11 in S mode is only available in the Windows 11 Home edition. If you have the Pro, Enterprise, or Education editions of Windows 10 in S mode, you will need to permanently switch out of S mode to upgrade to Windows 11.
How do I switch out of S mode?
To increase security and performance, Windows 11 in S mode only runs apps from the Microsoft Store. If you want to install an app that isn’t available in the Microsoft Store, or if you have Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education and want to upgrade to Windows 11, you’ll need to permanently switch out of S mode. There’s no charge to switch out of S mode, but you won’t be able to turn it back on. If you’re blocked from switching and your device belongs to an organization, check with your administrator. Your organization can choose to keep all devices in S mode.
Switching out of S mode in Windows 10:
- On your PC running Windows 10 in S mode, open Settings >Update & Security >Activation.
- Find the Switch to Windows 10 Home or Switch to Windows 10 Pro section, then select the Go to the Store link.
Note: Don’t select the link under Upgrade your edition of Windows. That’s a different process that will keep you in S mode.
Switching out of S mode in Windows 11:
- On your PC running Windows 11 in S mode, open Settings >System >Activation.
- Find the Switch to Windows 11 Pro section, then select the Go to the Store link.
Note: Don’t select the link under Upgrade your edition of Windows. That’s a different process that will keep you in S mode.
How do I switch back to S mode?
Switching out of S mode is one-way. If you switch out of S mode, you’ll need to keep using the standard version of Windows 11.
What kind of processor does Windows 11 in S mode run on?
Windows 11 in S mode can come installed on a PC that has an Intel, AMD, or Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Here’s how to find out what kind of processor your Windows 11 PC is running:
- Select Start , then select Settings >System >About .
- On the About screen, next to Processor, identify whether it says Snapdragon, Intel, or AMD.
What apps can I use on a PC that’s running Windows 11 in S mode?
You can download and install apps from the Microsoft Store in Windows. To find Microsoft Store apps, you must be running Windows 11. To discover which apps are available for your device, select Microsoft Store on the taskbar. If you don’t see the Microsoft Store icon on the taskbar, select Start , type Microsoft Store, then select it in the list of results to open the Store.
Note: If you switch out of S mode, you can install x86 Windows apps that aren’t available in Microsoft Store in Windows.
I bought an app on another Windows 11 PC. Can I use it on my device that’s in S mode?
Apps you bought from Microsoft Store are linked to your Microsoft account. In most cases, if you install an app from Microsoft Store on another Windows 11 PC, you should be able to install it on your PC with Windows 11 in S mode if you sign in with the same Microsoft account.
Unless you switch out of S mode, you’ll only be able to use apps from Microsoft Store on your device. There are important limitations regarding apps and switching out of S mode on Windows 11 Snapdragon devices.
I have a Windows 11 device in S mode. Can I Domain join it to my network?
Domain join is not available in Windows 11 Home in S mode. To enable Azure AD Domain join or On-premise Domain join, switch the device out of S mode and upgrade to Windows 11 Pro or Windows 11 Enterprise.
Can I set Google Chrome or Firefox as my default web browser when I’m using Windows 11 in S mode?
No. When you’re using Windows 11 in S mode, Microsoft Edge is always the default web browser, and Bing is the default search engine. But you can access other browsers and search engines while in S mode. You can download any browser available in Microsoft Store in Windows, and you can navigate to any other search engine website.
If you want to download a browser (or any other application) that’s not in Microsoft Store, you’ll need to permanently switch out of S mode. After you switch, you can then set your default browser and search engine to the one you choose, but you won’t be able to return to S mode again.
Do I need antivirus software while in S mode?
Yes, we recommend all Windows devices use antivirus software. Currently, the only antivirus software known to be compatible with Windows 11 in S mode is the version that comes with it: Windows Defender Security Center. Windows Defender Security Center delivers a robust suite of security features that help keep you safe for the supported lifetime of your Windows 11 device. For more info, see Windows security.
Also note that by exclusively using apps from Microsoft Store and browsing safely with Microsoft Edge, Windows 11 in S mode keeps you running more quickly and securely day in and day out.
If you want to use another antivirus software provider, you can ask if they offer a product that runs on a Windows 11 device in S mode.
Will my printer work with Windows 11 in S mode?
Many hardware accessories and peripherals (such as printers) that work with Windows 11 Home also work with Windows 11 in S mode, though sometimes they only offer limited functionality. For additional info, see Windows 10 in S mode accessory compatibility or contact your accessory manufacturer.
Windows 11 in S mode on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor
What are some benefits of running a Windows 11 PC on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
PCs with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor help you keep working wherever you go. Your PC will:
- Always be connected to the internet. With a cellular data connection, you can be online wherever you get a cellular signal—just like with your mobile phone. When you’re at work, home, or by another Wi-Fi network you trust, you can connect to Wi-Fi to save cellular data and keep working.
- Free you from outlets with a battery life that goes beyond all-day. You’ll use less power than you would with other PCs, so you can go through a typical work or school day without running out of battery or worrying about finding an outlet to plug into. If you want to use the PC for something more fun, you can enjoy up to 20 or more hours of local video playback between battery charges.
- Turn on instantly. When you’re not using your PC, just press the power button like you do on your mobile phone to turn off the screen. When you take out your PC and turn it back on, it turns on instantly. Whenever you have a few minutes in between classes, meetings, or other activities, you can get things done without waiting for your PC to start up.
What limitations should I be aware of when running a Windows 11 PC on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
Whether you’re running Windows 11 in S mode or not, there are some limitations when you run a PC on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor:
- Drivers for hardware, games and apps will only work if they’re designed for a Windows 11 PC running on a Snapdragon processor. For more info, check with the hardware manufacturer or the organization that developed the driver. Drivers are software programs that communicate with hardware devices—they’re commonly used for antivirus and antimalware software, printing or PDF software, assistive technologies, CD and DVD utilities, and virtualization software.
If a driver doesn’t work, the app or hardware that relies on it won’t work either (at least not fully). Whether you’re in S mode or not, peripherals and devices only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows. - Certain games won’t work. Games and apps won’t work if they use a version of OpenGL greater than 1.1, or if they rely on “anti-cheat” drivers. You can check with your game publisher to see if a game will work.
- Apps that customize the Windows experience might have problems. This includes some input method editors (IMEs), assistive technologies, and cloud storage apps. The organization that develops the app determines whether their app will work on a Windows 11 PC running on a Snapdragon processor.
- Third-party antivirus software can’t be installed. You won’t be able to install third-party antivirus software on any edition of Windows 11 running on a Snapdragon processor. However, Windows Defender Security Center will help keep you safe for the supported lifetime of your Windows 11 device.
- Client Hyper-V isn’t supported in S mode. Beginning with Windows 11, this feature is supported on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor when S mode is disabled.
- Windows Fax and Scan isn’t available. This feature isn’t available for any edition of Windows 11 running on a Snapdragon processor.
I use assistive technology—what should I know before buying a PC that’s running Windows 11 in S mode on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
Windows 11 in S mode provides built-in accessibility features that help you do more on your device. You can also find assistive technology apps in Microsoft Store in Windows, such as the KNFB Reader and the Read&Write extension for Microsoft Edge—and we’re working to offer more apps soon.
You can check Microsoft Store to see if your preferred assistive technology apps are available for a PC running in S mode.
If they aren’t available, you can permanently switch out of S mode to use non-Microsoft Store apps. For more info, see Using Windows 10 in S mode with assistive technology: FAQ. You may want to check with the vendor to find out if their application is compatible with Windows 11 running on a Snapdragon processor. Not all assistive technology apps work as expected, even if you switch out of S mode.
If you use a screen reader, NVDA has updated their app to be compatible with Windows 11 on a Snapdragon processor. For more info, visit the NV Access website.
Note: Switching out of S mode is one-way. If you make the switch, you won’t be able to go back to S mode. To learn more, see How do I switch out of S mode?
I want to use Windows programs that aren’t in Microsoft Store. Can I run them on my PC that has a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
If you switch out of S mode, you can install x86 Windows apps that aren’t available in Microsoft Store in Windows. If you make this switch, it’s permanent. Also, even if you aren’t in S mode, peripherals and devices will only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows 11. It’s a good idea to check whether the hardware developer has published a version of the driver that runs on a Windows 11 device with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Note that switching out of S mode is one-way. If you make the switch, you won’t be able to go back to S mode on that device.
What do I need to get an LTE cellular data connection?
Every Windows 11 PC running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor can connect to a cellular data network, whether or not it’s S mode enabled. This lets you get online wherever you have a cellular signal. Depending on your PC manufacturer, your PC might use a physical SIM card or an embedded SIM (eSIM).
To find out whether your PC uses a SIM card or eSIM:
- Select Start , then select Settings >Network & Internet >Cellular.
- Determine the type of SIM your PC uses. On the Cellular screen, look for a link near the bottom of the page that says Manage eSIM profiles.
- If you see the link, your PC has an eSIM and you’ll need a data plan and an eSIM profile from your mobile operator or organization. For more info, see Use an eSIM to get a cellular data connection on your Windows PC.
- If you don’t see the link, your PC uses a physical SIM card. You’ll need a data plan and a SIM card from your mobile operator. To learn how to get connected after that, see Cellular settings in Windows.
To see if your device will work, check the hardware manufacturer’s website or your mobile operator’s website.
You can also buy prepaid cellular data plans through Microsoft Store. For more information about how to buy a plan, see Add your Windows PC to your mobile account to get online.
I have an older Windows RT PC. Can I update it to run Windows 11 in S mode?
No, you won’t be able to update to Windows 11 in S mode because it’s a different type of system. Windows RT is based on the ARM32 architecture, but a Windows 11 PC running on a Snapdragon processor is based on the ARM64 architecture.
Windows 11 in S mode on an Intel or AMD processor
Which apps and hardware work with Windows 11 in S mode?
Windows 11 in S mode only works with compatible apps from Microsoft Store. Most apps in Microsoft Store work the same for devices whether they’re in S mode or not. Note that some developer tools won’t be supported on Windows 11 in S mode, and a small number of apps with known compatibility issues will list the issues in the app’s product detail page in Microsoft Store.
Many hardware accessories and peripherals (such as printers) that work with Windows 11 will also work with Windows 11 in S mode, but might have limited functionality. See Windows 10 in S mode Accessory Compatibility for more info on Microsoft hardware accessories, and for links to contact third parties if you have questions about using their accessories with Windows 11 in S mode. If you don’t find information on a specific model, check with your accessory manufacturer.
What if I need to use an app that’s not compatible with Windows 11 in S mode?
If you try to use an app that’s not in Microsoft Store, you’ll get a reminder that the app isn’t an option when you’re using Windows 11 in S mode. We’ll often suggest a category of similar apps or a specific app that’s already available in Microsoft Store. Note that some developer tools won’t be supported on Windows 11 in S mode, and a small number of apps with known compatibility issues will list the issues in the app’s product detail page in Microsoft Store. If you still want to download an application that’s not in Microsoft Store or has compatibility issues, you can switch out of S mode, but you won’t be able to switch back again.
How will I know if an app or device becomes compatible?
The number of compatible apps and devices will continue to grow. For the most up-to-date information, you can always check back at this website, at Microsoft Store in Windows, or with the hardware or software manufacturer. If you absolutely need to use an app or device that’s not compatible, it’s easy to switch out of S mode—you just won’t be able to switch back. For more info, see How do I switch out of S mode?
If I use assistive technology, what should I consider before buying a device with Windows 11 in S mode?
Windows provides a number of built-in accessibility features to help you do more. There are great apps available today through Microsoft Store in Windows, such as the KNFB Reader and the Read&Write extension for Microsoft Edge.
If you need to use assistive technology apps that aren’t available through Microsoft Store, and aren’t downloadable on a Windows 11 device in S mode, you’ll need to switch out of S mode and you won’t be able to switch back.
About Windows 10 in S mode
Windows 10 in S mode is a version of Windows 10 that’s streamlined for security and performance, while providing a familiar Windows experience. To increase security, it allows only apps from Microsoft Store, and requires Microsoft Edge for safe browsing.
How do I get Windows 10 in S mode?
Some devices come preinstalled with Windows 10 in S mode by the original equipment manufacturer.
If I have Windows 10 in S mode, can I upgrade to Windows 11 and what edition would I have after I upgrade?
When you upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11, the upgrade will attempt to install the same edition in Windows 11 as you have on your Windows 10 device. If you have Windows 10 Home in S mode and your PC meets the minimum hardware specifications for Windows 11, you can upgrade to Windows 11 Home in S mode.
Windows 11 in S mode is only available in the Windows 11 Home edition. If you have the Pro, Enterprise, or Education editions of Windows 10 in S mode, Windows Update will not offer Windows 11 because S mode is not available in those editions of Windows 11. Therefore, if you have the Pro, Enterprise or Education editions of Windows 10 in S mode, you’ll need to switch out of S mode to upgrade to Windows 11.
- The upgrade rollout for Windows 11 begins in October 2021 and will continue into 2022. Specific timing will vary by device. After the upgrade has been tested and validated for your specific PC, Windows Update will indicate that it’s ready for installation.
- To check if Windows 11 is ready for your device, go to Settings >Windows Update and select Check for updates. If the upgrade is available for your device and you want to proceed, download and install it.
How do I switch out of S mode?
To increase security and performance, Windows 10 in S mode runs only apps from Microsoft Store. If you want to install an app that isn’t available in Microsoft Store, you’ll need to permanently switch out of S mode. There’s no charge to switch out of S mode, but you won’t be able to turn it back on. If you’re blocked from switching and your device belongs to an organization, check with your administrator. Your organization can choose to keep all devices in S mode.
- On your PC running Windows 10 in S mode, open Settings >Update & Security >Activation.
- Find the Switch to Windows 10 Home or Switch to Windows 10 Pro section, then select the Go to the Store link.
Note: Don’t select the link under Upgrade your edition of Windows. That’s a different process that will keep you in S mode.
- You can find important info in What limitations should I be aware of when using a PC running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
- For info about the commercial versions, see Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise in S mode.
- For info about the education versions, see Switch to Windows 10 Pro Education from Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Pro in S mode for Education.
How do I switch back to S mode?
Switching out of S mode is one-way. If you switch out of S mode, you’ll need to keep using the standard version of Windows 10.
How did Windows 10 S change with the release of the April 2018 Update for Windows 10?
With the April 2018 Update, Windows 10 S became a mode of Windows 10 (called “S mode”). It’s now available in Windows 10 Home edition, Windows 10 Pro, and Windows 10 Pro Education—and you can buy new PCs with an edition of the S mode preinstalled.
If you have an existing Windows 10 S device and you install the April 2018 Update or later, you’ll have a Windows 10 Pro device in S mode.
What kind of processor does Windows 10 in S mode run on?
Windows 10 in S mode can come installed on a PC that has an Intel, AMD, or Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Here’s how to find out what kind of processor your Windows 10 PC is running:
- Select Start , then select Settings >System >About .
- On the About screen, next to Processor, identify whether it says Snapdragon, Intel, or AMD.
For details about processors, see the sections for:
- Windows 10 in S mode on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor
- Windows 10 in S mode on Intel or AMD processor
What apps can I use on a PC that’s running Windows 10 in S mode?
You can download and install apps from Microsoft Store in Windows. To find Microsoft Store apps, you must be in Windows 10. To discover which apps are available for your device, select Microsoft Store on the taskbar. If you don’t see the Microsoft Store icon on the taskbar, select Start , type Microsoft Store, then select it in the list of results to open the Store.
Note: If you switch out of S mode, you can install 32-bit (x86) Windows apps that aren’t available in Microsoft Store in Windows. If you make this switch, it’s permanent, and 64-bit (x64) apps still won’t run.
I bought an app on another Windows 10 PC. Can I use it on my device that’s in S mode?
Apps you bought from Microsoft Store are linked to your Microsoft account. In most cases, if you install an app from Microsoft Store on another Windows 10 PC, you should be able to install it on your PC with Windows 10 in S mode if you sign in with the same Microsoft account.
Unless you switch out of S mode, you’ll only be able to use apps from Microsoft Store on your device. There are important limitations regarding apps and switching out of S mode on Windows 10 Snapdragon devices.
I have a Windows 10 device in S mode. Can I Domain join it to my network?
It depends on the type of Domain join you use and which edition of Windows 10 your device is running.
- Azure AD Domain join is available for Windows 10 Pro in S mode and Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode. It’s not available in Windows 10 Home in S mode.
- On-premise Domain join is not available in S mode (for any edition of Windows). To enable On-premise Domain join, switch the device out of S mode and run a Windows edition that includes the Domain join feature (Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Enterprise). For example, if your device was running Windows 10 Home in S mode, you’d need to switch out of S mode and upgrade to Windows 10 Pro to use On-premise Domain join.
Can I set Google Chrome or Firefox as my default web browser when I’m using Windows 10 in S mode?
No. When you’re using Windows 10 in S mode, Microsoft Edge is always the default web browser, and Bing is the default search engine. But you can access other browsers and search engines while in S mode. You can download any browser available in Microsoft Store in Windows, and you can navigate to any other search engine website.
If you want to download a browser (or any other application) that’s not in Microsoft Store, you’ll need to permanently switch out of S mode. After you switch, you can then set your default browser and search engine to the one you choose, but you won’t be able to return to S mode again.
Note: If your PC is running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, and you switch out of S mode, you’ll need to install the 32-bit (x86) version of the browser. 64-bit (x64) apps won’t run on a Windows 10 PC with a Snapdragon processor.
Do I need antivirus software while in S mode?
Yes, we recommend all Windows devices use antivirus software. Currently, the only antivirus software known to be compatible with Windows 10 in S mode is the version that comes with it: Windows Defender Security Center. Windows Defender Security Center delivers a robust suite of security features that help keep you safe for the supported lifetime of your Windows 10 device. For more info, see Windows 10 security.
Also note that by exclusively using apps from Microsoft Store and browsing safely with Microsoft Edge, Windows 10 in S mode keeps you running more quickly and securely day in and day out.
If you want to use another antivirus software provider, you can ask if they offer a product that runs on a Windows 10 device in S mode.
Will my printer work with Windows 10 in S mode?
Many hardware accessories and peripherals (such as printers) that work with Windows 10 Home and Pro also work with Windows 10 in S mode, though sometimes they only offer limited functionality. For additional info, see Windows 10 in S mode accessory compatibility or contact your accessory manufacturer.
Windows 10 in S mode on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor
What are some benefits of running a Windows 10 PC on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
PCs with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor help you keep working wherever you go. Your PC will:
- Always be connected to the internet. With a cellular data connection, you can be online wherever you get a cellular signal—just like with your mobile phone. When you’re at work, home, or by another Wi-Fi network you trust, you can connect to Wi-Fi to save cellular data and keep working.
- Free you from outlets with a battery life that goes beyond all-day. You’ll use less power than you would with other PCs, so you can go through a typical work or school day without running out of battery or worrying about finding an outlet to plug into. If you want to use the PC for something more fun, you can enjoy up to 20 or more hours of local video playback between battery charges.
- Turn on instantly. When you’re not using your PC, just press the power button like you do on your mobile phone to turn off the screen. When you take out your PC and turn it back on, it turns on instantly. Whenever you have a few minutes in between classes, meetings, or other activities, you can get things done without waiting for your PC to start up.
What limitations should I be aware of when running a Windows 10 PC on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
Whether you’re running Windows 10 in S mode or not, there are some limitations when you run a PC on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor:
- Drivers for hardware, games and apps will only work if they’re designed for a Windows 10 PC running on a Snapdragon processor. For more info, check with the hardware manufacturer or the organization that developed the driver. Drivers are software programs that communicate with hardware devices—they’re commonly used for antivirus and antimalware software, printing or PDF software, assistive technologies, CD and DVD utilities, and virtualization software.
If a driver doesn’t work, the app or hardware that relies on it won’t work either (at least not fully). Whether you’re in S mode or not, peripherals and devices only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows. - 64-bit (x64) apps won’t work. You’ll need 64-bit (ARM64) apps, 32-bit (ARM32) apps, or 32-bit (x86) apps. You can usually find 32-bit (x86) versions of apps, but some app developers only offer 64-bit (x64) apps.
Note: 32-bit (x86) apps might run more slowly than they would on a PC device that has an Intel or AMD processor.
I use assistive technology—what should I know before buying a PC that’s running Windows 10 in S mode on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
Windows 10 in S mode provides built-in accessibility features that help you do more on your device. You can also find assistive technology apps in Microsoft Store in Windows, such as the KNFB Reader and the Read&Write extension for Microsoft Edge—and we’re working to offer more apps soon.
You can check Microsoft Store to see if your preferred assistive technology apps are available for a PC running in S mode.
If they aren’t available, you can permanently switch out of S mode to use non-Microsoft Store apps. For more info, see Using Windows 10 in S mode with assistive technology: FAQ. You may want to check with the vendor to find out if their application is compatible with Windows 10 running on a Snapdragon processor. Not all assistive technology apps work as expected, even if you switch out of S mode.
If you use a screen reader, NVDA has updated their app to be compatible with Windows 10 on a Snapdragon processor. For more info, visit the NV Access website.
Note: Switching out of S mode is one-way. If you make the switch, you won’t be able to go back to S mode. To learn more, see How do I switch out of S mode?
I want to use Windows programs that aren’t in Microsoft Store. Can I run them on my PC that has a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor?
If you switch out of S mode, you can install 32-bit (x86) Windows apps that aren’t available in Microsoft Store in Windows. If you make this switch, it’s permanent, and 64-bit (x64) apps still won’t run. Also, even if you aren’t in S mode, peripherals and devices will only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows 10. It’s a good idea to check whether the hardware developer has published a version of the driver that runs on a Windows 10 device with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Note that switching out of S mode is one-way. If you make the switch, you won’t be able to go back to S mode on that device.
What do I need to get an LTE cellular data connection?
Every Windows 10 PC running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor can connect to a cellular data network, whether or not it’s S mode enabled. This lets you get online wherever you have a cellular signal. Depending on your PC manufacturer, your PC might use a physical SIM card or an embedded SIM (eSIM).
To find out whether your PC uses a SIM card or eSIM:
- Select Start , then select Settings >Network & Internet >Cellular.
- Determine the type of SIM your PC uses. On the Cellular screen, look for a link near the bottom of the page that says Manage eSIM profiles.
- If you see the link, your PC has an eSIM and you’ll need a data plan and an eSIM profile from your mobile operator or organization. For more info, see Use an eSIM to get a cellular data connection on your Windows PC.
- If you don’t see the link, your PC uses a physical SIM card. You’ll need a data plan and a SIM card from your mobile operator. To learn how to get connected after that, see Cellular settings in Windows.
To see if your device will work, check the hardware manufacturer’s website or your mobile operator’s website.
You can also buy prepaid cellular data plans through Microsoft Store. For more information about how to buy a plan, see Add your Windows PC to your mobile account to get online.
I have an older Windows RT PC. Can I update it to run Windows 10 in S mode?
No, you won’t be able to update to Windows 10 in S mode because it’s a different type of system. Windows RT is based on the ARM32 architecture, but a Windows 10 PC running on a Snapdragon processor is based on the ARM64 architecture.
Windows 10 in S mode on an Intel or AMD processor
Which apps and hardware work with Windows 10 in S mode?
Windows 10 in S mode only works with compatible apps from Microsoft Store. Most apps in Microsoft Store work the same for devices whether they’re in S mode or not. Note that some developer tools won’t be supported on Windows 10 in S mode, and a small number of apps with known compatibility issues will list the issues in the app’s product detail page in Microsoft Store.
Many hardware accessories and peripherals (such as printers) that work with Windows 10 will also work with Windows 10 in S mode, but might have limited functionality. See Windows 10 in S mode Accessory Compatibility for more info on Microsoft hardware accessories, and for links to contact third parties if you have questions about using their accessories with Windows 10 in S mode. If you don’t find information on a specific model, check with your accessory manufacturer.
I’m an education customer. Can I test Windows 10 in S mode on an existing device?
Yes, education customers can test Windows 10 in S mode on an existing Windows 10 device. This offer is for technical users, so please see the important pre-installation information at docs.microsoft.com/education.
What if I need to use an app that’s not compatible with Windows 10 in S mode?
If you try to use an app that’s not in Microsoft Store, you’ll get a reminder that the app isn’t an option when you’re using Windows 10 in S mode. We’ll often suggest a category of similar apps or a specific app that’s already available in Microsoft Store. Note that some developer tools won’t be supported on Windows 10 in S mode, and a small number of apps with known compatibility issues will list the issues in the app’s product detail page in Microsoft Store. If you still want to download an application that’s not in Microsoft Store or has compatibility issues, you can switch out of S mode, but you won’t be able to switch back again.
How will I know if an app or device becomes compatible?
The number of compatible apps and devices will continue to grow. For the most up-to-date information, you can always check back at this website, at Microsoft Store in Windows, or with the hardware or software manufacturer. If you absolutely need to use an app or device that’s not compatible, it’s easy to switch out of S mode—you just won’t be able to switch back. For more info, see How do I switch out of S mode?
If I use assistive technology, what should I consider before buying a device with Windows 10 in S mode?
Windows provides a number of built-in accessibility features to help you do more. There are great apps available today through Microsoft Store in Windows, such as the KNFB Reader and the Read&Write extension for Microsoft Edge.
If you need to use assistive technology apps that aren’t available through Microsoft Store, and aren’t downloadable on a Windows 10 device in S mode, you’ll need to switch out of S mode and you won’t be able to switch back.
About Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode
What is Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode?
Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode is a subscription that provides additional options for your compatible device. You’ll get:
- Management of Microsoft Store access
- Management of consumer experiences
- Management of Cortana
- Health analytics
- Telemetry controls
- App Guard
- Credential Guard
How do I get Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode?
You get Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode the same way you would get Windows 10 Enterprise. To install it, you’ll need the right volume license agreement and existing qualifying devices that are already enabled in S mode. Or you can work with the manufacturer or partner to get it installed when you buy a new device.
Can I switch out of S mode on Windows 10 Enterprise?
Yes. If your device is running Windows 10 Enterprise in S mode and you choose to switch out of S mode, your device will be running Windows 10 Enterprise. If you switch, you won’t be able to get back into S mode again. To learn more, see How do I switch out of S mode?
About Windows 10 Education in S mode
What is Windows 10 Education in S mode?
Windows 10 Education in S mode is designed to give schools the familiar, robust, and productive features they expect from Windows, in an experience that’s streamlined for security and performance in the classroom. It has many of the Windows 10 Education features that you know today, but we made some changes so you could have a more secure experience, with better performance.
How do I get Windows 10 Education in S mode?
You get Windows 10 Education in S mode the same way you would get Windows 10 Education. To install it, you’ll need the right volume license agreement and devices that are already enabled in S mode. Or you can work with the manufacturer or partner to get it installed when you buy a new device.
Can I switch out of S mode on Windows 10 Education?
Yes. If your device is running Windows 10 Education in S mode and you choose to switch out of S mode, your device will then be running Windows 10 Education. If you switch, you won’t be able to get back into S mode again. To learn more, see How do I switch out of S mode?
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